
Implement symmetric difference in SQL Server?

Here's a problem I've been trying to solve at work. I'm not a database expert, so that perhaps this is a bit sophomoric. All apologies. I have a given database D, which has been duplicated on another machine (in a perhaps dubious manner), resulting in database D'. It is my task to check that database D and D' are in fact exactly iden...

How do I compare two glob values in Oracle

I have two tables I would like to complare. One of the columns is type glob. I would like to do something like this: select key, glob_value source_table minus select key, glob_value target_table Unfortunately, Oracle can't perform minus operations on globs. How can I do this? ...

Tree view plus minus icon larger

How do i make the plus minus icons bigger in the tree view in C# .net with out making visual styles disable. ...

How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)

Hi, is there an easy way to get the (to-be-generated) sql from a Hibernate Criteria? Ideally I would have something like: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Operator.class); ... build up the criteria ... ... and then do something like ... String sql = criteria.toSql() (But this of course does not exist) The idea would then...

another mysql minus question...

Hi community, I'm trying to achieve the following: SELECT id, name FROM t_profiles MINUS (SELECT p.id, p.name FROM t_profiles AS p LEFT JOIN t_skills AS s ON p.id = s.id_employee WHERE s.lvl>0 and s.id_task=1) Is there an easy way to do this in MySQL? ...

Prevent Oracle minus statement from removing duplicates

Given these two tables: CREATE TABLE TEST1 (TEST VARCHAR2(1 BYTE)) CREATE TABLE TEST2 (TEST VARCHAR2(1 BYTE)) Where TEST1 has two rows both with the value 'A' and TEST2 has one row with the value 'B'. When I run this command: SELECT TEST FROM TEST1 MINUS SELECT TEST FROM TEST2 I get the output: Test ----- A It appears that MI...

PHP MVC & SQL minus Model

I've been reading several articles on MVC and had a few questions I was hoping someone could possibly assist me in answering. Firstly if MODEL is a representation of the data and a means in which to manipulate that data, then a Data Access Object (DAO) with a certain level of abstraction using a common interface should be sufficient for...

MySQL - Is it possible to get 'the difference' of two query results?

I need to merge two query results as in union, but I want to only keep the difference between the two results... Is this possible? I'm basically selecting ALL resources in Query 1, and NOT-ALLOWED resources in Query 2, I obviously need the ALLOWED resources in my last result... In pseodo-code: Query1 - Query2 Queryresult 1: +-----...

javascript subtract(-) keycode

ok, i need my code to check if minus/subtract/- was pressed, if it was pressed i want an alert box to pop. i tried with both 109 and 189 key codes but i still don't get the desired result. although i press "-" i don't get that alert box ...

CSS: Setting width/height as Percentage minus pixels

Hi all, I've seen this question asked in a couple other contexts on SO, but I thought it would be worth asking again for my particular case. I'm trying to create some re-usable CSS classes for more consistency and less clutter on my site, and I'm stuck on trying to standardize one thing I use frequently. I have a container div that I d...

Oracle: How do I grab a default value when a more specific value is null from within the same query?

That title is brutal, but I don't know how else to put it. I have a key value table tied to a user_id that stores user preferences throughout the site. If a user hasn't gone in and updated any of their settings, any time I ask for a key (say "FAVORITE_COLOR" it's going to be null, so I need to pull the default setting that I have tied ...

MINUS two Tables based on 2 columns

Hi All, I need to SELECT the rows of 'billing_temp' that doesn't exist in 'billing' based on two columns. Currently I come-up with this query: SELECT ControlNum, CarrierName, PhoneNum, PatientName, SubscriberID, SubscriberName, ChartNum, DoB, SubscriberEmp, VisitID, ServiceDate, ProviderName, CPTCode, BillingDate, AgingDa...

Using minus in C#

I want to use - in the code below but Visual Studio doesn't let me to use it and gives "error, unexpected character". Name = objFileInfo.Name.Substring(0, objFileInfo.Name.Length – objFileInfo.Extension.Length); ...

Locally symmetric difference in sql

I have a problem similar to the stackoverflow question posed in the link below except that I need to exclude certain fields from the comparison but still include it in the result set. I'm penning the problem as locally symmetric difference. For example Table A and B has columns X,Y,Z and I want to compare only Y,Z for differences but...

how to prevent using space while typing?

hello all.i have one textfield for input some serial number code.i want set this code show alert if someone use spase. it means space is not allowed and just allowed use minus for separate this code. Are you have any idea for resolve this problem? can i use jquery validate? the correct typing: 135x0001-135x0100 ...

php calculations and echoing?

i have this function that takes two values and displays them, but its not doing the calculation right? php code: formatVote($votes_up,$votes_down) $net_vote = $votes_up - $votes_down; return <<<ENDOFRETURN <strong>$net_vote</strong> ENDOFRETURN; html page: <?php //rows retrieved from database.... formatVote($row['votes_up'],$...

ANTLR: problem differntiating unary and binary operators (e.g. minus sign)

Hi guys, i'm using ANTLR (3.2) to parse some rather simple grammar. Unfortunately, I came across a little problem. Take the follwoing rule: exp : NUM | '(' expression OPERATOR expression ')' -> expression+ | '(' (MINUS | '!') expression ')' -> expression ; OPERATOR contains the same minus sign ('-') as is defined with MINUS. Now ...