
Dismiss Modal Popup (ModalPopupExtender) with click or Esc

Using a ModalPopupExtender to display context help text on a panel. Is there a way to dismiss the popup either by hitting the escape key or clicking on the panel? The code in question: <asp:Button id="RoleTypeHelpButton" runat="server" CssClass="Gs3Button" Text="?" OnClientClick="return false;" /> <act:ModalPopupExtender id="Rol...

JQuery DatePicker not saving correct dates on partial postback.

So I have some textboxes (in an UpdatePanel in a ModalPopup in a User Control) that look like this: <asp:TextBox ID="exampleTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="10" CssClass="datepicker" ReadOnly=true Text='<%# Bind("ExampleDateField") %>' Width="77px"> </asp:TextBox> I also have some jQuery (imported from file on the Master p...

Getting value back from Modal PopUp

Hi, I am having a modal pop in Item Template of a gridview like <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtnSeek" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ID") %>' runat="server" Text= "Info" CommandName="Seek"></asp:LinkButton> <asp:Panel ID="pnlProject" runat="server" Style="display: n...

No target for dynamic Modal Popup with Master Pages

My dynamically added modal popup extender can't find the target control ID. I'm using master pages. EDIT: It works great without MasterPages. Web Form: <asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphContent" runat="server"> <a runat="server" href="javascript:void(0);" ID="btnVote">vote</a> <asp:Panel ID="popScore" runat=...


<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" PopupControlID="PopUpTbl" TargetControlID="lblReport"> </ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender> this is my coding.... i want the total control will disable when popup window show.... but i cant do this............. dont confuse... TargetControlID="lblReport" is j...

Using modalpopupextender within a custom user control

hey guys I have a modalpopupextender inside a custom user control and when the user clicks on a imagebutton in the custom user control, this modalpopup has to be displayed to the user for inputs. The problem that I am facing is that nothhing is getting displyed even after clicking the image button. Also please note that i am using mast...

ModalPopupExtender does not postback

hi, I have this page where in i have a ModalPopupExtender. Now the panel that shows up as a ModalPopup has 2 buttons namely "Invite" and "Cancel". My problem is that when i click on either of the buttons postback does not occur and i am unable to run my server side code. When i click on the "Invite" button it simply hides the ModalPopu...

How to do a postback after exit ModalPopupExtender with an UpdatePanel

Hi, I have a Button on a page. This button opens a ModalPopupExtender. Inside this popup there is an UpdatePanel for showing an error before hiding the popup. But when I click on the button ok and when there is no error in the popup, I would like to update the information of a Label (lblInfo) in the main page. How can I do that? Thank ...

Invalid argument error with an AsyncFileUpload inside a modalpopupextender

Hi, I receive this error when the page loads: Invalid argument. On this line:"px" If I remove this attribute UploaderStyle="Modern", I don’t have the error. Also, if I use the control without the ModalPopupExtender, I don’t have the error as well. Do you have an idea how can I res...

Problem with Ajax control toolikt Modal Pop control

I have an ajax control toolkit modal popup on my page and in that modal popup i have a gridview on which user select some item through checkbox on each row of gridview. Whenever user check or uncheck on checkbox my modal popup automatically hide. I have set autopost property of checkbox set to true becuase im perporfing some calculation ...

how to use modalpopupextender while loading some event in

I have this modalPopupExtender, I want it to show a CheckBoxList with some data. I have set up a button to call both the method to fill the CheckBoxes and trigger the modalPopup (TargetControlID). they're all inside an UpdatePanel. with the right triggers. The problem is that when I click the button it shows the modalPopup but doesn't lo...

ModalPopupExtender inside a GridView ItemTemplate

How do I use a GridView TemplateField containing a LinkButton that is to display the modal on click? I have rows of data that I want to update the details of when clicking the 'Edit' LinkButton in that row. There is a bunch of data I need to load via codebehind just before the Modal displays. I was trying the following, but I can't do M...

Problem with DotnetNuke and ModalPopupExtender

Hi I have an issue with a modalpopupextender within dotnetnuke, I have an extender that works fine if I am logged in as the superuser, but if I logout and click on the link the popup does not appear. Any advice would be much appreciated. ...

Click Events in Modal Popup Extender

I have a ASP.NET page where a modal popup extender is shown when we click on a link button...There is a submit button in the Modalpopup extender which inserts the data into a DB table.... the proble is there are field validators for the textboxes in the modalpopup extender...for which validation is required... After entering the values,... ModalPopupExtender show's then hides problem

Hello I have a simple ModalPopupExtender sample but can't seem to get it working properly. I've followed the code from an online sample and it's similar to a lot of the other online examples but when I run it, the popup panel will quick show then then hides again. I've set the targetcontrol to a linkbutton and when I click it it will sh...

Asp ModalPopupExtender not displaying detail view

I am using a ModalPopupExtender within an updatePanel to show a detailView when a user selects a "Details" Button within a GridView. The problem is that when the button is selected the popup is not being displayed. I have stepped through the code and the mdlPopup.Show() method is being executed but the popup does not "Show" Could someo...

How can I make an AJAXToolkit Modal popup redisplay and the contents rebind after postback

I have a modal popup extender that pops up another user control with a FormView. When I save the form in edit mode if there are errors I wish to redisplay the dialog with the error summary and the form still in edit mode. What happens now is I get the popup to comeback up but it's in ReadOnly mode. Here is an example of the code that ...

IE8 problem using flash inside a ModalPopupExtender (AJAX)

Hi I’m using flash charts from in an ASPX page. I Want to display a simple chart inside a Modal Popup Extender (From AJAX). Actualy Works fine at Firefox, but in IE 8 isn’t it perfect when I put it inside the Modal Popup Extender. In IE I can't see the flash animation. Do you have any idea? Page Code: ...

Why does ModalPopupExtender not work when I move its target panel's style from hardcoded to CSS?

I have a ModalPopupExtender set up on a page and working great. It's tied to a panel with some style attributes hardcoded into its tag. I'm trying to get all my styles out of my markup into CSS, but when I move these styles into a class, the popup fails to work. What's going on? Styles in CSS: .class1 { border: solid 1px black; ...

How do I auto-select the text inside a textbox that is part of an AJAXContolToolkit Popup Control?

I've built an ASP User Control that implements the AJAX Control Toolkit PopupControlExtender. It pops up a div containing a text box, and an OK/Cancel button. The idea is that the user can click a "rename" icon, which displays the popup with a message saying "Please enter the new name" and a text box with the old name already populated ...