
Is there any way to do something when a Perl thread finishes its work?

Let's say I have 10 threads running simultaneously. Is there any way of calling some method when a thread finishes? I was thinking of something like: $thread->onFinish(sub { print "I'm done"; }); ...

StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC

my problem is when it tries to read the object the second time, it throws the exception invalid type code: AC at at at ja...

multithreaded using _beginthreadex passing parameters

Hello, Visual Studio C++ 2008 I am using threads. However, I have this warnings and not sure what I am doing wrong. 1. unsigned int (__stdcall *)(void *) differs in levels of indirection from 'void *(__stdcall *)(void *)' 2. _beginthreadex different types for formal and actual parameters 3 /* Function prototype */ void* WINAPI get_in...

jvm crash after system upgrade

We have a tomcat application that started crashing every 10-15 minutes after we upgraded the OS ("aptitude dist-upgrade" of the system, which is a 32-bit Debian Lenny). java didn't get upgraded. A Full thread dump is generated in catalina.out when jvm crashes. But there is no error/exception showing in any of the threads. Does anyone k...

php process forking and get the child process id

Hi all, Objective: My script will download a remote file upon form submission, since the file might be big, I would like to fork off a process and let the user go on with his/her life. Example of a command: wget -q --limit-rate=1k --tries=10 "" -O /web/assets/content/image/image_euv_press...

Does this require synchronization?

In the class below, I am using a singleThreadScheduledExecutor. My question is, do I need to synchronize around the access to dummyInt and dummyBoolean? import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class Playground { /** * @param arg...

How can I find the cause of deadlock in multi-threaded c# program?

Basically I have a c# server program (a console app not in IIS) which occasionally enters deadlock. One thing that's strange is when I attach the debugger I see 3 threads waiting on a lock but no threads (using the threads window in visual studio) inside the lock! What's going on here .... I guess the visual studio debugger is lying. B...

Python - BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer Concurrency & Threading

Is there a way to make BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer be multi-threaded like SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer? ...

How do you determine if child threads have completed

I am using multiple threads in my application using while(true) loop and now i want to exit from loop when all the active threads complete their work. ...

Script stops while waiting for user input from STDIN.gets

I'm trying to do something like this, where I have two loops going in seperate threads. The problem I am having is that in the main thread, when I use gets and the script is waiting for user input, the other thread is stopped to wait as well. class Server def initialize() @server = run end ...

what is the logic behind the Thread.sleep() in java

Anybody know ,what is the logic behind Thread.sleep in java? . Are they using timer ...

Fast inter-thread communication mechanism

I need a fast inter-thread communication mechanism for passing work (void*) from TBB tasks to several workers which are running blocking operations. Currently I'm looking into using pipe()+libevent. Is there a faster and more elegant alternative for use with Intel Threading Building Blocks? ...

Why does this python queue code process items multiple times?

The following is a testcase I created. Why does every process print the number 1 to 5 and are the numbers not divided over the processes? code: #!/usr/bin/python from subprocess import * from Queue import Queue from Queue import Empty import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Process def main(): r = Runner()

pthread windows event equivalent question

I have the following code which replicates the windows manual and auto reset events. class event { public: event( bool signalled = false, bool ar = true ) : _auto( ar ), _signalled( signalled ) { pthread_mutex_init( &_mutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &_cond, NULL ); } ~event() { ...

Does this program introduce a parallel execution?

Here is a simple server application using Bonjour and written in Java. The main part of the code is given here: public class ServiceAnnouncer implements IServiceAnnouncer, RegisterListener { private DNSSDRegistration serviceRecord; private boolean registered; public boolean isRegistered(){ return registered; } ...

Isolating read and write in multithreaded

Hi In a multithreaded application. I have a bunch of function that loop through a collection to read the information. I also have a bunch of function that modifies that same collection. I’m looking for a way to isolate all the read and the write together. I don’t want a write to be done while a read is in progress. I was thinking of us...

Android thread problems due to background processes

I have written a very simple game with some simple animations, but I've noticed that when the phone checks email, or several other apps are running, the animations that update in my thread start behaving slowly or choppy. This is a problem as the game mechanic requires some careful timing of your screen touches based on the animations. ...

Pthreads in Visual C++

I'm experimenting with multithreading in Windows and was wondering whether I should use Win32 API use POSIX Threads for Windows Learning Pthreads would be useful if I tried to develop such applications on different platforms - but am I losing anything by not learning Win32 API? Or are both similar enough so that learning one allows m...

iPhone Simplest Communication between Threads

I have an iPhone app with a secondary thread to handle XML parsing. Inside some of those methods, I need to reference dictionaries (for look up, not modification) created and populated in the main thread. Apple's documentation indicated to me that global variables might be the best way to accomplish this. I'm just now sure what the impl...

PLINQ delayed execution

I'm trying to understand how parallelism might work using PLINQ, given delayed execution. Here is a simple example. string[] words = { "believe", "receipt", "relief", "field" }; bool result = words.AsParallel().Any(w => w.Contains("ei")); With LINQ, I would expect the execution to reach the "receipt" value and return true, without ex...