
Development setup advice needed - Django + Apache2 + mod_wsgi - on Mac and Ubuntu Dev Server

I need advice if this setup is ok. I have a personal dev server which runs Ubuntu. I have setup Ubuntu completely with git, django, mod_wsgi and apache2 running. I will be developing using my Macbook Pro. My idea was to have identical directory structure on both machines off of web root. Say: Mac: /path/to/webroot/ ...

URL is appended to WSGI script's path, why?

I have a development server set up running Apache 2.2 with mod_wsgi. I have a test project and a webapp in development setup, and they half work. When I attempt to access something other than the project's landing page, Apache appends the rest of the URL onto the path of the WSGI script and won't load the page. In httpd.conf: WSGIScrip...

Django/mod_wsgi: First page loads up VERY slowly

Hi folks, I'm trying to deploy my first django site through mod_wsgi (on a VPS that also serves PHP pages). Once the first django page is loaded the site runs pretty quick, but loading up that first page is excruciating - at least 15 seconds, sometimes 30 seconds+. During the first page loadup memory (384MB) is maxed out & other tasks ...

Error configuring Django to run customized comments framework

I'm having an issue with setting up a Django website which uses the Django comments framework on my server. The site runs fine when run locally (using runserver) but when pushed live I'm getting the error: ImproperlyConfigured at / The COMMENTS_APP setting refers to a non-existing package. My server is an apache/mod_wsgi setu...

mod_wsgi not working with pinax of django

Hi, I tried hard to configure mod_wsgi for an pinax project. I followed the exact instructions from the site (, unfortunately, I always got the following error: [Thu Aug 26 17:32:46 2010] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: mod_wsgi (pid=26749): Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process 'www.mysiste.c...

ImportError: No module named django.core.handlers.wsgi in install django mod_wsgi config on apache

Hi, I tried to install django on my apache on mod_wsgi , I have this error : ImportError: No module named django.core.handlers.wsgi, I v read, may be it's some user problem... On console ssh, with root access no problem to access django.core.handlers.wsgi , but when apache ask to access it doesn't work... i need help Thx My django....

pinax / django installation on virtual env, run on mod_wsgi

Hi, I tried to install Pinax development version by using pip and virtual environment. It was running on very well. However, when I deployed it on Apache 2 using mod_wsgi, it began to raise exception with the following error : SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple Any suggestions? I appreci...

Can't import PyObjC CoreData module when using mod_wsgi with Apache

Just ported a webapp from TurboGears to Django and going through the process of getting a proper server running (i.e. not runserver). Tried going the recommended Apache + mod_wsgi route that the Django docs talk about, but for some reason the thread stalls out with no error message or anything as soon as you try to import CoreData anywh...

Apache mod_wsgi instructions not being used

I have a server running Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.1 LTS server edition, which I want to deploy a Django app on using Apache + mod_wsgi. At the moment Apache does a directory index instead of using my WSGIScriptAlias command. Any tips why would be appreciated. I installed mod_wsgi via aptitude and assume the "module configuration" below loads ... URL Mapping not accepting '/'

So every tutorial I've seen includes this line: urls = ( '/', 'index', ) And then, later on, the index class is defined with a GET function and so on. My problem is, this doesn't work. Using the code above, I get a 404 error. Using the following mapping works: urls = ( '/.*', 'index', ) But that's going to catch, at ...

mod_wsgi authentication script

Hi. Can anybody help me? I've got a script like this: Can anybody write me easy script for user's authentication without frameworks, but with Apache/mod_wsgi and DBM file. I've seen, but i need an example. I've got Python3.1, mod_wsgi3.2, Apache2.2 Thanks. ...

Recompile Django without restarting Apache

Hello, I know there are topics on this and I am aware of using Daemon processes with mod_wsgi, but I am running on a Windows computer and I don't believe WSGIDaemonProcess is therefore available. Is there any other way I can recompile Django without restarting Apache with mod_wsgi on a Windows computer? If not that's fine but I ju...

django, postgres 8.4, psycopg 2.2.2, python 2.7, mod_wsgi

I've installed django/postgres on local django server and works fine. I'm trying to get Apache working. I've set up the mod_wsgi and was able to get a "Hello World", and restart Apache. I'm almost there, but when I bring up localhost/index.html I get this server error: TemplateSyntaxError: Caught ImproperlyConfigured while rendering:...

Django using mod_wsgi for Sub Urls

Similar questions have been asked before on this site, but I had a doubt as to how my site anchor tags will be replaced when I try to host my website under a suburl. E.g. My domain is and my suburl which maps to the Django installation is Now since the anchor tags in my templates (for th...

Making WSGI debug framework?

Hi, I'm trying to learn about using mod-wsgi, and I thought the best way would be for me to write my own simple 'debug' framework. I am NOT looking to use someone else's debug framework at this time. The problem is, I'm not sure how to get started. Specifically, I have a script working now where there is a WSGIAlias to my python scrip...

Downtime when reloading mod_wsgi daemon?

I'm running a Django application on Apache with mod_wsgi. Will there be any downtime during an upgrade? Mod_wsgi is running in daemon mode, so I can reload my code by touching the .wsgi script file, as described in the "ReloadingSourceCode" document: Presumably, that reload requ...

Tying to change the Pylons version my website is using but this causes a DistributionNotFound exception

About a month ago I setup Pylons on my VPS in a virtual environment using the script they provide. I've, since then, been working on my website and have it all up and running. It works great. Recently though I discovered that I created my virtual python environment using Python2.5. I now want to change this to Python2.7 I'...

django session timesout within 10 seconds

I've finally deployed the app. on production and the session timesout very quickly. If I'm not continuously clicking on links, it'll expire in 15-20 seconds. This doesn't happen in Dev. but again the setup is completely different. Here is the setup I have in production - nginx + apache (wsgi) + django 1.1.2 Backend is mysql. The keepa...

error in configure mod_wsgi with Apache2.2

I am follow this I am using python2.6, Apache2.2, Django1.3 and mod_wsgi>3 on windows xp. now I have installed Apache correctly it is running well. and I have add the following line in httpd.conf file:- LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod...

Django app stops working when deployed on Apache ( subprocess runs, but fails )

My Django app stops working when deployed on Apache ( with mod_wsgi ). It runs on a Windows server. The app calls on a windows executable called "rex" ( Alchemy Remote Executor ) which executes a command on another remote windows box. process = subprocess.Popen( ['rex',ip,usr,pwd,command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=...