
Strategy in java to clean up / remove unused map elements

Hi, I'm implementing a "manager" in my web app that can be called to set and get which web site context the current thread is in (we white label our site so the web site context represents which site we're on) I'm trying to work out what the best strategy to do this, currently I'm implementing the store of Threads to WebSiteContexts...

How to check if memory has aready been released in Destructor?

I have a simple tank wars style game using the allegro open source library. In my tank class, I initialize arrays of pointers to bitmap objects to 0. Then I create new objects with an allegro function create_bitmap which allocates the memory and initializes it. Then I go about my business as usual. The problem is, when I go to releas...

How to work around memory-leaking 3rd party DLL (no source code) accessed by Tomcat application?

We have a project where a 3rd party DLL is accessed through JacoZoom in a Tomcat application. Apparently the DLL leaks memory (confirmed by the vendor), but the vendor has no intention to fix this. The memory leak forces Tomcat to be restarted at regular intervals, which is naturally a great inconvenience for the users. What would be th...

Finding a Perl memory leak

SOLVED see Edit 2 Hello, I've been writing a Perl program to handle automatic upgrading of local (proprietary) programs (for the company I work for). Basically, it runs via cron, and unfortunately has a memory leak (or something similar). The problem is that the leak only happens when I'm not looking (aka when run via cron, not via c...

Javascript memory profiler

I'm looking for a good JavaScript Memory profiler, specifically one that targets IE. And any suggestions on how to go about finding javascript memory leaks would also be appreicated. ...

Embedded IronPython Memory Leak

I need some help finding a solution to a memory leak I'm having. I have a C# application (.NET v3.5) that allows a user to run IronPython scripts for testing purposes. The scripts may load different modules from the Python standard library (as included with IronPython binaries). However, when the script is completed, the memory allocated...

NSXMLParser iPhone memory strategy for large xml

Hi I build a parsing algorithm using NSXMLParser. Im having doubt as to what is the best strategy for keeping my memory usage on a minimum. I have a valueObject (e.g. "Person") this object has ≈ 30 NSString properties, while parsing the xml I continually alloc and release a temporary Person object as the nodes are traversed. I checked ...

Confusing Valgrind output: indirectly lost blocks but no errors?

I'm running valgrind 3.5.0 to try and squash memory leaks in my program. I invoke it as so: valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes After my program finishes valgrind reports that ==22926== ==22926== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 17 from 1) ==22926== malloc/free: in use at exit: 20,862 ...

Can anyone identify the leakage , help ?

Hello all , I have developed my iPhone application and now I am testing it with instruments to find memory leakages . I have my appDelegate class in which I am fetching data from web service and then parse it then store it in an array.. Here is my applicationDidFinishLaunching method : UIApplication* app = [UIApplication sharedAppl...

Who deletes the memory allocated during a "new" operation which has exception in constructor

I really can't believe I couldn't find a clear answer to this... How do you free the memory allocated after a C++ class constructor throws an exception, in the case where it's initialised using the "new" operator. E.g.: class Blah { public: Blah() { throw "oops"; } }; void main() { Blah* b = NULL; try { b = new Bla...

memory leaks during development

So, I've recently noticed that our development server has a steady ~300MB out of 4GB ram left after the finished development of a certain project. Assuming this was due to memory leaks during the development phase, will that memory eventually free itself up or will it require a server restart. Are there any tools that can be used to prev...

Boundschecker does not terminate execution

I'm trying to generate a memory leak report using BoundsChecker 9.0.931.1 (BC.exe) through command line. The command I use is: BC.exe /B sessionlog.dbpcl /XD xmlout.xml /OUT errorfile.txt /S /NOLOGO /W D:\Test\debug__bin D:\Test\debug\bin\Application.exe "input.txt" I have instrumented the DLLs used by my application and the report can...

Should I rely on Clang Static Analyser or Instruments ?

Hello all , I am working on iPhone application.. For the purpose of finding memory leaks I have started the application with the instruments which gave me lots of leaks . which i was unable to understand then in a forum somewhere I have read that the instruments gives spurious leaks sometime so I should start by the Static analysis . ...

Problem with memory leak on iPhone...

I have a strange problem with a memory leak (the only one ;-) ) in my iPhone app: I don't know where I have to look for the cause of this leak... the strange thing is that this, exactly this leak also shows up if I create a new navigation-based app and just run it without any changes. I'm testing it in the simulator BTW because I don'...

How do you make sure WPF releases large BitmapSource from Memory?

System: Windows XP SP3, .NET 3.5, 4GB RAM, Dual 1.6gHz I have a WPF application that loads and transitions (using Storyboard animations) extremely large PNGs. These PNGs are 8190x1080 in resolution. As the application runs it appears to cache the images and the system Memory slowly creeps up. Eventually it chokes the system and throws ...

Memory leak log message while *compiling* with Xcode for the iPhone

When I compile my iPhone project (in the command line), the log output looks like: 2009-11-05 22:19:57.494 xcodebuild[51128:613] warning: compiler '' is based on missing compiler '' === BUILDING NATIVE TARGET Foo OF PROJECT foo WITH THE DEFAULT CONFIGU...

UITextField Memory Leak

Hi, In my code, there is an memory leak, when the Keyboard appears for the first time when I am about to enter values in the UITextField. Can someone please give me some idea about this. In the Interface File IBOutlet UITextField *userEmail; @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField *userEmail; Implementation File @synt...

What should be the reason behind this leaky line ?

I have follwowing peace of code in which I have specified the leaky line . As I am new to iPhone developement I can't understand what actually is wrong with that line . please have a look at that line and tell me . NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init]; //take away //NSURL *url1 = [[NSURL alloc] initWithStrin...

Apparent Memory Leak in DataGridView

How do you force a DataGridView to release its reference to a bound DataSet? We have a rather large dataset being displayed in a DataGridView and noticed that resources were not being freed after the DataGridView was closed. If the user repeatedly views this report they eventually get an out of memory exception. ANTS Memory Profiler c...

WPF Memory Leak on XP (CMilChannel, HWND)

My WPF application leaks memory at about 4kb/s. The memory usage in Task Manager climbs constantly until the application crashes with an "Out of Memory" exception. By doing my own research I have found that the problem is discussed here: and #8 here: