
spymemcached - is it possible to disable the logging system?

Hi, we are using the spymemcached memcached client but we didn't discovered how we could disable the logging system. How could we at runtime change the current logging system to something like log4j or sl4j? Notice: We could pass some VM arguments, but the problem is: we can't change our server configuration. Is it possible to pass t...

pylibmc: undefined symbol: memcached_server_list

Hi all, There is a problem when I used the pylibmc. When I "import pylibmc", then I'll get some error following: ImportError: /usr/local/python2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ undefined symbol: memcached_server_list. My enviroment are Python 2.6.5, libmemcached 0.39, memcached 1.4.5 So, how can I solve it? Thanks very muc...

Does python-memcached support consistent hashing & binary protocol?

Python-memcached is the official supported memcached driver for Django. Does it support Consistent hashing Binary protocol If it does, how do I use those features within Django? I couldn't find any documentation. ...

Using memcached as a session storage with CodeIgniter

I am researching possibilities of using memcached as a session storage for a system built on CodeIgniter. Has anybody done this before(that's probably a stupid question :) and if so what's your experience folks? Have you used any existing libraries/extensions? As far as performance improvement what have you seen? Any caveats? ...

Using memcache to store obj's in google app engine.

Hi, I'm trying to use memcache to cache data retrevied from the datastore. Storing stings works fine. But can't one store an object? I get an error "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable" when trying to store with this: pageData = StandardPage(page) memcache.add(memcacheid, pageData, 60) I've read in the documentation that it r...

Memcache key generation strategy

Given function f1 which receives n String arguments, what would be considered better ,in terms of runtime performance, random key generation strategy for memcache? Our Memcache client does internal md5sum hashing on the keys it gets: public class MemcacheClient { public Object get(String key) { String md5 = Md5s...

How often does memcache on Google AppEngine lose data?

Memcache in general and on AppEngine in specific is unreliable in the sense that my data may be deleted from the cache for whatever reason at any point in time. However, in some cases there might be cases where a small risk may be worth the added performance using memcache could give, such as updating some data in memcache that gets save...

PHP memcached Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found

I've pasted the example from for using memcached in php and I'm getting: Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found I have this in my php.ini: [memcache] memcache.hash_strategy = "consistent" memcache.max_failover_attemps = 100 memcache.allow_failover = 1 Here's info from php -i and php -m respectively: php -i |...

How to clear the entire second level cache in NHibernate

I wish to clear the entire second level cache in NHibernate via code. Is there a way to do this which is independent of the cache provider being used? (we have customers using both memcache and syscache within the same application). We wish to clear the entire cache because changes external the database would have occurred (which we ha...

GAE JCache NumberFormatException, will I need to write Java to avoid?

The code below produces a NumberFormatException in this line: val cache = cf.createCache(Collections.emptyMap()) Do you see any errors? Will I need to write a Java version to avoid this, or is there a Scala way? ... import java.util.Collections import net.sf.jsr107cache._ object QueryGenerator extends ServerResource { private val ...

Storing foreign langage (i.e. non English) text in memcache

I am storing some text values in memcached. An example of such a string is: El Salvador (República De El Salvador) When I attempt to retrieve the string, I get an empty string. I suspect this is something to do with UTF-8 strings. How may I store foreign language text in memcached? ...

memcached: which is faster, doing an add (and checking result), or doing a get (and set when returning false)

The title of this question isn't so clear, but the code and question is straightforward. Let's say I want to show my users an ad once per day. To accomplish this, every time they visit a page on my site, I check to see if a certain memcache key has any data stored on it. If so, don't show an ad. If not, store the value '1' in that key ...

LINQ Entity Serialization with Memcached

I'm working on integrating Memcached (using the Enyim Memcached library for .NET) in my application and would like to cache data at every layer (data, business, app). I'm using LINQ to SQL for the data access layer. In trying to cache LINQ entites I ran into a problem in that Enyim uses the Binary formatter for serialization, which is ...

How to find number of memory accesses

Can anybody tell me a unix command that can be used to find the number of memory accesses that took place in a given interval. vmstat, top and sar only give the amount of physical memory space occupied/available .. But do not give the number of memory of accesses in a given interval ...

Google App Engine: Unit testing concurrent access to memcache

Would you guys show me a way to simulating concurrent access to memcache on Google App Engine? I'm trying with LocalServiceTestHelpers and threads but don't have any luck. Every time I try to access Memcache within a thread, then I get this error: ApiProxy$CallNotFoundException: The API package 'memcache' or call 'Increment()' was not f...

App Engine - Is the memcache shared amongst versions of an app?

I know the datastore is shared amongst different versions of the same app. Is the memcache? ...

How do I reconnect to Memcache when forking in rails?

I have a rails 3 application, and a script called by rails runner. This script forks and does some stuff in other processes. I do the proper thing with ActiveRecord before forking, where I disconnect-fork-reconnect and all that jazz. My question is I also use memcache for the Rails.cache but should I be disconnecting-reconnecting that t...

disable memcache and apc

I'm working on a PHP script on a remote server-- apparently the caching is more than a bit too aggressive, since even after I change the code of the page, the result is the same when the page is called from a browser (I get an error about a command that I've totally commented out, and it's a simple page). Is there a way to disable memca...

Invalidating Memcached Keys on save() in Django

I've got a view in Django that uses memcached to cache data for the more highly trafficked views that rely on a relatively static set of data. The key word is relatively: I need invalidate the memcached key for that particular URL's data when it's changed in the database. To be as clear as possible, here's the meat an' potatoes of the vi...

What is the ASP.NET equivalent to memcached in PHP?

Is there an equivalent in ASP.NET to memcached usage in PHP? Is there even a way I could use memcached from the VB code behind, or something like it? ...