
Multiple jQuery UI buttons with same ID

There might be a really simple solution to this question, but i just don't see it! I have a page with a list of items. every item has the same jquery ui button (its inside a dialog and adds that item to a list). i identify the item via the parenting DIV holding the DB id. So far so good... The Problem is only the first button on the li...

Open create content form modal and refresh view display in Drupal

Hi folks! I have a website developed using Drupal. What I want is to create a link which launches a modal window with a custom content create form, then when the form submits and the child window closes, a view or a display of a view in the parent must be refreshed. I have tried using an excellent module like automodal and ajax_views_re...

How to show modalInput div using js code?

I have HTML like this: <a href="#" class="modalInput glow" rel="#newsletter" >Newsletter!</a> This opens a modal window, contents held in the #newsletter div. Since I have not located code for this inside the source of the page, I assume this is an inbuilt functionality of jQuery, and I am not familiar with it. I want to open the sam...

jQuery UI Dialog - modal window temporarily covers dialog during effect

My modal window covers the dialog for the duration of the effect that brings it in - as if the z-index bringing it to the top only kicks in once the effect has ended. Anyone any ideas?! The code is below... Of course if I don't use a show effect then it comes straight to the fore and isn't a problem. $(function(){ var dialogOp...

WPF and Prism View Overlay

Hi, I need some help with overlaying views using the prism framework.Its a little more complexed than that so let me explain.I could be over-thinking this as well :D i have shell (wpf window) and i have 2 views(A & B - both usercontrols) in a module. when the shell loads it loads view A. On view A i have a button to "popup" view B for s...

CKEditor Modal Issues.

So I'm using CKeditor inside of a jQueryUI dialog. The issue I'm having is when you click on a button like the "link" button, the modal that pops up, won't let me type anything into it's inputs. I can change the values of the pull downs, I can drag the modal around the screen, and I can click on the buttons. But when I attempt to type in...

Why does the "choose files" button not work in Wordpress 2.5 when trying to upload photos?

I've got Wordpress 2.5 installed on my website. It works well, but I can't get the photo uploader to work. When I'm writing a post, I click on the "Add media" button. In the "Choose File" tab, I see the "Choose files to upload" button. When I click on it, nothing happens. I searched the net and found nothing helpful. One page vaguely men...

How to "chain" modal dialogs in YUI 2 ?

I have a modal dialog box presented in Yahoo UI. The user selects a value from dialog "A", and then I want to present another modal dialog box to collect some more data in dialog "B". I have been using the YAHOO.widget.Dialog successfully. The problem seems to be that you can't initiate dialog window "B" from the handler function of dia...

jquery-ui Dialog: Make a button in the dialog the default action (Enter key)

In a jquery modal dialog, is there a way to select a button as the default action (action to execute when the user presses enter)? Example of jquery web site: jquery dialog modal message In the example above the dialog closes when the user presses Esc. I would like the "Ok" button action to be called when the user presses Enter. ...

Cancel UITouch Events When View Covered By Modal UIViewController

Hi there, I am writing an application where the user has to move some stuff on the screen using his fingers and drop them. To do this, I am using the touchesBegan,touchesEnded... function of each view that has to be moved. The problem is that sometimes the views are covered by a view displayed using the [UIViewController presentModalVi...

How could i avoid the SAVE dialog in my custom blackberry Application?

Hi Everybody, I am writing a blackberry application and pushing screens one after another(three in series) Screen1 displays Screen2 and Screen2 displays Screen3 When i press "Back Key" on my Blackberry Device i.e., bold 9700, its prompts a dialog box with Question mark image and buttons "Save" "Discard" "Cancel". Why does this dialog...

JQuery modal dialog load not working in Chrome OS X

Hi guys, I'm trying to create a simple JQuery UI modal dialog populated with a loaded URL. I have it working on IE (it even works on IE6!!), FF, Safari AND Chrome for Windows (version (42199)). For some reason is just doesn't work in Chrome OS X. I'm using Chrome version 5.0.342.7 beta. The modal dialog pops up just as ...

Can anyone tell me about a jQuery modal dialog box library that doesn't suck

jQuery based modal dialog boxes are great as long as you do as much as the example tells you to. I need a jQuery based modal dialog box library that has to have the following characteristics: Ideal implementation: function showDialog(values) { processToChangeDom(values); changeDivTobeDisplayed();

WPF DialogResult declaratively?

In WinForms we could specify DialogResult for buttons. In WPF we can declare in XAML only Cancel button: <Button Content="Cancel" IsCancel="True" /> For others we need to catch ButtonClick and write code like that: private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.DialogResult = true; } I am using MVVM, so I ha...

How to update jQuery dialog after ajax response

I would like to update jQuery dialog after receiving ajax response. Here is my definition var $dialog = jQuery('<div>Wait</div>') .html('Sending your message...<img src="../images/AjaxWait.gif" style="float: left; padding-left: 50px;"/>') .dialog({ modal: true, width: 160, autoOpen: false, resizable: false, draggable:...

pushing the button of cancel the value must return the initial value but it dosn't work.

$('#mdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 320, buttons: { Apply: function() { <!--alert($('#slider').slider('option', 'value'));--> try{ SendCommandToAO($('#slider').slider('option', 'value'), 'AO=a1c1p1', 0, 65535, 0, 65535, -1); } catch(e) { //...

jquery modal popup read from a file

For the below code, there ia a form in the location /home/form.php .How can this form be opened with the below code.i.e, the modal dialog $dialog.html(data) .dialog({ autoOpen: true, position: ['right','bottom'] , title: 'Emp Form', draggable: false, width : 300, height...

Avoid Browser Pop-up Blockers

Is there a set of best-practices or advice to avoid pop up windows being blocked by the different browsers pop-up blockers? By pop-up I mean windows created by either or window.showModalDialog methods. Thanks a lot Edit: I do not plan to bypass the pop-up blockers with hacks. I came to this while developing an ...

Rails + facebox + authlogic - how?

Hello, on my web site I want to have login/registration form in modal window done using facebox (jQuery plugin). What is better: Create view with one method and template that has form and refer facebox to this view. Create static HTML file in public directory and refer facebox to this static page. What I want to achieve is: Easy v...

Two Problems I'm having with UIButton and UIView.

Hi all, I haven't been programming on the iPhone for very long, but I'm picking it up slowly by googling problems I get. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find an answer for these. I have started a new View-based application in Xcode 3.2.2 and immediately added the following files: myUIView.m and myUIView.h, which are subclasses of ...