
ASP.NET MVC2 and JSON model binding with validation to an action method

Phil Haack's blog entry describes this process using ASP.NET MVC 2's futures and Crockford's json2.js. John Resig also recommends using Crockford's json2.js in this article regarding "use strict";. To get this feature today, would you still download the MVC 2 Futures, or is this included in the MVC 2 final, or is this part of the new M...

ASP.NET MVC DropDownList: Getting the Selected Text (rather than the Value)

Once upon a time, I had a DropDownList with Options built using this code: <%= Html.DropDownList("SomeName", someSelectList)%> which produced HTML like this: <select id="SomeName" name="SomeName"> <option>ABC</option> <option>DEF</option> <option>GHI</option> <option>JKL</option> </select> Form Submission would always return one of...

MVC Abstract Base Controller Override parameter type for modelbinding

For simplicity's sake, lets say I have the following Abstract Base Controller Class: public abstract class RESTController : Controller { public abstract JsonResult List(); public abstract JsonResult Get(Guid id); public abstract JsonResult Create(object obj); public abstract JsonResult Update(object obj); publi...