
Asp.Net Membership Password Resets without symbols

Hello, I'm using the Membership Provider in an application. I'm also using the "out of the box" asp:PasswordRecovery control. My client is complaining that the new passwords being issued are too complicated. e.g. }>;-(hYrS^OTfY Are there any small tweaks I can make so the new passwords only contain letters and numbers? thanks...

ASP.NET - Membership and roles

How to get user roles from Membership provider? Suppose I have a username and his/her password and now I need to retrieve his/her assigned Roles. How can I do that? ...

Is it worth using ASP.NET's membership/role provider model if you're doing a completely homebaked implementation?

I'm working on a website that will be using Facebook Connect to authenticate users. We also have some database structure on the backend to associate users via their Facebook user id to various groups and roles. In short, the requirements for the project don't really have a lot of crossover with the functionality defined by ASP.NET's mem...

What is wrong with my Membership ValidateUser request? (using ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider)

Are there any simple diagnostics I can run to determine why authentication is not working with the ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider provider? My problem: I have a web site (we shall call it the "Authenticator" web site) hosted on Server A that is configured to use the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider provider for both Membership ...

PHP Authentication with monthly billing

A startup client of mine is looking to launch a SaaS with multiple features/options that would increase/decrease monthly billing. The simplest solution would be best. ...

ProfileProvider: retrieve list of all profiles

I'm developing an intranet website with a ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and a SqlProfileProvider. One of the requirements of my website is to have a "Birthdays" page, which would require me to list all profiles and retrieving the birthday information from it. I approached the problem as follows: Invoke the Membership.GetA...

Web Site Administration Tool: Unable to connect to SQL Server database

I'm using Visual Studio 2008, MS SQL server 2008 Express SQL server: zeroonea\SQL2008EXPRESS i'm create a webproject, made a dbtest.mdf in App_Data, made some tables, use aspnet_regsql to create membership tables in there, everything work fine. my connection string in web.config: <connectionStrings> <add name="dbtestConnectionS...

Common Membership Algorithm

People can belong to one or many groups. What is a good algorithm to output common memberships? ie, Persons A and B are in Groups C, D, and E ... etc My preferred language would be Ruby (or maybe Python), but any code or pseudocode would be greatly appreciated. ...

how to use Profile.GetProfile() in a library class?

I cant figure out how to use 'Profile.GetProfile()' method in a library class. I tried using this method in a Page.aspx.cs and it worked perfectly. How can I make a method that works in the page.aspx.cs, work in the class library. ... Login Status Question: It Aint Working

I'm starting to use Role Management in my website, and I'm current following along on the tutorial from . I'm having a problem with the asp:LoginStatus control. It is not telling me that I am currently logged in after a successful login. This can't be true because after successfu...

PHP Links to User Profiles After Membership

Hello, I already have written a login and register script. The user can login to their account edit their details etc. The details are stored in a users table which has many different data properties related to the user. I was wondering, how do I make it so they can view their profile and it shows all the data they input. For example, i...

Flash .Net tie-in

I'd like to have placeholders in an .swf file that I can populate with information from .Net Membership information. Is this possible? ...

Setting Membership Store Passwords

I'm migrating an application from ColdFusion to ASP.Net MVC and have a little problem I cannot seem to get my head around. The original application stores user's passwords in a MD5 hash format with no salt in the database. I'm using the ASP.Net membership store and would like to allow for as seamless a transition for the existing users...

Create Web User Accounting System

I want to create a user accounting system for a web site that would allow people to create accounts and can then log in and log out. Could someone point me to a tutorial on the matter. Thanks. ...

Any good .net membership user / group management controls?

I'm looking for any decent .Net membership components which can take the membership prodvider settings from the web.config and display the users / groups on an ASP .Net web page. I have a client requirement to be able to update / create / delete users as well as add / remove them from groups. There must be a decent control set out there...

Hashed passwords and PasswordRecovery control

Hi 1) firstUser was created when membership module had requiresQuestionAndAnswer set to false, while secondUser was created when requiresQuestionAndAnswer was set to true. If we try to recover pwd via PasswordRecovery PR control and we set requiresQuestionAndAnswer to true, then PR doesn’t email password to firstUser, but it does t...

How can I customize the AccountController/Register User action to add data to custom fields?

I think what I'm after doing is adding a couple of fields to aspnet_Users such as RealName and avatar for example, however, I want to insert values into these fields on user creation. I have changed the name of the action to Create as opposed to register as users are created via an Admin CP. I have assumed that this is the Action I nee...

Trying to find getAdminStatus method

Hi, The SuperAdmin page in my web application has a method call to getAdminStatus() but I cannot find any occurences of this method when searching the entire solution. Is this method part of the .net 2.0 framework. <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="admin" Text="<%= getAdminStatus() %>"></asp:Label> </ItemTempla...

Is there a way to update the PasswordAnswer when using the ASP.NET 2.0 Membership API?

Is there a way to update the PasswordAnswer when using the ASP.NET 2.0 Membership API? I want to be clear, I'm not trying to change the password, but rather I'm trying the give the user the option to update the Security Question and Security Answer they specified when enrolling. ...

What's ASP.NET MembershipProvider applicattionName attribute works for?

Hello everyone! Its my first time asking here, i hope get help, and meanwhile, help you ppl too =) My question is very simple: What is the point of the applicationName attribute in the Membership Provider tables in ASP.NET? I was thinking of implementing my own membership provider, but taking that attribute out. Is there anything wro...