
Handling splitting and joining of objects in key-value storage?

Hi everybody, After getting some help on how to measure fysical/actual size of memcached objects to prevent them from growing too large, I have thought about the next step - implementing a sharding/splitting function that transparently splits large objects into smaller pieces upon storage and glues them together as one big object when ...

memcached-like key/value cache that uses both RAM and disk

I have a java web app that makes back-end use of a third-party web service. Calling the web service creates latency, which is important to avoid whenever possible. Also, my app is only allowed to make a certain number of web service calls per day, so it's best not to make a web service call unless absolutely needed. My current solutio...

managing collections in memcached

I'm wondering about managing collections of data in memcached. I'm confused about how I maintain cache freshness/integrity when I have many levels of caching at work. Let's assume I have a hierarchy of cached data objects, for example, A represents the most atomic element of data, B represents a collection of 10 As C represents ...

A good repartition algorithm

Hi, I am implementing a memcached client library. I want it to support several servers and so I wish to add some load-balancing system. Basically, you can do two operations on a server: Store a value given its key. Get a value given its key. Let us say I have N servers (from 0 to N - 1), I'd like to have a repartition function whic...

Memcached vs SQL Server cache

I've been reading a lot of articles that suggest putting a Memcached (or Velocity, etc) in front of a database is more efficient than hitting the database directly. It will reduce the number of hits on the database by looking up the data in a memory cache, which is faster than hitting the database. However, SQL Server has it's own memo...

Check if a key exists in Memcache

Hey! How do I check in PHP if a value is stored in Memcache without fetching it? I don't like fetching it because the values I have set are all 1MB in size and after I fetch it, I have no use for it, so I'm wasting resources. I'm using this in a script that checks if certain keys are cached in memcache and if not, it reads them from a s...

stop and restart memcached server

how stop and restart memcached server 1.4.5 in linux OS from commmand line. ...

What Does Memcached's LRU Actually Mean?

Memcached says it uses an LRU queue to do eviction (with a few rules based around slab sizes mixed in.) When they say least-recently-used, are they referring to least recently stored or least recently read? Their documentation seems ambiguous here. ...

Purge Joomla cached data from Memcached

We have a few Joomla websites and we want to use Memcached. I set up the Memcached server, configured the Joomla websites, and had it running fine. However, there is an expectation from the development and management team to be able to see changes made to menus, articles, and components immediately by manually purging items from the cach...

Replicate Memcached to multiple servers

Hello, I have the following code: private bool CheckForDuplicatesInCache(Message theMessage) { var cacheClient = MemcachedClient.GetInstance("IntegrationCache"); var messageHash = theMessage.GetHashCode(); if (cacheClient.Get(messageHash.ToString()).IsNotNull()) { IntegrationContext.WriteLog("Warning: This messa...

help with second level cache using NHibernate and memcached

How can i read/write to the cache for a periode of time i.e 10 seconds and then commit the changes to the database? ...

How to get started on using NorthScale Memcached Server

Hi, I'm looking to use NorthScale's Memcached Server with Amazon EC2, I've launched a new instance using one of the AMIs on but how do I go about configuring the bucket name, login credentials and the pool URL? Do any of you guys know of any good introductory material to help me get started on w...

with memcache, can you add/remote nodes on the fly?

with memcache, can you add/remote nodes on the fly? if a node goes down, does it redistribute automatically? ...

Which is faster/better for caching, File System or Memcached?

I don't think it's clear to me yet, is it faster to read things from a file or from memcached? Why? ...

Error installing memcached gem on Snow Leopard - wrong architecture?

I'm having an issue installing the memcached ruby gem on my Mac Pro machine with OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.4). Memcache is installed and working fine and for most projects I use the memcache-client gem without issue, but this current project I need to use the memcached gem instead. Installing the gem with env ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64' gem...

App Engine - MemcacheService namespaces

(I may be totally off in my understanding here but I still would like to ask.) The MemcacheServiceFactory can return a MemcacheService instance given a namespace. Can one application request MemcacheService instances for more than one namespace? If yes, can namespace be used as a grouping concept? For instance, say my model has folder...

App Engine SDK: How do I view keys in a specific namespace using the Memcache Viewer?

I'm trying to use the Memcache Viewer in the App Engine Dev Console to view keys in a specific namespace. The obvious syntax of namespace.key is not working; I haven't been able to find documentation describing specific usage. Is this possible? ...

How can I clear Magento Cache when using a Memcached server

Hello, I've been running on a problem for about two weeks. I Have a magento which is configured to use a memcache server. Recently, I got to change the server storing my magento application. I installed my new server, and just get my magento app up and running on the new server, with one change : I changed the database user and passwo...

uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore::MemCache

I got this error when I start my project with memcache (gem) and rails 3.0.0beta Here's the full trace: /Users/netbe/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p249/gems/activesupport-3.0.0.beta4/lib/active_support/cache/mem_cache_store.rb:39:in `build_mem_cache': uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore::MemCache (NameError) from /Use...

NHibernate's evict sending flush_all command to memcached servers

I've noticed that when I evict things from the session factory, the cmd_flush counter is increased in the memcached server. This makes the caching less useful since it is reset fairly often. Here's my code that triggers this: session.SessionFactory.Evict(typeof(Foo)); session.SessionFactory.Evict(typeof(Bar)); session.SessionFactory.E...