
InsertFile operation in word 2007 document throwing “Command failed” exception

Hello, I get the “Command Failed” exception when using the following code to insert content from one word 2007 document into another using bookmarks in c# : string filePath = @“C:\temp\one.doc”; object trueObj = true; object falseObj = false; wordApp.Selection.InsertFile( filePath, ref missing, ref falseObj, ref trueObj, ref f...

Embed office (Word Excell) into WinForms or WPF controll

Hello, Is it possible to embed Office application in WinForms controll (having office installed on computer) ? Thanks for help ...

Error While using Excel Interop's set_Value(XLRangeValueDataType.XLRangeValueMSPersistXML,object)

Hi, I am getting error while using the Excel Interops set_Value on a range. Any help/suggestion will be valuable. This is the code which is failing. using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); Excel.WorkBook WB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing); Excel.WorkSheet WS = WB.Sheets...

add watermark to powerpoint

I want to add watermark to powerpoint file from c# by using powerpoint object library but I could not find any example/documentation which explains how to do it. Is it possible at all? Any hints or suggestions? ...

VBA or .NET for working with Office?

Hi All I want to develop and automate Office software like 'Microsoft Excel 2007' And 'Microsoft Word 2007'. But I do not know how to use VBA or use C#/.Net Framework to do so. What are the benefits of using VBA vs .Net framework? Which one should I focus on learning? ...

Adding reference to Office library failing: type or namespace name Word not found

I'm trying to use the sample code here: I went to "Add Reference" dialog and added "Microsoft Word 12 library", but it doesn't appear in the Solution Explorer. I also added: using Microsoft.Office; I get the following error message when trying to declare a "Word" object. Error 1: The type or namespace name 'Word' could not be f...

Implementing "View as HTML" for Word and PDF documents on an intranet

I am looking for a way to implement "View as HTML" (as seen in e.g. GMail) for Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF documents stored in an intranet. Can anyone recommend approaches for this? The intranet consists of multiple .NET sites, so I would prefer a .NET library (one that doesn't launch MS Word on the server) for this capability, but ...

One office plugin for both Office 2010 and 2007

I've developed an office VSTO3 application for MS Office 2007. Now I'm in a process of porting it for Office 2010. I've created a new project targeted for 2010 and mostly just copy-pasting the code from 2007 project. I've moved as much code as I can to external libraries but still there's quite much code in main project. I was wonderi...

Integrate MOSS 2007 with Outlook 2007 - Without exchange server

I want to integrate my MOSS server with outlook i.e. emails to be sent and received from MOSS. How can I do it without using the exchange server? Currently i have jst thought abt setting up a document library and email enable it so that it can receive emails. But what will I do for sending the emails and what about outlook meeting reques...

How to save Sharepoint rich text data into powerpoint file?

Hi all, I have a requirement to write sharepoint list data to powerpoint. Of all the fields, I am stuck with the Sharepoint rich text box control. I have this data in my list. This is a good time This is not a good time When I write the data into Sharepoint, it looks like. <div class=ExternalClassFAF287B8010F48B08705605F60E89938...

Copy PowerPoint Slides in Java (preferably)

I have a Java program in which I want to copy PowerPoint slides from one presentation into another. I have looked into the "Slides" API in Apache POI, but can't find any reference to a capability like that there. Though the calling program will be Java, I'm open to the idea of the actual work being in another language. For example, I co...

Sharepoint tools for document version control

Does anyone know of any tools for extending the functionality of Sharepoint's existing version control system for Office documents? It'd be great to be able to do branching/merging, or to store versions as "deltas" off the previous to cut down on storage used. Any suggestions at all would be helpful. Thanks in advance! ...

PPT slides to images

Hello, I am using Office 07 PIA to convert the ppt into images in C#. The slides are properly converted into images. Now, while individual slides are converted into images, I was hoping for a workaround that could also convert the animations within slides too. I want to play these ppt [converted to images] in my custom application and...

Microsoft equation editor syntax

Does anyone know where to find the syntax specification for entering equations into the 2007/2010 equation editors using only the keyboard? Searching just gives many links to people talking about how great the editor is, not instructions on how to use it. I have seen this shown in multiple demos of the product, but there are no documenta...

Creating a border around cells with the same value.

I have a table like the one below. How can I get Excel to put borders around groups with the same number in the 4th column so that there is a border around the groups. I was thinking conditional formatting could do it but I can't think how. So I think the only option is a macro. Could anybody help? 1 64436 549419 1 2 64437 549420 1 ...

Models for embedding and automating Microsoft Word within an .aspx page

First, let me describe the application, then the need. My application is an ASP.NET MVC app that has a contacts database. One feature of my application allows a user to create Microsoft Word templates with mail-merge fields in it. Once the templates are uploaded, the requirements of the mail-merge feature are as follows: Allow the...

Import MS Office document into Atlassian Confluence via API

Is it possible to do this? I browser through the Confluence Core API and haven't found anything remotely similar. Google search also comes dry. ...

Digitally sign MS Office (Word, Excel, etc..) and PDF files on the server

I need to digitally sign MS Office and PDF files that are stored on a server. I really mean a digital signature that is integrated in the document, according to each specific file formats. This is the process I had in mind : Create a hash of the file's content Send the hash to a custom written java applet in the browser The user enc...

Adding header to a .doc

I need to add an header to a word document previously generated by a component that convert html to rtf (SautinSoft). This component does not support thead { display: table-header-group; }. Without using COM, is there a way to achieve this in .NET? ...

Outlook Object Library for Visual Studio

Our office is running two different versions of MS Office (2007 and 2010). Is there a way for me to integrate Outlook into a C# project and have it work for both versions of Outlook? I have added a reference to Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library, but for users of Outlook 2007, do they require version 12.0 or will the newer version wor...