
Microsft Jet oledb connection to excel loses formulae

I have a dataset and I write it's values to an excel file using Microsoft Jet 4.0 Oledb provider. I want to put hyperlinks into the excel, for this I write "=HYPERLINK("")" in DS and then write it to excel. But when the excel is opened it prefixes a ' (quote/apostrophe) before the formula and there it comes as a t...

Winform .Net 3.5 - Get path of ApplicationFolder for Office Add-In

I am writing an add-in for Expression Web 3 in VS2008 The solution has a Windows Installer setup project in which the ApplicationFolder is tagged to hold some ancillary files. I need to be able to access those files during the add-in's startup, but naturally the Application object as well as the AppDomain reference paths to Expression ...

Skype a-like PlugIn

This is not really a programming question but please bear with me as I just need some push to the right road. What is and what should I search for to create a Skype A-Like plugin? I want to be able to capture the Phone Number (Web Browser, Word and Outlook for starts) and change it to present a link that the user can click to search th...

Installing VSTO 4.0 Causes VSTO 3.0 Addin to quit working

I just installed Visual Studio 2010 yesterday. As part of that I installed VSTO 4.0. Now when I run any Office application, my VSTO 3.0 addins fail to load. The error in the event log is Customization URI: file:///H:/PathToMyAddin/MyAddin.vsto Exception: Customization does not have the permissions required to create an application do...

In ASP.NET, how do I detect a password in a Word 2003 or 2007 file?

My users like to upload password-protected Word documents into our custom document management system. I'd like to add a validation to check for the password and refuse the upload if it has a password. Automating Word - with COM interop - is out of the question because this is a server side application. ...

Set Publisher in Word Options Add-Ins Dialog

I have made an addin for Microsoft Word 2010 Beta using Visual Studio 2010 RTM. When I look at "View and manage Microsoft Office Add-ins" the publisher shows up as None. Would code signing with a Software Publisher Certificate fill in the Publisher field? The ClickOnce manifest is signed with a Code Signing certificate. Would signing...

Access 2007 not allowing user to delete record in subform

Good day... The root of my issue is that there's no context menu allowing the user to delete a row from a form. The "delete" button on the ribbon is also disabled. In Access 2003, apparently this function was available, but since our recent "upgrade" to 2007 (file is still in MDB format) it's no longer there. Please keep in mind I'm ...

Why are cookies unrecognized when a link is clicked from an external source (i.e. Excel, Word, etc...)

I noticed that when a link is clicked externally from the web browser, such as from Excel or Word, that my session cookie is initially unrecognized, even if the link opens up in a new tab of the same browser window. The browser ends up recognizing its cookie eventually, but I am puzzled as to why that initial link from Excel or Word doe...

Office Web Components compatibility issues

Hello, I'm doing some research on the convenience of using Office Web Components on a web to show pivot tables and graphics and I have a question regarding this. Does the use of these components will turn my web app (at least for this feature) into a "Internet Explorer only" app Thanks in advance! ...

Problem with crawling Oracle portal with SharePoint Server 2007 Search

We got "No Index Attribute" error when we try to indexing Oracle Portal from SharePoint Server 2007 Search crawler. The content source is added successfully. The error messages appear in the crawler log. ...

How do I deploy Building Blocks (Quick Parts) for Microsoft Outlook 2007?

I want to deploy some building blocks for Microsoft Outlook 2007. Microsoft has put up a poor solution at that asks you to save a template. That solution would require you to distribute that template to all the clients. An optimal solution would allow you to put the templ...

Office Add-in to execute on save

I'm developing an Office 2007 add-in. I would like to have a piece of code execute whenever the user Saves a document. I'm principally interested in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, but I'd prefer to also support other Office apps (such as Visio and Microsoft Project). Looking for either a code sample, or a link to an article that describe...

Opening Office 2007 Documents from in memory storage - How?

Hi there, I'm a C++ developer wrestling with updating an application that had made extensive use of the IStorage interface to open pre-Office 2007 documents from in-memory storage (via ILockBytes). If you are still following me so far, you probably know that the new Office Document formats are incompatible with IStorage containers. T...

Using the same API to write both Word and PDF documents

HI all is there any kind of abstraction API over Apache POI/FOP allowing one to use the same API to write both Word and PDF documents ? ...

Path variable to mso.dll and msoutl.olb

Hey, I'm trying to develop a toolbar for Microsoft Outlook. For getting it to work I need mso.dll and msoutl.olb as an import. My problem is: the path is hardcoded , but it varies for every OS and of course if someone doesn't install Office to the default path. I tried it this way but ...

Problem deploying VSTO office addin

I'm having some issues deploying a visio addin. running the VSTO file works on my computer, but whenever i try and move it to any other user's computer it throws an error on deployment. I thought it might be a setting i'd set in the porject properties so i created an entirely new plugin project and set it to display a message box on star...

Creating an Equation Editor 3.0 equation in a Word 2003 document using a marco (or through the API)

I think the title is fully descriptive now. Anyway, I need to generate a word document from my delphi application. It needs to choose from one of four different equations (with some specific parameters for each document). So far I have manage to create the whole document programmatically except the equation. Is it possible to create eq...

Is there a way to automate MS Office applications without license?

I am currently writing an application that will perform automation in Excel. I have MS Office (2007) installed on my work computer and the application is working fine referencing the the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Lirary. The target machine has the Office installed but not registered. It is one of those preinstalled editions. Attempti...

Access 2007 file picker, replaces all rows with the same choice.

This code is from an Access 2007 project I've been struggling with. The actual mean part is the part where I should put something like "update only current form" DoCmd.RunSQL "Update Korut Set [PikkuKuva]=('" & varFile & "') ;" Could someone please help me with this?` If I use it now, it updates all the tables with the same file pick...

MS Excel XML Header Footer

Hello All, I'm generating a excel report in a XML Excel format. In this report I have to repeat the top 25 rows and bottom 10 rows on each page, like a header and a footer. Can you please guide me on the code that is required to accomplish this task. I'm using ColdFusion. Thank you. Ravi ...