
Really Custom Reporting in Google Analytics

I have a client who is currently using WebTrends for their analytics, and is considering making a move to Google Analytics. However, from what I can tell, there is very little custom reporting available in GA. For example, if a user was logged into the system, and I wanted to be able to do reporting on people with blue eyes, brown hair...

Easy way to log errors, etc to remote central location from .NET Compact Framework

Hi, I am looking for a very simple method for logging application errors and certain application metrics to a central remote location / server. I'm thinking it will need to be something like Web Services or some similar technology. One concern I have is device loses connectivity. I'd like to have something that stores the logs locally...

Demonstrate QA Improvement

Upper management wants each group to show year over year improvement (i.e. demonstrate gains with data, not just state an opinion). How have you shown improvement in QA? What metrics have you used? This isn't about rating one tester over another. It is about showing a department's growth and to provide individual tester's the ability...

Monitoring code metrics in Java over longer time period

Is there some tool to monitor different metrics for a Java project over a longer period of time, preferrably by the data in CVS to establish trends and weak points? This would be a good starting point for continuous code reviews and for maintaining code quality. I'm especially interested in number of references, size of classes and meth...

Monitoring code metrics in a multi-language product

We've got a product that's made up of C++ and Java parts. The C++ stuff is build using make and the java projects are made up of some ant projects and some maven2 projects. I'm looking for a tool that will help me get useful metrics out of the build system over time. examples include * Total build time * C++ project build time * Java...

Assessment of project mangers's volume of work - what is a good methodology?

Currently, my company utilizes agile as it's development principal. I was approached by my boss to determine some methodology for determining the amount of work a project manger does on a given project in flight. To be honest, I can't really think of anything fool proof. I guess the best question is how do we assess how busy, on a day t...

What software quality model and metrics are you using ?

Hi there, This is a vast area within software development and it can potentially ends up in long debate :-) I've been trying to find the right model and metrics to assess the quality of our software under development (Who didn't at some stage ?). I've settled on a close variation to ISO-9126 as I thought it covers all important aspects ...

How do different visitor metrics relate?

Hypothetically, tets say someone tells you to to expect X (like 100,000 or something) number of unique visitors per day as a result of a successful marketing campaing. How does that translate to peak requests/second? Peak simultaneous requests? Obviously this depends on many factors, such as typical number of pages requested per user...

Web Development: What page load times do you aim for?

Website Page load times on the dev machine are only a rough indicator of performance of course, and there will be many other factors when moving to production, but they're still useful as a yard-stick. So, I was just wondering what page load times you aim for when you're developing? I mean page load times on Dev Machine/Server And, on...

Is there a service/way to calculate page drop off rate?

I'm in the process of analyzing our website to determine where we're losing customers. I want to find out how many are lost before the page even finishes loading. What is this metric called? And how do I gather it for my website? And are there any services that offer this (Google Analytics I'm looking in your direction...)? ...

Removing shipped items from cumulative flow diagrams

I've just implemented kanban on my team and have started tracking the states of items across time. We've come to the point we we're about to ship our first release under this system, and I've got a question about what to do with finished work items. We have a state "completed" that represents a work item that has been customer accepted ...

Mathematical Evaluation of Source Code

Is there some mathematical relation or formula that can estimate a better source code from a less better one? If I write a program to do exactly the same task using PHP and PERL programming language, for example generating HTML with the text "Hello World!", can these two source code files be evaluated to conclude one is better than the ...

Collecting usage data for a desktop application

Hi, I'm going to be running some large scale usability tests of my software for a science project. We have a lab of about 30 computers running Windows XP. Our application is written in Python and PyGTK. We want to be able to collect the following without staff intervention (automatically on our application start): A recording of the...

Getting code statistics from big projects

I'm interested in code statistics tools. Specifically I need to get statistics on Java EE code, but any code analyzer would do. Should I start creating one of my own or is there some project that you have used? ex. LOC, number of classes , libs ... What is your experience ? ...

Java - how to determine the current load

Hi all, How would I determine the current server load? Do I need to use JMX here to get the cpu time, or is there another way to determine that or something similar? I basically want to have background jobs run only when the server is idle. I will use Quartz to fire the job every 30 minutes, check the server load then proceed if it i...

How many people were involved in a project? Based on Revision Control System

How do you know how many developers were involved in a project using a Revision Control System? A friend of mine found this way to look up the answer in git log: git log | grep Author: | sort -u | cut –delimiter=” ” -f2 | sort -u | wc -l Is there a straightforward way in git? How about other Revision Control System like Subversion...

How to get method count in a type (interface/class/enum) in Eclipse?

I want to know how many methods an interface declares or a class/enum implements. How to get that in Eclipse? ...

Easiest way to know LOC on Eclipse

I am working on a project using Eclipse 3.4.2, and would like to know how many Non Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC) it has. It is OK to be a simple plugin, but I don't wan too much bloat. My machine is already slow the way it is. ...

How do you obtain WCF performance metrics?

WCF is a general communication framework and the more you use it, the more knobs you find there are to tune (endpoint, security, serialization, etc). I have an application that is sensitive to a number of QoS attributes and I'd like to begin tweaking the settings to understand how each impacts bandwidth, latency and scalability of this ...

RCov doesn't work

Hi, I am currently developing a Ruby gem and want to create metrics. I am using 'metric_fu', but RCov seems to leave my specs. Here is my metric_fu configuration: do |config| config.metrics = [:churn, :saikuro, :flog, :flay, :reek, :roodi, :rcov] config.graphs = [:flog, :flay, :reek, :ro...