
How to combine two arrays of same length to one array with two fields (not append/merge)

Say, I have an array with months $months = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'...'Dec'); And another, with days (say, for year 2010) $mdays = array(31, 28, 31...31); I want to merge/combine these two arrays, into an array like this: $monthdetails[0] = ('month' => 'Jan', 'days' => 31) $monthdetails[1] = ('month' => 'Feb', 'days' => 28) ......

ArrayAccess multidimensional (un)set?

I have a class implementing ArrayAccess and I'm trying to get it to work with a multidimensional array. exists and get work. set and unset are giving me a problem though. class ArrayTest implements ArrayAccess { private $_arr = array( 'test' => array( 'bar' => 1, 'baz' => 2 ) ); publi...

Record sounds using a two-dimensional array

i'd like to record sounds played by tapping with a two dimensional array using the time and the sound id. is there any code example anywhere? thanx blacksheep ...

Why is my PowerShell multi dimensional array being interpreted as a 1 dimensional array?

I have the following code: function HideTemplates($File, $Templates) { foreach ($Template in $Templates) { Write-Host $Template[0] $Template[1] $Template[2] } } HideTemplates "test.xml" @(("one", "two", "three")) HideTemplates "test.xml" @(("four", "five", "six"), ("seven", "eight", "nine")) It prints: o n e t w o t h r fo...

direct access to vector elements similar to arrays

I'm currently creating a tile based game, where elements of the games are placed in four different vectors (since there are multiple game objects with different properties, hence stored in different vectors). These game elements themselves contain x and y coordinates similar to how they are stored in a two dimensional array. i was wond...

Get the current array key in a multi dimensional array

Hi *, I have a session array *$_SESSION['cart']* with some items in it. The structure ist like this (via *print_r*): Array ( [2-1] => Array ( [color] => 7 [articlenumber] => WRG70 10 [quantity] => 1 [price] => 17.50 ) [3-8] => Array ( [color] => 2 [articlenumb...

PHP 5.2 Function needed for GENERIC sorting FOLLOWUP

OK, you guys gave me a great solution for sorting a recordset array last Friday. ( But now when I implement it, I end up with an extra element in the recordset array. I won't wast space reposting the same info, as the link is abov...

Allocating memory for a array to char pointer

The following piece of code gives a segmentation fault when allocating memory for the last arg. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. int n_args = 0, i = 0; while (line[i] != '\0') { if (isspace(line[i++])) n_args++; } for (i = 0; i < n_args; i++) command = malloc (n_args * sizeof(char*)); ...

F# Multidimensional Array Types

What's the difference between 'a[,,] and 'a[][][]? They both represent 3-d arrays. It makes me write array3d.[x].[y].[z] instead of array3d.[x, y, z]. Why I can't do the following? > let array2d : int[,] = Array2D.zeroCreate 10 10;; > let array1d = array2d.[0];; error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a [] but...

Sort a set of multidimensional arrays by array elements

Let's say I've started here: $arr[0] = array('a' => 'a', 'int' => 10); $arr[1] = array('a' => 'foo', 'int' => 5); $arr[2] = array('a' => 'bar', 'int' => 12); And I want to get here: $arr[0] = array('a' => 'foo', 'int' => 5); $arr[1] = array('a' => 'a', 'int' => 10); $arr[2] = array('a' => 'bar', 'int' => 12); How can I sort the ele...

check that int array contains !=0 value using lambda

hey, I have two-dimension array List<List<int>> boardArray How can I enumerate throw this array to check that it contains other value than 0 ? I think about boardArray.Contains and ForEach ,cause it return bool value but I don't have too much experience with lambda expression :/ Please help :) ...

Generating 2-dimensional vla ends in segmentation fault

Hi, further developing the code from yesterday (seg fault caused by malloc and sscanf in a function), I tried with the help of some tutorials I found on the net to generate a 2-dim vla. But I get a segmentation fault at (*data)[i][j]=atof(p);. The program is supposed to read a matrix out of a text file and load it into a 2d array (cols ...

Syntax error while copying an multidimensional array to another in C

We are programming a ST269 microcontroller which has two IR distance sensors. To calibrate these sensors we made one table for each sensor with the distance we measured and the corresponding value we get from the ADC. Now we want to use one function to approximate the values in between. So we defined two two-dimensional arrays (one for ...

How can we make a single dimension array to multidimensional Hierarchical ?

I have an single array of Hierarchical categories. Index of the array is the category_id like:: [8846] => Array ( [category_id] => 8846 [title] => Tsting two [description] => Tsting two [subtype] => categories [type] => object [level] => 2 [parent_category] => 8841 [tag...

Passing big multi-dimensional array to function in C

Hi, I'm having trouble passing a big array to a function in C. I declare: int image[height][width][3]={}; where height and width can be as big as 1500. And when I call: foo((void *)image,height,width); which is declared as follows: int *foo(const int *inputImage, int h, int w); I get segmentation fault error. What's strange is ...

C# Array Maximum

I have 2 arrays named Arr1 and Arr2 in C#. They are of the exact same dimensions... I need to get the element of Arr1 corresponding to maximum of elements in Arr2 beginning with given indices ... e.g Get indices of the max of Arr2 [ 1 , 10 , 3 , i , j ] for all i,j Return Arr1 [ 1 , 10 , 3 , i , j ] Of course I need the elegant sol...

Multidimensional Array Initialization: Any benefit from Threading?

say I have the following code: char[5][5] array; for(int i =0; i < 5; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < 5; ++i) { array[i][j] = //random char; } } Would there be a benefit for initializing each row in this array in a separate thread? Imagine instead of a 5 by 5 array, we have a 10 by 10? n x n? Also, this is done once, d...

Howto serialize multiple Lists with Jquery

I have 3 sortable UL's and a simple jquery/javascript <ul class="sortable" id="menu1"> <li id="id_1">whatever</li> <li id="id_2">you</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu2"> <li id="id_3">wanne</li> <li id="id_4">put</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu3"> <li id="id_5">in</li> <li id="id_6">here</li> </ul> $(function() { $(...

Does PHPUnit have some inbuilt recursive array comparison function?

Some of the testing I will need to do will require comparing a known array with the result I am getting from the functions I will be running. For comparing arrays recursively: Does PHPUnit have an inbuilt function? Does someone here have some code they have constructed to share? Will this be something I will have to construct on my ...

Stupid newbie c++ two-dimensional array problem.

I've no idea if this is too newbie or generic for stackoverlflow. Apologies if that's the case, I don't intend to waste time. I've just started working through C++ Primer Plus and I've hit a little stump. This is probably super laughable but: const int MONTHS = 12; const int YEARS = 3; int sales[YEARS][MONTHS] = {0}; const string mont...