
Memcached and Sharding

I'm new to both memcached & sharding. I gone though some articles on both. I need to implement both in my application. Articles I'd gone through were good but none of them gave me how to use these technologies. Anyone who can suggest me the links from which I can actually configure them and run the samples. I want to implement memca...

memcache loadbalance/failover plan

I wanna know if there is any loadbalance/failover plan for memcache. I'm using JAVA client. I knew some client implementions can talk with multi memcache servers, but how about loadbalance? ...

Can I use APC AND memcached on the same server ?

I am using memcache for cacheing objects, but would like to add in addition an opcode accelerator like APC. Since they both involve cacheing, I am not sure if they will be "stepping on each others toes", i.e. I am not sure if memcache is already an OP code accelerator. Can someone clarify? I would like to use them both - bit for differ...

Example Code for MemCached in C

I am looking for some sample C code for using memcache to set a value Connecting to Server/Port using multiple memcache_set Close I have the app running in PHP in 5 lines of code but can not find any good memcache samples in C which I need to port to. ...

Are .NET memcache libraries production ready?

Seeing all the UNIX guys have memcache (PHP, Python, etc.), are the .NET libraries stress tested and equally efficient? (or more?) ...

Storing comments in memcache. Any known strategies?

Hello, do you have any ideas of how to store comments in memcache? Let's imagine that I'm having image with a lot of comments for it. All comments are separated in pages. User can define number of comments per page in his profile. How should I store comments in memecache? Should I store all comment's IDs in one memcache key or should ...

How can I have Google App Engine clear memcache every time a site is deployed?

The title asks it all. The content on the site I'm building wont change very quickly at all and so Memcache could potentially store data for months except for when I put up an update. Is there a way to make it clear the cache every time I deploy the site? I'm using the Python runtime. Update 1 Using jldupont's answer I put the followin...

Configuring LAMP Environment in Linux Mint using XAMPP- installing Memcache

Hi, Okies, I have successfully installed the XAMPP and added virtual hosts and am able to make database calls and stuff. The problem I am facing is while trying to enable the memcache module. Currently trying to configure using these links.

Error when starting Memcached: failed to listen

I have run Memcached on my Server for 2 month. Yesterday it stopped working. No idea why. So I tried: root@xyz:~# killall memcached root@xyz:~# /etc/init.d/memcached stop Stopping memcached: memcached. root@xyz:~# memcached -d -m 128 -l -p 11211 -vv -u www-data bind(): Address already in use failed to listen root@xyz:~# memcac...

Tokyo Cabinet cluster and PHP (via memcache)

I have 2 servers running tokyo cabinet in a cluster (2 hard drives so 4 instances of Tokyo Cabinet). if it's just one instance of tokyo cabinet it's fairly straight forward to use php memcache protocol to communicate. My question is how do you connect php if it's cluster? Option 1: $memcache->connect('memcache_host', 11211); Using thi...

Memcached Provider for NHibernate not working

I've been at this for days. I have configure my web/app config to use the second level cache with a Memcached server and the provider from NHContrib. I don't get any exceptions yet in testing I see that it does not use the cache for my queries that I have set cacheable = true. If I switch the provider to the NHibernate.Cache.HashtableCac...

which django cache backend to use?

I been using cmemcache + memcache for a while with positive results. However cmemcache lately not tagging along well and I also found that it's now recommended. I have now installed python-memcached and its working well. As I have decided to change would like to try some other cache back end any recommendation. I have also came across...

What system to use for a key-value cache on a single server

I'm implementing a PHP script which will need some caching capabilities. I'm trying to determine which caching strategy to use for user data assuming that the script is running on a single server. I'm probably looking at about 50k different keys. The data for each key is not very big - in most cases less than 5kb. I have implemented a ...

php: cookie based sessions

does any body have any info/links as to how to integrate a cookie based session system? i've used file/mysql, and am currently using memcached. i wanted to play with apc sessions, but thought i'd give a go at cookies, only i don't know much about it. i imagine i'd have to write my own session handler class? ...

Is ulimit needed launching memcached with -c?

If launching as root like this: memcached -c 5000 ... do I need my startup script to look like this: ulimit -n 5000 memcached -c 5000 ... Or will memcached set the max open files automatically? ...

Distributed caching systems and how they distribute data

I'm looking for information on things like ehcache and other alternatives to memcached for a project that will likely involve 3-4 webservers and something like 2-10 million distributed objects that need to be available to all servers. Specifically, I'm trying to understand how other systems distribute data, whether or not memcached is u...

C++ api for memcache

I need to acccess memcache from my C++ application. In oerder to avoid reinventing the engine, I have been searching for existing libraries. Suprisingly, there are very few of them around (for the most part, interfacing is done in C not C++). However, I have found two - both of which have very early version numbers, and appear to be "de...

jruby rails memcached unmarshalling error with java classes

I have a rails app that is communicating with some java services over JMS. I'm caching a few of these objects in memcached on the rails side like so: @my_objects = MEMCACHE["some_key"] || @service.retrieve_objects MEMCACHE.set("some_key",@my_objects) if MEMCACHE["some_key"].nil? where MEMCACHE is MEMCACHE =['localhost'...

Implementation for query caching

I need to implement cache for SQL queries. Say we have "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table1 WHERE aa>1 and bb=12;" -- we want it to be cached. Also, it may be "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table1 WHERE aa>25 and bb=11;" And can be "SELECT id,aa,bb FROM table2;" of course. Not a big deal -- what really is a question is how to expire cache values better...

Web Application Caching Architecture

I am designing a website implementation. There are two web server machines and we would like out-of-process global cache provided by Memcached. I envisage placing memcached on two separate boxes whose sole purpose is to serve the global data cache. Would such an implementation be considered "typical" and would the term "cache server" be...