
Binding two objects of the same type in an action

I have a page that collects information on two objects of the same type. When the page is submitted the action that handles the processing of the information submitted is attempting to use model binding, something similar to: public ActionResult Submit(Person parent, Person child) { //Do some stuff } It manages to bind one of th...

Model binding for a ViewModel containing multiple objects

Hey everyone, I have a strongly typed view of type ProductListingViewModel which in turn contains a ProductViewModel. (both custom view models). I have some form elements on my page and these are created like so: <%: Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ProductViewModel.CategoryId, Model.Categories)%> which generates the HTML: <select name...

Adding multiple Prefixes to DefaultModelBinder MVC2

I've looked at most of the ModelBinding examples but can't seem to glean what I'm looking for. I'd like: <%= Html.TextBox("User.FirstName") %> <%= Html.TextBox("User.LastName") %> to bind to this method on post public ActionResult Index(UserInputModel input) {} where UserInputModel is public class UserInputModel { public stri...

Cannot get my html input array to serialize into a List<string> in Asp.Net mvc

I am attempting to implement a tagging system into my MVC project. When a user edits or adds a task, they can add any amount of tags they want before submitting. I am using the Jquery Tagit plugin, so when a user adds a new tag an input field is created that looks like: <input type="hidden" style="display:none;" value="tag1" n...

ASP.NET MVC 2: What Model property datatype will autobind an html select (DDL) with multiple selections?

The customer has a Model property that requires a comma separated list of selected options. We present their select list (DDL) as a multi-choice drop down. What would the property datatype look like that would autobind multi-selections in the client side HTML select (DDL)? The select posts data like this: myOptions=Volvo&myOptions=Me...

ASP.NET MVC 2: CheckBoxList multiple selections: how to model bind back and get all selections?

This code: Html.CheckBoxList(ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix, myList) Produces this mark-up: <ul><li><input name="Header.h_dist_cd" type="checkbox" value="BD" /> <span>BD - Dist BD Name</span></li> <li><input name="Header.h_dist_cd" type="checkbox" value="SS" /> <span>SS - Dist SS Name</span></li> <li><...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Model Binding: How to debug a partially failed model binding on post back?

We had a View Model that looked like this: public class myViewModel { public Contract contract {get;set;} public Vendor vendor {get;set;} } public class Contract { public int contractID {get;set;} // ... various string properties public IList<ContractDetail> contractDetails {get;set;} pubilc Vendor vendor {get;s...

How ASP.NET MVC applies .input-validation-error to a textbox when the form is redisplayed for failed value?

Hello, I've asked a question to know why, in my application, textboxes are being highlighted (i.e. red border and pink-shaded backgroung are applied to the textbox) when I use modelbinding to validate the model (TryUpdateModel()) but not when I validate manually (ModelState.AddModelError). It has been 2 days now without any answer. I've...

How can I bind a model object using Controller.TryUpdateModel<TModel> Method (TModel, String, String[], String[]) to exclude some properties?

Hello, Let's say I've the following model public class MyClass { public type1 Property1 { get; set; } public type1 Property2 { get; set; } public type1 Property3 { get; set; } public type1 Property4 { get; set; } public type1 Property5 { get; set; } } I would, for instance, like to bind only the first 3 properties. How ca...

How can I Model Bind to a property that exists in my ViewModel?

My ViewModel class has a property that contains a ShareClass object. ShareClass has a property called Id. I'm currently passing the ShareClass id into the action method as follows: public ActionResult ListedFactsheet(int shareClassId) { } I'd like to be able to use the ShareClassViewModel though instead of passing in an int, as ...

ASP.NET MVC2 UpdateModel not updating a public property included in whitelist

I have a class Foo with a field UpdateMe of type Confirmation as described below.. public class Foo { public Confirmation UpdateMe{get;set;} public int BarInt{get;set} } public enum Confirmation { N = 0, Y = 1 } I have a whitelist that has UpdateMe, and runs the following way... [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), ValidateAntiForg...

ASP.NET MVC - Custom Model Binder for ID fields

Hi, i have the following entities: public class Category { public virtual int CategoryID { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Section is required")] public virtual Section Section { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Category Name is required")] public virtual string CategoryName { get; set; } } public class...

Custom Model Binder for DropDownList not Selecting Correct Value

Hi, i've created my own custom model binder to handle a Section DropDownList defined in my view as: Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Category.Section, new SelectList(Model.Sections, "SectionID", "SectionName"), "-- Please Select --") And here is my model binder: public class SectionModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder { public override ...

ModelBinder NHibernate Complex Object with Collections

Below, on initial load (Edit), everything displays fine. However, when I POST (Action below), it looks like it goes and tries to grab the ProductAttribute models separately, with the Product's id, which promptly fails. How to keep my Binder implementation from trying to re-bind Collections as separate entities? Thanks! Model public ...

Why does the DefaultModelBinder not bind to Char properties with value of " "c

I have a class like Public Class Task Property DuplexType As Char Property Name As String End Class In my controller I have an action that looks like <HttpPost()> Function Edit(ByVal task As Task) As ActionResult Dim duplexType = task.DuplexType Dim valid = ModelState.IsValid Return RedirectToAction("Index") End ...

How do I empty out a collection if I'm using TryUpdateModel?

I have a model that contains a List<PhoneNumber> property. I use TryUpdateModel in my update actions. Adding new numbers and changing existing numbers works fine. Removing existing numbers, however, works only if I don't try to remove everything. If I remove everything from the list, none of the items get deleted. I realize that this is...

Model Binding with Ajax Form

Hello Everyone, i m using mvc2 and i m submitting a form through ajax using jquery. in this scenario model binding does not work Here is my View code <%using (Html.BeginForm("MeetingTodo", "OA", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "TaskForm" })) {%><%=Html.Hidden("id",ViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"]) %> <div class="container...

Partials With View Data Object

I have the following ViewData that I pass into a view. public class MerchantSignUpViewData : BaseViewData { public Merchant Merchant { get; set; } public Address Address { get; set; } public Deal Deal { get; set; } public List<MerchantContact> Contacts { get; set; } public int TabIndex { get; set; } public List<D...

Bind model back when displayed with DisplayFor template

Hi I have the model public class PersonViewModel { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Firstname { get; set; } public string Lastname { get; set; } } which is nested in an other view model: public class ApprovalModel { [UIHint("MyDisplayTemplate")] public PersonViewModel User { get; set; } [Required] ...

Applying Required Attribute Valiation on a Collection, IEnumberable

Hi, how can I apply Required Attribute like validation to the following without knowing how many elements will be in each collection: public class MyViewPageViewModel { [Required] public List<int> IntCollection { get; set; } [Required] public Dictionary<int, string> IntAndStringAllValueCollection { get; set; } [Required("Val...