
pythonic way to wrap xmlrpclib calls in similar multicalls

I'm writing a class that interfaces to a MoinMoin wiki via xmlrpc (simplified code follows): class MoinMoin(object): token = None def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None): = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/?action=xmlrpc2') if username and password: self.token =

JSTL Expression Language accessing object properties

I was following a tutorial today that had me scratching my head for an hour. Consider: public class MyClass { public int getTotal() { amount = 100; return amount; } } and an excerpt from a JSP: <p>Total: ${}</p> //object instantiated elsewhere Nowhere in the code was an instance vari...

UIButton in class method calls wrong buttonClicked function

I am dynamically creating buttons in a class that holds all my functions named Functions.h and .m. So I basically call my function from the class like this passing in a scrollview: [Functions buildMyCarousel:SCROLLVIEW] in that function I then call a buildButton function The problem is when I set the button up like this: [button a...

how to write proper method?

class Mycompute def initialize(str) @str=str end def values @@result=@str end def up @@result.upcase end end irb(main):012:0>"Abc").values => "Abc" irb(main):013:0> irb(main):014:0*"Abc").up => "ABC" irb(main):015:0>"Abc").values.up NoMethodError: undefined me...

Javascript function argument handling

It seems the best way to deal with arguments in javascript functions is to require the caller to pass an associative array: example = function(options) { alert('option1: ' + options.a + ', option2: ' + options.b); } Now arguments are named and not needed in any particular order when calling this function: example({'b':'hello option...

Objective-c -> iphone design: delayed action

Hello! Sorry to bother, but I am in a bit of a pickle and I was wondering if anyone here could give me a hand. I am currently designing a game in which enemies appear on the left side of the screen (out of boundaries) and move to the right. I have used a number of codes (this is using Sparrow Framework) and pretty much the number of ...

How to find common typos of Strings in

I'm looking for a way to find common mis-spelling of strings when entered by the keyboard. For example, I would like "house" to return "hoise", "hpuse", "jouse", etc. because the misspelled characters are close to the correct ones on a QWERTY keyboard. If i could get this to work with numbers only that would still be a big help. Given...

How do I dynamically define a method as private?

This does not seem to work: class Test private define_method :private_method do "uh!" end end puts ...

Groovy - reflection on a Java class - methods and parameters

How would you go about this reflection task in Groovy: (1) provide a class type to the Groovy function (2) loop over all the methods of this class (a) print out each parameter name and type from the method (b) print out the return type ...

python backports for some methods

Is there any backport for the following methods to work with python 2.4: any, all, collections.defaultdict, collections.deque ...

What is a "method" in Python?

can anyone, please, explain to me in very simple terms what "method" is in Python? The thing is in many Python tutorials for beginners this word is used in such way as if the beginner already knew what method is in the context of Python. While I am of course familiar with the general meaning of this word, I have no clue what this term m...

Using Return to end the app. Correct?

Hi, I have very simple application just in the body of Main method. I have tried to find out different ways of ending the app except for Environment.Exit() but I entirely forgot I can just call return. Is it correct to use it for ending the app if it just run in Main method? I cannot see any problem but I want to learn as much as I can. ...

[DELPHI] Array of procedures inside a class pointing to class method

Hello. I have a class (TExample) and I want to have an array of pointers that point to TExample methods. For example, I'd like to have TExample.ThinkOne and do aPointers[1] := @TExample.ThinkOne or something similar. How can I properly do this? Thanks. ...

How to call controller function from template in Django?

How to call controller function from template in Django instead of hardcoding URIs? ...

Prefix '0' to the int variable which less than '10', How?

Is there any simple method to concatenate '0' before an int variable. Like: int i = 2; // produce i = someMethod(i); // output: i = 02 ...

Overriding a parent class's methods.

Something that I see people doing all the time is: class Man(object): def say_hi(self): print('Hello, World.') class ExcitingMan(Man): def say_hi(self): print('Wow!') super(ExcitingMan, self).say_hi() # Calling the parent version once done with custom stuff. Something that I never see peop...

.NET LINQ Call Method with Out Parameters Within Query and use Out Values

Hi All I have a list of objects, which has a method that has a couple of out parameters. How do i call this method on each object, get the out parameter values and use them later on in the query, perhaps for checking in a where clause? Is this possible and if so can someone please demonostrate through sample code. Thanks! ...

Method Shipping not work with user register

Hi community, I Develop a shipping method and works it… When is a guest user this shipping method is listed in the checkout page, but no listed when user is registred. This message display “Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.” Any idea? Thanks ...

How to assign a method to the button?

The question seems quite stupid, but I spent quite a lot of time trying to solve it successfully. The problem is that Eclipse IDE throws me a various number of different errors if I try any solutions that I used in normal Java. Another thing is that just after implementing an interface I receive an error, and Eclipse change my class to a...

Java fake a Method given some Metadata from an MBean

I am trying to create a fake MBean server, so when it comes to evoking operations, I am running into problems. I have grabbed all the metadata from the mbean and put it into an xml file. I have the attributes working fine it seems, but having problems with the operations. I have all their metadata (method name, return type,etc) but I nee...