
Weird subprocess issue with Django

Hello! I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question, but after searching through 3 pages for "django subprocess", I, for one, could not find the answer to my particular problem. I'm trying to run pdflatex on tex file, but for some reason in Django it doesn't produce anything. It works just fine in a regular python script, though. I've om...

modwsgi - Precompiled Binaries for Python 2.4?

I'm trying to install Django using Apache and modwsgi on Windows XP. The problem is our whole development environment uses Python 2.4. This page explains how to install modwsgi on Windows but it doesn't link to any precompiled binaries for Python 2.4. Anyone know of anything, or a workaround? ...

Where and how do I set an environmental variable using mod-wsgi and django?

I'm trying to use this env variable to specify the path for my templates and it will probably be easier to do this using git or svn. ...

mod_wsgi, mod_python, or just cgi?

Hi, I've been playing around with my own webserver (Apache+Ubuntu) and python. From what I've seen there are 3(?) main ways of doing this: Apache configured to handle .py as cgi Apache configured to use mod_python that is now outdated(?) Apache configured to use mod_wsgi I recall reading that Django prefers mod_wsgi, and I'm kinda i...

Python/Web: What's the best way to run Python on a web server?

I am leasing a dedicated web server. I have a Python web-application. Which configuration option (CGI, FCGI, mod_python, Passenger, etc) would result in Python being served the fastest on my web server and how do I set it up that way? UPDATE: Note, I'm not using a Python framework such as Django or Pylons. ...

Why is my Django installation delivering an empty HTTP response?

Final Update: There was a stray LoadModule python_module modules/ that conflicted with mod_wsgi. Removing that LoadModule made everything work again. I am setting up a production server with Django and following along with the Django tutorial, yet receiving a blank page (or, as Chrome likes to report, Error 324 (net::ERR_...

Check if specific wsgi handler is running

I am creating a mapping application that uses a WSGI service and needs a different config file for each map. Currently, I launch the service with: import os, sys tilecachepath = '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/TileCache-2.10-py2.6.egg/TileCache' sys.path.append(tilecachepath) from TileCache.Service import Service, wsgiHandler f...

using c# inside an apache python script

Hi fellow programmers, I have a c# application that defines a membership provider used in a Asp.Net MVC application. And i have an apache httpd server that does authentication with mod_wsgi. The objective is to share the membership provider between the two, so that the authentication information be the same. How can i achieve this beh...

problem using djapian with mod_wsgi

I am using django with apache2 and mod_wsgi with djapian as my search engine. I have noticed one issues so far: When i use djapian im stuck in a deadlock when i call any Xapian method or function (this is explained in this ticket I used the solution posted there for mod_wsgi. I added WSGIApplicati...

problem using WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} in apache configuration

hi all im using django with apache and mod_wsgi i am facing a problem when i use WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} in apache configuration file (.conf) . i dont know if i am using this directive correctly or i need to use it in another way , the problem is that i needed to add this directive to fix a problem for xapian as described in thi...

what is fastest as a django production server : twisted.web2 vs. apache mod_wsgi

i want to deploy my django project, what is best (on performance) of these 2 deployment methodologies: Django-On-Twisted apache mod_wsgi i knew that mod_wsgi was recommended by django developers but i feel twisted is more efficient when running multiple django instance. ...

Can subprocess.Popen be used when called from py code running under mod_wsgi in Apache2

Hi, I'm using subprocess.Popen and getting IOErrors when running under mod_wsgi. The following code will work in a python term, or a django runserver, and under mod_python. If you put it under mod_wsgi (v2), it fails: (2, 'No such file or directory') I have tried many variations involving using subprocess.PIPE. I have tried to red...

mod_wsgi and pylons: setting the working environment

I'm trying to setup Pylons (1.0) with Apache mod_wsgi. Everything works fine with mod_wsgi and I can run a simple python wsgi app just fine. I've got the quickwiki example from the Pylons site working when running it with paster, but obviously I would never deploy in such a manner - so I'm trying to get the Quickwiki example working w...

uwsgi / mod_wsgi handling pylons redirect_to & error pages

My stack is nginx > uwsgi > pylons. If I use redirect_to on a controller, the app throws a 302 error. Also I don't see any 404 or 500 error pages anymore that worked fine in paste. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

site.addsitedir not fully processing .pth file

This is a apache/mod_wsgi/virtualenv/django stack. In the virtualenv site-packages dir I've got a virtualenv_path_extensions.pth file. The apache conf has a WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my.wsgi my.wsgi has site.addsitedir('/path/to/virtualenv/site-packages') Now, if I start up a python shell, import site, and call the line above, my ...

Django virtualenv deployment configuration

I recently start to use virtualenvwrapper and created mkdir ~/.virtualenvs mkvirtualenv Virtualenvwarpper automatical create a virtualenv named under ~/.virtualenv so this is the central container for all virtualenvs. After than I installed django and some other packages via pip and my site is at /srv/www/ex...

Problem setting up django on Apache

This is probably really simple. But I guess I'm too new to WSGI and Django to get it on my own. I have a brand new shiny Django project on a Ubuntu virtual machine hosted in /var/www/mysite. The project was created with django-admin startproject mysite I'm following a WSGI tutorial to get it set up, so I created an ./apache folder...

Building mod_wsgi using python 2.5 on Snow Leopard

I'm using the Python 2.5 that came with Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6). I've set the defaults value: defaults write Version 2.5 and normally I get python 2.5 as it suggests. However when I try to build mod_wsgi, that doesn't seem to adhere. I've used the --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.5 option to configure to fo...

Django (wsgi) and Wordpress coexisting in Apache virtualhost

I have a Django project that I need mounted at two different subdirectories of my url, and I need Wordpress running at /. So: * - WordPress * - django * - django Here's the httpd.conf that I have so far: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName wildcard.localhost ServerAlias *.localhos...

How do I handle blocking IO in mod_wsgi/django?

I am running Django under Apache+mod_wsgi in daemon mode with the following config: WSGIDaemonProcess myserver processes=2 threads=15 My application does some IO on the backend, which could take several seconds. def my_django_view: content=... # Do some processing on backend file return HttpResponse(content) It appears tha...