
What is this 1055 Delphi Error and is it Important?

I am using a FindFile routine to search through all files in a directory. The original code was freely available from Latium Software. It runs the FindFile is a separate Thread. It has always worked fine, and still continues to work fine. But since I upgraded from Delphi 4 to Delphi 2009, it now gives a Warning: W1055: Published caused...

Moving event notification to another thread.

I'm working with a 3rd-party library that provides access to a database. In the database connection object, there is an event called Updated, which fires whenever the database is modified. I'm running into a snag when my delegate wants to read from the database. It looks like the connection has a ReaderWriterLock protecting the databa...

Windows Service cannot start a Thread in Win 2003 Server

Hi, My Windows service is able to launch threads (suing the ThreadStart delegate) in Win XP, but in Win 2003 Server it cant, it is not throwing an exception too ... the thread is simply not starting. I made a testing Windows Service which have the same code in the (OnStart) event handler and it worked both on Win XP and Win 2003 Server,...

Silverlight and callbacks in non-UI threads

Does Silverlight ever callback in the non-UI thread after an Async task (such as event listening or network request)? Assume that I've created no threads of my own. Thanks, Rui ...

Locking main() thread

Hello, Not exactly sure on the terminology here but here I go basically I have the main() thread of my application that starts and calls two threads, one sets up an event handler to wait for specific registry keys to change, while the other starts a timer to write any changes made to an xml file every 5 mins or so and runs continuously....

Is Gdiplus thread-safe?

I've perused the MSDN documentation and I couldn't find a statement one way or the other. What I'm interested in is: Can I call GdiplusStartup() on one thread and then use Gdiplus on another thread? Or do I need to call GdiplusStartup() for each thread? If I have a Bitmap object on thread 1 and different one on thread 2, can they bot...

What happens when a thread holding a lock with ReentrantReadWriteLock fails?

If the thread holding a ReentrantReadWriteLock.writeLock() stops executing due to an uncaught exception, is the lock released, or is it held and all the other threads are now deadlocked? ...

How can I use a threadpool to process each connection in a new thread

I have a simple server that waits for a client to connect, reads the incoming stream, and sends a message back. What I would like to do is have every connection handled by a separate thread. This is my first time working with sockets and threads in C#, and most of the examples I have found are really confusing, so any help or simple ex...

NSOperation and CoreData Threading

I'm passing some NSManagedObject data between two threads using NSOperationQueue with concurrency level to max of 1 and I'd like some suggestions on whether I'm doing this correctly. Since NSManagedObject is not thread-safe, I'm sending in the NSManagedObjectID from ThreadA (main thread) to ThreadB via an NSOperation derived class. The ...

Calling LocalReport.Render in background thread

I have been working with the Winforms ReportViewer control for a while now. I have added a custom toolbar, and am handling all report functions manually. My problem is with extra large reports. In order to render my reports to Image (which I use to print) I call the ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render method. Larger reports end up free...

Visual Studio 2008 .Net - Step Over Current Process

I try to debug several applications that communicates with each other - and want to have ability to step over without switching to another process/thread. So Visual Studio has command "Step Over Current Process (Ctrl-Alt-F10)" - which looks like what I want but it's disabled, why? I've found the same question but for C++: http://stackov...

thread termination issue (c programming)

I'm working on an application for Linux in C which uses multiple threads. The threads which are spawned by the main function do most of the work, and therefore usually finish last. I'm seeing some strange behavior, and I believe it's due to the main thread terminating before the spawned threads have a chance to finish their jobs. Here's ...

Understanding ASP.Net instances and threading

Looking at a very simple web project, hosted in IIS, with one simple aspx page, executing some code (get some data from a db and populate some controls), which of the following is true: each page request shares the same instance of the codebehind class. or each page request runs in its own instance of the codebehind class. Does one thr...

Creating a progress bar that runs on another thread, while keeping calculation in main thread

Preface: I know this is an unusual/improper way to do this. I can do this with a "real" ShowDialog(), background worker/thread, and so on. I'm not looking for help doing it that way; I am trying to do specifically what I describe here, even if it is ugly. If this is impossible for X reason, please let me know though. I have created...

Lockfree standard collections and tutorial or articles.

Does someone know of a good resource for the implementation (meaning source code) of lock-free usual data types. I'm thinking of Lists, Queues and so on? Locking implementations are extremely easy to find but I can't find examples of lock free algorithms and how to exactly does CAS work and how to use it to implement those structures. ...

Thread Pooling help

Having some issue with Threadpooling here that I need some help with please. I am trying to write a Generator, and I need to allow users generate up to 10,000 lines with the code below. Problem with this is the line WaitHandle.WaitAll(doneEvents); Can only handle 64 WaitAll at a time, How can I best apply thread pooling to my code ...

"window procedure" of a newly created thread without window

Hi, I want to create a thread for some db writes that should not block the ui in case the db is not there. For synchronizing with the main thread, I'd like to use windows messages. The main thread sends the data to be written to the writer thread. Sending is no problem, since CreateThread returns the handle of the newly created thread....

Thread & Queue vs Serial performance

I though it'll be interesting to look at threads and queues, so I've written 2 scripts, one will break a file up and encrypt each chunk in a thread, the other will do it serially. I'm still very new to python and don't really know why the treading script takes so much longer. Threaded Script: #!/usr/bin/env python from Crypto.Cipher ...

Logging from multiple processes to same file using Enterprise Library 4.1

I have several processes running concurrently that I want to log to the same file. We have been using Enterprise Library 4.1 Logging Application Block (with a RollingFlatFileTraceListener), and it works fine, apart from the fact that it prepends a GUID to the log file name when two processes try to write to the log file at the same time...

Timer for a polling windows service

I wrote a Timer class in order to use it within a windows service that is polling another system. I did this because I had two issues that the System.Timers.Timer is not addressing. The Elapsed EventHanler is running in background and so its execution will abort if the main thread ends. I wanted the System.Timers.Timer.Stop function to...