
Assign multiple lines in single cell in Excel using C#

I am using a Windows application and I export a datatable into an Excel sheet. It displays successfully. Now I want to have multiple lines in a single cell. How can I do this by using C#? ...

Assign MultipleLines in a cell in MSEXCEL using C#

I am exporting datatable in MSEXCEL.I need to Assign MultipleLines in a cell in MSEXCEL using C#. ...

Cannot execute cut-n-paste VBScripts

I have been going mad trying to figure out why my scripts weren't working, until I started copying and pasting sample source code directly from a few websites only to have it fail there as well. I am getting the following error in my VBScripts: C:\temp\vbs\script.vbs(19, 53) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected statement' ...

How can I display a PPT file in a Java Applet?

I want to open and display an existing Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in a Java Applet. How can I do that? ...

=rand(100,60) - MSOffice Problem

Oho ! Have you tried this one ?? Very simple office utility question. The question is something like this. Open Microsoft word ( 2003 or 2007 ) whatever you use. After opening the word. Let's have a new empty blank document. ( It's up to you to have it or not ) Press enter to go to a new line. now type "=rand(100,60)" in new line No...

Cell color changing In Excel using C#

I am using a Windows application for exporting a data table to Excel. It's working. Now I want to give some color for particular text in the cell. How shall I do this? ...

Cell color change In Excel Using Conditional formatting in C#

I have exported datatable to Excel successfully. Now I have to change some cell color using Conditional formatting in Excel sheet using C#. For example if a cell contains text as "Cat" it should be display in Green color and if a cell contains text as "Dog" it should display in blue Color. Now how can I do this? ...

Re-authentication required for registered-path links (to ASP.NET site) coming to IE from PowerPoint

We're using URL routing based on Phil Haack's example, with config modifications based on MSDN Library article #CC668202, to provide "shareable" links for a ASP.NET forms site, and have run into a strange issue: For users attempting to open links from PowerPoint presentations, and who have IE set as their default browser, using one of th...

Strange behaviour using Drag and Drop in word 2003 automation in headers

Hi! I am developing a template based addin for Word 2003 which allows the user to drag and drop elements from a listbox into the word document. Unfortunately I'm getting a really strange behaviour when trying to drop elements in the document's header. Open the template and type something in the header Close the header and insert some ...

Microsoft Outlook interop throws COMException (0x84130003)

I can't seem to find a thing on what this exception code indicates on Google or MSDN, and it's occurring intermittently and without a pattern I can discern. Has anyone run across this before? The failure seems to occur on the final line here: Dim olApp As New Outlook.Application Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")...

Does Visual Studio Tools for Office require Office to be installed?

Does Visual Studio Tools for Office require Office to be installed in order to work with excel files? ...

How can I determine if MS Office 2007 SP2 is installed?

In am using MS Word via OLE to produce documents from my application. I want to give the users that have MS Office 2007 SP2 installed the ability to save the documents as PDF. This is only available in SP2, and the option should be hidden if the service pack is not installed (and of course also for users of previous versions of MS Office...

Close Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook) before install an Office 2007 Add-in

Hello All, How can I close any Office 2007 running application like Word,Excel,Outlook before installing an Office 2007 Add-in in a Visual Studio 2008 Setup Project? Thanks! Martin ...

Powerpoint file can be deleted without consequence

I am working on a license management type application that copies a password protected zip file to the applications root. The user clicks a button "Open Presentation" and the zipped file is extracted into the root folder and then I use the Office interop to open the file in Powerpoint. At this point to my surprise I am able to delete the...

VBA Outlook Mail .display, recording when/if sent manually

My code displays a message with basic subject, body, attachment. Next the user manually updates and customizes the message and should send it. I want to record when (if) the email is sent. Is this possible or any tips? My environment is Office 2007 with an excel based macro going to Outlook. [Excerpt] Dim OutApp As Outlook.Applicat...

VSTO and Office 2010

Does VSTO 2008 work for Office 2010 or will it only be VSTO 2010? If it is VSTO 2010 then does this mean that I have to update all my clients to .NET 4.0? ...

Flash-based Document Viewer/Converter (FlashPaper alternative, but with automated converter support)

Hey stackoverflow community, I am looking for a Document Viewer application that I can embed in a Flash/Flex application that supports Microsoft Office documents as well as PDF. I have looked into print2flash as a possibility, but their automated converter executable requires access to the files and directories. Does anyone know of oth...

COM Interop between 32 bit and 64 bit applications

I have a .NET windows forms application compiled as x86 – it needs to be compiled as x86 because it references 3rd party DLLs which are 32 bit. The application uses COM interop to automate Office applications and also AutoCAD. My question is: will my COM interop code work okay on a 64 bit operating system against the 64 bit versions of O...

Chinese thesaurus

Hi, I'm working on a multilingual software where I need to show synonyms of Chinese text to the user. I couldn't find any API that could give synonyms of a given Chinese word. I tried MS-Office proofing tools but they do not support thesaurus for chinese, rather they provide grammar, translation etc. Please suggest some API or workarou...

Excel.Range.Find method

I am using Excel interop object and trying to find a date in a specified range by below method Excel.Range rngFind = WS.get_Range(strFromRange, strToRange).Find(strFind, Type.Missing, Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlFormulas, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, false,...