
Passing data to ModalPopupExtender and fetch records from database based on that data.

I have a DataList control on my page which contains a LinkButton/HyperLink control in each row. Now on click of this LinkButton control I want to show a panel with the help of ModalPopupExtender in which I want to show more data about that particular row by passing the ID of that row. I have three problems in that: How to fetch the I...

ModalPopupExtender showing las loaded content

Hi all, I have a small issue with ModalPopupExtender. It opens in an Iframe initially, and shows the page: add_contact.aspx After I have entered the contact details, the IFrame redirects to the contact_details.aspx page to show what I have loaded. The problem is when I close that window and click again on the Add Contact Button that ...

Can I call a modal popup extender's (which is in one user control) show method from other user control?

I have two user controls. One is having a ModalPopupExtender which I need to show on a click of hyperlink button which is other user control. Is it possible? Can I anyhow call a modal popup extender's Show() method from other user control? ... ajax popupextender aligment issue

I have used the ajax popup in my application where one link opens a popup and from the popup, there is another popupextender that gets opened. This popup is not center aligned. Is there any way i can align this popup to the center of the screen. Note that the first popup is center aligned but second one is not. ...

jquery autosuggest issue with ajax modalpopup extender.

I am using ajax modalpopup extender and jquery autocomplete. when i search in the textbox, the autosuggestion is displayed to the back of the popup. Its not sticking to the textbox that i am searching. is there any work around so that i can display the suggestions which would stick to the textbox. ...

PopUp Extender outside a repeater

Hey, I have an ajax PopUpExtender outide a Repeter, it must be there becuase i use it Dynamicly on other contorls i want the popup extender will be activated by Command of linkButton in the Repeater, I cant figure out how to add the TargetID to the popupID currectly here is my last shot: protected void lb_viewFileClick(object sende...

ModalPopUpExtender not showing up within a 'if' statement

Here is my code: .modalBackground { background-color:Gray; filter:alpha(opacity = 70); opacity:0.7; } .panelStyle { background-color:White; width:400px; height:370px; } .okbtn { width:60px; margin-top:5px; text-align:left; } .clo...

ModalPopupExtender and ConfirmButtonExtender : Postback not firing

I have a ModalPopupExtender and a ConfirmButtonExtender in a user control that is being referenced on a parent page. The parent page performs a partial postback and if a condition is false, I call .Show() on the modal popup. If the user clicks "Yes" I want to fire another event on the parent page. I'm passing delegates to the user cont...

BackgroundCssClass not being applied with ModalpopupExtender

I am trying to create this webpage that shows a database with a "Master-Detail" type view. To do this I am following this tutorial The only difference is that I am not using ObjectDataSource, instead I am just using my SQL - DataBase. Here's the problem: When I c...

Close ModelPopupExtender from codebehind of iFrame content page

I have a ModalPopupExtender that houses an iFrame. The iFrame loads a form and on successful submission of a form I show another ModalPopupExtended (a "Success" dialog). When the user clicks ok, I want to close the modal popup containing the iFrame. I'm using an event handler delegate to call a function in the iFrame content page's cod...

ModalPopupExtender stops working in GridView

Hi, I have an Ajax ModalPopupExtender inside a GridView with AllowPaging="true". On the first page it works fine, when you cycle through the other pages this stops working. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Code as follows: Settings for GridView: <asp:GridView ID="gvwComments" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" ...

Using ModalPopupExtender within ListView Item with Manual DataSource Binding

I'm using the Ajax Control Toolkit to show a popup box triggered by a button embedded in an ItemTemplate of a ListView. I've wrapped up the entire modal popup in a feature rich usercontrol used many times throughout my website with no problems. The trigger button is part of my usercontrol, and is used as a rename button for each item dis...

ModalpopupExtender not hiding, and Gridview not refreshing

I have a Gridview within an UpdatePanel that shows some data from my Database. When you click on an edit button, it opens up a detailsView within a ModalPopupextender. When you enter in data in the textBoxes in this detailView and click "update", the Database is updated but the popup does not hide. Then, when I close it manually by cl...

Alternative To Using ModalPopupExtender With Hidden Button For TargetControlID.

I often want to have a ModalPopupExtender , but I want to control it from the code behind. In this particular case, I want to make my ModalPopupExtender come up when I click an "edit" button on a GridView row or when I click a "New Item" button on my page. For this reason it makes more sense to control the ModalPopupExtender from the cod...

can anyone help me please - validator in modal popup prevent my button from postback

i m using .net 3.5 with c# and ajax control toolkit i have a very strange problem for some reasons i m forced to use the following solution i have a situation that includs a validation control inside a usercontrol that is loaded on the page using a modalpopup when i click a button from inside a gridview the problem is that t...

PopUpExtender on ImageButton inside GridView problem

I have GridView on my page, one column in that grid is ImageButton (TemplateField with ID="imbReserve"). On click on that button I want to show PopUp, but when I put TargetControlId="imbReserve" I get error message " A control with ID 'imbReserve' could not be found". How to achieve this, on click on button inside Grid show PopUp...