
Apache is "Unable to initialize module" because of module's and PHP's API don't match

php -v gives this PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613 PHP compiled with module API=20090626 These options need to match in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613 PHP compiled wi...

Why would memcached refuse to store data with some keys ?

Hello, I use the memcache extension for python, and I have a very strange problem. Memcached refuses to store the exact same data with some keys, and succeeds in caching some others. >>> import memcache >>> conn = memcache.Client('', debug=0) >>> conn.set('138b9c95d693760840aab85ee5591d2', 'test'); True >>> conn.set('138...

'memcache-client' problem - app can't load the gem

Hi all - i'm trying to get memcached and the Interlock plugin working with a new rails app. The weird thing is that they both work fine in another app on the same machine and i can't figure out the difference that's stopping this app. The new app is rails 2.3.4 and the old one is 2.2.2 in case that's a factor. When the app starts, i...

Rails ActionCaching with Memcached fragment hit but action gets called anyway

Hi stackoverflow. I'm running into something strange. I'm using memcached with a caches_action setup. I'm doing this in 4 different controllers. In two of them, it works flawlessly (so far), though admittedly those two controllers are less complicated than the two in which it doesn't seem to work. I'm doing something like this: cac...

Using EHCache with ASP.NET?

I have heard of .NET APIs for memcached. Is there any equivalent for EHCache? I am envisioning a cluster of linux machines running EHCache, serving cached objects for a farm of ASP.NET webservers. Is this practical? Can this be done without installing Java on the ASP.NET servers? ...

In Google App Engine, what is the simplest way to keep a record of items that you have put into memcache?

I am starting to use memcache more frequently to avoid having to recalculate things between page requests. When the memcache periodically clears, as it is designed to do, I have to start all over rebuilding various items that I have placed in memcache. What I would like to do is create a very simple model that enables me to periodically ...

Memcache vs MySQL in memory

I have a database that won't grow much in size. It's current size is about 1 GB. Achieving the fastest performance is desired. Question: When should I use Memcache vs simply using MySQL Innodb ability to store all my content within RAM (innodb_buffer_pool_size)? ...

Get expiration time of a memcache item in php?

Hey. I'm caching tweets on my site (with 30 min expiration time). When the cache is empty, the first user to find out will repopulate it. However, at that time the Twitter API may return a 200. In that case I'd like to prolong the previous data for another 30 mins. But the previous data will already be lost. So instead I'd like to loo...

Database triggers / referential integrity and in-memory caching

Do you see database triggers / referential integrity rules being used in a way that changes actual data in the database (changing row w in table x causes a change in row y in table z)? If yes, How does this tie-in with the increasing popularity of in-memory caching (memcache and friends)? After all, these actions occur inside the databa...

Second level cache for java web app and its alternatives

Between the transitions of the web app I use a Session object to save my objects in. I've heard there's a program called memcached but there's no compiled version of it on the site, besides some people think there are real disadvantages of it. Now I wanna ask you. What are alternatives, pros and cons of different approaches? Is memcached...

"conveyor belt" cache architecture

I'm producing an application with a few peculiar internal communication characteristics that make the usual suspects for data storage and transport (Qs and RDBMSs) ill-fitted. I'm wondering whether there is a product out there that matches the following characteristics: all data put into it is peristent all reads are delivered out of m...

How many keys are too many in memcached?

I currently have about 650,000 items in memcached (430MB memory used) and the number is still increasing. It's expected to exceed 1,000,000 items before going flat. Current hit/miss ratio is 25:1 so the efficiency is pretty good. I just wanted to ask is one million items in memcached on single server too many? If not, how many is too man...

retrieving data from memcache

Hello, I am starting to learn the benefits of memcache, and would like to implement it on my project. I have understood most of it, such as how data can be retrieved by a key and so on. Now I get it that I can put a post with all of its details in memcache and call the key POST:123, that is OK, and I can do it for each post. But how t...

memcached never expired in rails?

It's very strange that the session will never expire if i use memcached store even i set config.action_controller.session :session_expires => 1.seconds.from_now And I use extended_fragment_cache to cache fragment, I meet the same problem <% Cache "my_page", {:expires => 1.minutes} do ... %> never expired! Anyone know where's the pro...

THE FASTEST Smarty Cache Handler

Does anyone know if there is an overview of the performance of different cache handlers for smarty? I compared smarty file cache with a memcache handler, but it seemed memcache has a negative impact on performance. I figured there would be a faster way to cache than through the filesystem... am I wrong? ...

Regex on memcached key?

Hi, Is it possible to grab a list of memcached key based on some regex? I understand that one solution is to store the key in the database and grab the list when I need to delete those keys. This means that, it is going to incur additional cost to the db. I was wondering if there is another way to do it without DB overhead. Cheers, ...

Mongrel_rails can't find memcache-client

We started to use memcache-client in our rails app and it works just fine with "script/server" but "mongrel_rails start" fails with an error. In environment.rb we define "memcache-client" and version "1.8.1". Gem list shows that the gem is installed: memcache-client (1.8.1). If run with "script/server" everything works but with "mongr...

Combining cache methods - memcache/disk based

Hi! Here's the deal. We would have taken the complete static html road to solve performance issues, but since the site will be partially dynamic, this won't work out for us. What we have thought of instead is using memcache + eAccelerator to speed up PHP and take care of caching for the most used data. Here's our two approaches that w...

Organizing memcache keys

Hi! Im trying to find a good way to handle memcache keys for storing, retrieving and updating data to/from the cache layer in a more civilized way. Found this pattern, which looks great, but how do I turn it into a functional part of a PHP application? The Identity Map pattern: Than...

Idiots guide to app engine and memcache

I am struggling to find a good tutorial or best practices document for the use of memcache in app engine. I'm pretty happy with it on the level presented in the docs. Get an object by ID, checking memcache first, but I'm unclear on things like: If you cache a query, is there an accepted method for ensuring that the cache is cleared/...