i m trying to implement MFMailViewComposeViewController... but getting some following error plz tell why this is happing.. i am new to iPhone...
Line Location Tool:0: ".objc_class_name_MFMailComposeViewController", referenced from:
Line Location Tool:0: symbol(s) not found
Line Location Tool:0: literal-pointer@__OBJC@__cls_refs@MFMailCo...
Hello everyone,
I have an application which generates a csv-file and then attaches it to an email using MFMailComposeViewController. This all works fine.
My problem is that I would like to add an option to view the contents of the csv before sending it. This functionality exists in Mail, where an attached csv can be displayed as a spre...
Hi all
I don't want include cc or bcc fields in mail composer sheet ..
Can anybody knows how can I do so ?
HI, I am calling MFMailComposeViewController from UITableViewController.
Problem is, delegate method mailComposeController:(MFMailComposeViewController)controllerdidFinishWithResult* is never called when I select Cancel or Send button in Mail compose window.
Here is the table view class:
@implementation DetailsTableViewController
- (vo...
Hi guys,
I am trying to send an email with MFMailComposeViewController. I'm able to send emails with images attached, but when I try to attach mp3 or mp4 files I get this message:
DA|Could not open the lock file at /tmp/DAAccountsLoading.lock. We'll load the accounts anyway, but bad things may happen
(if seems to appear right after ...
I am formatting a mail with HTML content and sending it using MFMailComposeViewController.But on the receiver side mail is not reaching in HTML format.Only Plain text is visible.How could I resolve this issue.Thanks in advance.
I am sending an email from my iPhone app using MFMailComposeViewController. This works fine but after sending or canceling I need to dismiss the modalViewController. When I do this I get a Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”. This is not very descriptive... Please help!!
This is the code for creating the mail and the modalVie...
I got a strange problem with MFMailComposeViewController.
The first time it is displayed using presentModalViewController:animated, everything works perfectly.
The second time it is blank, with nothing on screen except for the navigation bar, the Cancel & Send button.
I have already set the mailComposeDelegate correctly, and dismiss ...
In trying to send a mail with a simple KML attachemnt (just a few bytes) i'm getting the warnings below in the console during the send. Can these be ignored or have I made an error ? The mail seems to send OK
- (void)mailComposeController:(MFMailComposeViewController*)controller didFinishWithResult:(MFMailComposeResult)result error:(N...
from this code will show in original color how can i change it to another color?
maybe it need to be override?
MFMailComposeViewController *mail = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
mail.mailComposeDelegate = self;
if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]) {
[mail setToRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@...
I am adding functionality to my app that will allow it to email some rather detailed information. I would like to send this as an HTML-formatted email so that I can take advantage of HTML and CSS styling.
The approach I'd like to take is to design the template with placeholders for the fields to be filled in, load the template int...
I am trying to add email functionality to my app. I can get the MFMailComposeViewController to display correctly and pre-populate its subject and body, but for some reason when the user clicks on the "Cancel" or "Send" buttons in the nav bar the app just hangs. I inserted a NSLog() statement into the first line of mailComposeContr...
Is it possible to get the email address which the user has entered?
I know it's possible to set the email address but there is no method to get one.
Is there any know solution for that?
Hello, I have a problem...
In my MFMailComposeViewController. i have button.If i click that Button it should open MFMailComposeViewController doesn't work on send and cancel buttons.
Please help in this issue
Hi All,
I am trying to set the title of MFMailComposerViewController , which is a subclass of UINavigationController.
I am using these following ways :
MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
[picker.navigationController navigationItem].title = @"Send Mail";
[[picker navigationItem] setTitl...
Hello all i want to display an image in mfmailcomposer it shows when i add it to attachment but not at the exact place where i want to show it how do i show image in mfmailcomposer. also does someone knows how to launch safari when click on a url in mfmailcomposer?
I am trying to send an automatic email with an UIImage as an
attachment when user presses 'Send Photo' button.
Is there any way that we can programmatically call the "Send" button in the MFMailComposeViewController. If not could you please suggest me some other method of doing this.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanx in advance.
Am I doing something dumb? I can pre-fill and email ok but the "\r\n" is ignored in the emailBody:
- (void) sendEventInEmail
MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;
NSString *emailSubject = [eventDictionary objectForKey:EVENT_NAME_KEY];
I am new to iphone development. I have created a button in the view. On clicking the button it loads the photolibrary from the Iphone. Now i want to attached the those selected image through mail. I donno how to attach the image in MFMailComposerView.
How can i achieve this,
Here my code is,
-(IBAction) Pictures:(id)sender
I have MFMailComposeViewController in my app in order to allow the user easily email me about suggestions and feedback on the app but I get about 3 emails a day which are just empty in the body or just the users email signature.
Is there any way of checking if the body of an email is not empty before it is sent with MFMailComposeViewCon...