
jquery ajax with memcache and php objects

Hi hope I'll be able to explain my needs clearly... :) . I have a HTML document generated by a PHP script that contains some objects stored in memcache. The PHP script uses these objects to populate the HTML elements and create a structure like this: //$day is an array of objects pulled from memcache <ul id="day"> <?php foreach($day ...

is there a Memcached equivalent written in c# ?

is there a Memcached equivalent written in c# ? open source maybe ? ...

enyim and memcached : NOT_STORED errors

We are using memcached 1.2.4 via enyim and are finding it difficult to get some objects to cache. If I watch the memcache console it just says 'NOT_STORED'. I think we need to use [serializable] but that doesnt always work. I cant find any documentation or relevant google hits. Any one here got any clues? Thanks ...

Where can I find documentation for enyim and memcached?

Where can I find a complete documentation for enyim and memcached? ...

Memcached crashing under moderate load

When running memcached, after a few minutes of use it starts throwing the following errors and memcache stops responding. mcm_server_connect_next_avail():2328 I have searched the Google, and it seems many people are having this issue, but the only solution I have found was 'restart the server'. Anyone have any insight? ...

Pylons and Memcached

Anyone happen to use this combination in their web application? I'm having a bit of trouble finding some sort of tutorial or guideline for configuring this. Also seeing as how I started using Pylons recently I'm not familiar so please keep the advice very newbie friendly ( I haven't even used modules like Beaker all that much ). I'm usi...

Are there really any production issues in using memcached in Windows?

I'm currently testing Memcached in a Windows machine and we are planning to use it in production while Microsoft Velocity is still in CTP. It is running well so I believe that Memcached for Windows will do well when our site is already in production. I'm reading some blogs pertaining to this issue and some of them just mentioned that i...

sphinx is returning stale results

Environment: Memcached, Rails 2.2.2 + cache_money, Sphinx + thinking sphinx The following yields stale results: - add a record; mysql contains the correct data - the record is probably cached in memory at this point - re-index sphinx - sphinx returns the proper result with the correct data - edit the record - the cache is invalidated p...

Can the memcached 1.4.2 binary for Windows from NorthScale Labs installed as a service?

Can the memcached version 1.4.2 binary for Win32 from NorthScaleLabs installed as a Windows service? ...

Memcached/Microsoft Velocity Performance Question

Just a random query regarding Microsoft Velocity. Scenario: Say I want ALL Orders from my database. In SQL, this is fine, I can do SELECT OrderId,TotalCost... from Orders. This is one round trip to my database, and everyone is happy. Now, if I'm using Memcached or (as I'm using now) Microsoft Velocity (CTP3), there is no easy way to do...

can't install memcache php module

Hi, i'm trying to install memcache module from Im using xampp in ubuntu (lampp) with php 5.3. After download the extension, I run phpize, make and make install, then I add in my php.ini but when I restart xampp the following message appears: Warning: PHP Startup: memcache:...

Distributed caching on 64-bit Windows machines

Are there any production-ready distributed caching mechanisms like memcached that can be used in a Windows 64-bit environment? From what I've seen, memcached is run on linux machines in production environments, however I don't have control over the fact that we will be using 64-bit Windows machines. Additional requirements include for ...

Memcached Writes Extremely Slow

I'm running memcached on ec2 instances and in some cases am seeing extremely slow writes (10s) for small amounts of data. I'm using memcache-client from rails on the client side. Has anyone seen this type of behavior from memcached before? ...

Is there a big performance hit with using file_store for storing the cache as opposed to mem_cache_store?

I don't think I'm at the point where I need to go through and get memcached setup for my Rails app, but I would like to do some simple caching on a few things. Is using file_store for as the config.cache_store setting sufficient enough? Or will having to access files for data over and over kill the benefit of caching in the first place ...

How do I cache a find in a controller using memcache?

I have this method in a controller: def article_info if @article = Article.find_by_permalink(params[:permalink]) @title = @article.title @description = @article.excerpt @body = @article.body else render_404 end end I ultimately want to cache the results of Article.find_by_permalink so that query isn't executed ev...

Software/system to serve large quantities of images?

At our peak hour we need to serve around 250/rps. What we're doing is accepting a url for an image, pulling the image out of memcache, and returning it via Apache. Our currently system is a dual-core machine with 4GB of memory: 2GB for the images in memcache and 2GB for Apache; but we're seeing a very high load (20-30) during our peak ...

Transfer table to Memcache

Hi, I have a large table and I'd like to store the results in Memcache. I have Memcache set up on my server but there doesn't seem to be any useful documentation (that I can find) on how to efficiently transfer large amounts of data. The only way that I currently can think of is to write a mysql query that grabs the key and value of th...

Number of memcache connections never drops, keeps growing

We've set up three memcache servers for our web application. Two are doing fine, handling tens of thousands of reads and writes, all while maintaining no more than 12 connections each (according to memcache-top). We have a third memcache server which is responsible for storing administrative client session data (using PHPs built in me...

Memcache vs APC for a single server site data caching

I have a single server site thats pushing 200k unqiues per day, and the traffic doubles roughly every 40 days (for the last 5 months anyway). I pretty much only plan to cache the output of mysql_query functions for an hour or so. If cache is older than that, run query, put result back into the cache for another hour. My mysql DB is ab...

How would I do this in php?

I'm implementing a memcache to cache mysql query results. It loops thru the mysql results using while($rowP3= mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { or it loops thru the memcached results (if they are saved in memcache, and not expired) via foreach($cch_active_users_final as $rowP3) { This is probably something thats really obvious... b...