
javascript memory leak

Hi, I'm trying to solve a problem with a memory leak in IE with Javascript. Basicaaly I'm using javascript to add icons on top of an image then I need to refresh the icons periodically by deleting them and re-adding them. When I run the app through drip though (IE6 memory usage indicating tool), when I delete the images before redrawin...

NSMutableArray passing by parameter memory leak

Hi guys, I'm experiencing a hard issue here, would appreciate any, I mean ANY help =) I'm a experienced developer by I'm new to Objective-C/iPhone/Cocoa. I wanna create a class controller which I'm able to pass a NSMutableArray as a parameter. Then, we have: selTimeIntController = [[SingleSelectPickerViewController alloc] initWithSet...

iPhone development: pointer being freed was not allocated

Hello, i got this message from the debugger: Pixture(1257,0xa0610500) malloc: *** error for object 0x21a8000: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug so i did a bit of tracing and got: (gdb) shell malloc_history 1257 0x21a8000 ALLOC 0x2196a00-0x21a89ff [size=73728]: thread_a0...

Memory leak dyld dlopen

I am getting leak and I cannot detect from where this is happening. The stack trace does not give full info after dyld open. For few leaks I am not getting any stack trace info. All I get is only object memory address. Is anyone else facing the same issue. I am using XCode 3.2 on show leopard. 18 0x103038 17 0x1033c7 16 0x1034a1 15 ...

iPhone - UIImage Leak, CGBitmapContextCreateImage Leak

Alright I am having a world of difficulty tracking down this memory leak. When running this script I do not see any memory leaking, but my objectalloc is climbing. Instruments points to CGBitmapContextCreateImage > create_bitmap_data_provider > malloc, this takes up 60% of my objectalloc. This code is called several times with a NSTim...

iPhone programming: avaudioplayer leaks memory on play

I'm new to using avadioplayer and I seems to have a memory when ever I play a sound. I cannot figure out what I am missing to get rid of it inside Instrument. could this be a false positive? ViewController.h : @interface ISpectatorViewController : UIViewController <UIAccelerometerDelegate>{ AVAudioPlayer *massCheerSoundID; } @proper...

iPhone - UIImage Leak, ObjectAlloc Building

Alright I am having a world of difficulty tracking down this memory leak. When running this script I do not see any memory leaking, but my objectalloc is climbing. Instruments points to CGBitmapContextCreateImage > create_bitmap_data_provider > malloc, this takes up 60% of my objectalloc. This code is called several times with a NSTimer...

COM:Can i call CoUninitialize without calling Release?

Hey Folks, I have a doubt. I initialize COM, do CoCreateInstance and use some interfaces.Can I call CoUninitialize without calling Release? Does it cause any memory/resource leak? Thanks in Advance, -Mani. ...

Firebug memory usage

Hey all, Is Firebug a bit of a memory hog when you run it for a while? Or is it just Firefox? I kinda get to the point where my firefox is using 1 Gb of memory and everything just slows down. Has anyone found a solution for this? EDIT I am running the latest and greatest versions of both. EDIT I suppose there is no real answer to thi...

ASP Dictionary in array memory handling

I have a piece of code that takes several rows from a database and creates a dictionary object which I push into an array. do while index < rs.RecordCount or (not rs.EOF) set dict = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") for each x in rs.fields temp = x.value dict.add lcase(, temp next set records(index) = ...

iPhone - CGBitmapContextCreateImage Leak, Anyone else with this problem?

Has anyone else come across this problem? I am resizing images pretty often with an NSTimer. After using Instruments it does not show any memory leaks but my objectalloc just continues to climb. It points directly to CGBitmapContextCreateImage. Anyone know of a solution? or Even possible ideas? -(UIImage *) resizedImage:(UIImage *)i...

Python memory leaks

I have a long-running script which, if let to run long enough, will consume all the memory on my system. Without going into details about the script, I have two questions: Are there any "Best Practices" to follow, which will help prevent leaks from occurring? What techniques are there to debug memory leaks in Python? ...

iPhone - Multiple CGBitmapContextCreateImage Calls - ObjectAlloc climbing

Has anyone else come across this problem? ObjectAlloc climbs as a result of the CGBitmapContextCreateImage. Does Apple's software not fully releasing the objectalloc? I am resizing images 12 times a second with a NSTimer. During resizing of the image I am also adding a photoshop like Gaussian blur effect by including interpolationQuali...

Checking memory leaks on HPUX

What fields of getrusage do I use in order to check for memory leak on HPUX (what is the parallel to RES in 'top')? ...

getpwnam_r memory leak

I use getpwnam_r to handle client connections in my programs. Sadly enough, it seems to allocate a buffer it never frees. The relevant valgrind output: ==15774== 536 (104 direct, 432 indirect) bytes in 2 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 3 ==15774== at 0x4C24CFE: malloc (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/amd64-linux/vgpreload_memc...

Why is Instruments reporting custom UITableViewCell code as a memory leak?

I'm still trying to find my way through memory management for the iPhone SDK, and I'm not sure why Instruments is reporting a certain block of code as a memory leak. I've followed tutorials for these parts of the code, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. The violating block of code: DreamTableCell *cell = (DreamTableCell *)[ta...

Memory leak involving jQuery Ajax requests

I have a webpage that's leaking memory in both IE8 and Firefox; the memory usage displayed in the Windows Process Explorer just keeps growing over time. The following page requests the "unplanned.json" url, which is a static file that never changes (though I do set my Cache-control HTTP header to no-cache to make sure that the Ajax requ...

AS3 large game performance degradation over time

I'm currently working on a very large Flash platformer game (hundreds of classes) and dealing with an issue where the game slowly grinds to a halt if you leave it on for long enough. I didn't write the game and so I'm only vaguely familiar with its internals. Some of the mysterious symptoms include, The game will run fine for a determi...

How to check memory leak?

Is it possible to check the memory leak without going into the code. I have the application with me and I want to check whether there is memory leak or not. In my present organisation, I check the cpu usage before and after running the application as well as the cpu usage of the process of the application. But I don't think this is the ...

Spring ApplicationContext taking up grotesque amounts of memory

Hello, I have numerous Spring Framework-based applications that run on a Tomcat 5.5 server. Some of them have their own instances, some share a server with other applications. The one thing they all have in common is that they require huge amounts of memory, more than I think they should really require. Are there any tools out there ...