
Retrieve the server name from a UNC path

Is there an api in windows that retrieves the server name from a UNC path ? (\\server\share) Or do i need to make my own ? I found PathStripToRoot but it doesn't do the trick. ...

Error Rate in TCP checksum?

TCP and UDP(sometimes) use a simple checksum to make sure the contents are correct. What I want to know is any empirical data or estimate, of how often a packet is corrupted, but has the correct checksum for a person with a standard computer and internet connection. Now I know that this probably all varies widely with ISP quality, har...

Is it possible to use UDP in Flash/ActionScript?

Quick question: is there possibility to do UDP datagram sockets in Flash/ActionScript? ...

Is there a uniform python library to transfer files using different protocols

I know there is ftplib for ftp, shutil for local files, what about NFS? I know urllib2 can get files via HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS, but it can't put files. If there is a uniform library that automatically detects the protocol (FTP/NFS/LOCAL) with URI and deals with file transfer (get/put) transparently, it's even better, does it exist? ...

Home Server on new IP Pool allocation

Hi I have a server with an internal address of I have moved to a new home and the IP Pool of the current router is 192.168.2.x Is there a way I can make the router discover this server without having to change the internal IP address? I dont have a KB or Mouse to get in and change the IP of the server at this time :) A...

Vista Network Drives

I added a network drive to my PC but I now want to get rid of it. Cannot find a menu to perform this task. Any ideas? ...

Detecting network state (connected - disconnected) in C#

I am in need of a piece of code that can detect if a network connection is connected or disconnected. The connected state would mean a cable was plugged into the Ethernet connection. A disconnected state would mean there is not cable connected. I can't use the WMI interface due to the fact that I'm running on Windows CE. I don't mind in...

Network Folder Security

Hi, I have a treeview control which is being used to browse various folder on the users system drive. It can also be set up to connect network folders using UNC paths e.g "\server\files". At the moment I'm getting a list of Directories by using My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories however this obviously fails when the folder is passw...

How do I get the response from an HTTP request on error?

I tried using both HTTPService and URLRequest/URLLoader. But I can't figure out how to get either the response output or the response headers in case of a server error(like 500). Some help would be really appreciated. ...

How will the client access the Bugzilla server?

I have just installed Bugzilla on my laptop and I will be the Bugzilla server. I would like to know how my team mates will be able to access the Bugzilla server? I know that Apache is the web server but can you point me to a reference on how clients can access the server? Thank you. ...

how to investigate ports opened by a certain process in linux?

Suppose the PID of the process is already known ...

RecvFrom() returns packet larger than sender NIC MTU

I have proprietary application sending out multicast packet to the network. It is running on the linux with NIC MTU 1500. And then I write a simple java program to using MulticastSocket class to receive message. I found it is DatagramPacket size is ~7900. The receiver program is running on the linux with NIC MTU 1500. I rewrite the pro...

Using Jabber to send network messages

(Also asked over on ServerFault, where I was advised to post it here too) We have a requirement to send desktop alerts to various users (compliance, production) across a network when other users have submitted content online for a report. At present we are using NET SEND but this has no guarantee of delivery and has proved unreliable f...

Why do some switches have uplink ports?

So, this appears, on the surface, to be a network admin (serverfault) question, but I'm looking for a lower level answer from a network hacker type. I was pretty much oblivious to how networks actually work in real life until I started my summer internship. Then, by way of having no other option (internship is at a pretty networking-ce...

How can I learn _really_ low-level network programming?

So I want to learn all about networks. Well below the socket, down to raw sockets and stuff. And I want to understand hubs, routers, access points, etc. For example, I'd like to be able to write my own software to do this kind of stuff.* Is there a great source for this kind of information? I know that I'm asking a LOT here, and tha...

Testing iPhone app with limited network access

Is there any way of simulating limited or no 3G / Wifi / EDGE connectivity when using the iPhone simulator? ...

Logging into a corporate captive portal with a native iPhone app

I am working on a native iPhone app that needs to be able to automatically (in the background) sign into a captive portal on a company's large WiFi network before accessing the net. The captive portal is a simple HTTPS page with username and passsword form that authenticates then allows access to the Internet. The hope is that the user...

Do I need to register ports as "in-use" with ICANN?

The application I'm currently working on requires three ports to be opened. At the moment these are 5024 through 5026 but on reading around I discovered that these lie in the ICANN registered range (i.e. ports < 49151). Is there any need for me to inform any organisation that I plan to use these ports if it's within a local network only...

Gaming protocol

Are there any standard protocols with witch you could make games with (like http, ftp), as i had problems when I tested a connection on a random port (1024-65300) out (I had to forward ports on my router and it only works with one computer at a time). There should be, im programs use something and there is no need to set up any ports......

How to get network interface speed programactically on Linux?

I am wondering about the speed as show in the network connection information, e.g. 100Mb/s, 10Mb/s, not the available bandwidth. Thanks in advance! ...