
Synchronized network based File System?

I'm looking for a solution that can probably be best implemented at FileSystem level as a Network based Synchronized Filesystem: I want to one-way synchronize files between two machines. However instead of pro-actively syncing everything, I want to do it "on-demand" i.e. whenever a program on the replicated machine accesses a file of th...

Detecting TCP dropout over an unreliable network

I am doing some experimentation over an unreliable radio network (home brewed) using very rudimentary java socket programming to transfer messages back and forth between the end nodes. The setup is as follows: Node A --- Relay Node --- Node B One problem I am constantly running into is that somehow the connection drops out and neither...

opening via socks

i have this socks : and i want to opening via that socks . what am i going to do ? is this true ? : ...

c windows connect() fails. error 10049

The following two pieces of code compile, but I get a connect() failed error on the client side. (compiled with MinGW). Client Code: // thanks to #include <stdio.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define RCVBUFSIZE 32 // size of receive buffer void DieWithErr...

Restart PPP connection from C#

Hi, I have to restart a PPP connection on Windows 2k and XP from a C# program. How can I do that ? Does I have to disconnect and reconnect ? How ? Thanks in advance Best regards ...

How to detect if Windows is directing traffic over LAN or over WiFi in C#

Hi there, I am writing a piece of software in C# using .NET 2 which detects whether there is an active ethernet connection on the Windows machine. It is important that it knows that it is ethernet rather than WiFi as the program will behave differently depending on whether sending data with a WebClient is going over WiFi or Ethernet. I...

Turning on/off network settings on Android

Hello! Is there a (simple) possibility for turning the mobile network on/off with Java code? If so, for mobile service too? 'Cause I'd like to make an app which turns the network on and service off (or the opposite). Thanks for help. ...

Copy PDfs Files to shared network and files corrupted

Hi all, My app Windows forms .NET in Win XP copy files pdfs in shared network folder in a server win 2003. Admin user in Win2003 detects some corrupt files pdfs, in that shared folder. HOw can I check if a fileis copied right in shared folder ?? thanks !! the code: I use two ways to copy/move files to shared folder NOte: my app gen...

I need to upload files in tomcat 5.5.28 in a network unit

Hi Basically i have an aplication deployed over tomcat 5.5.28 , i need put the files that the applicatio upload in a network unit in a shared folder. I know how make the configuration at web.xml level . I've not never upload file in the shared folder over the netwok it possible....? ...

Detecting Connection Speed / Bandwidth in .net/WCF

I'm writing both client and server code using WCF, where I need to know the "perceived" bandwidth of traffic between the client and server. I could use ping statistics to gather this information separately, but I wonder if there is a way to configure the channel stack in WCF so that the same statistics can be gathered simultaneously whi...

.NET Network Library

I've been looking for a decent network library for C#. It is going to be used with XNA 3.1, and .NET Framework 3.5. The multi-player style is going to be Server and Client. Currently I have been looking into Lidgren Library Network, but it seems outdated. Anyone got some good suggestions for a good network library. It should be able to ...

Running a program on multiple PCs

I have some of the basic coding down for the program but I do need assistance with something. My goal is to have an alarm go off on multiple PCs in a network indicating that a certain task needs done. Anyone who receives this alarm may stop it, complete the task and log that they did that. What would be the best way to accomplish this in...

tutorials about creating a social network using PHP & MySQL ?

Where can I find tutorials about creating a social network (like db structure, sql query samples eg.) using PHP & MySQL ? I do not need a ready script, I just want to learn how to do it.. ...

How do I determine "Network Location" in .NET?

In Windows 7 (and Vista I think), a network you're connected to is assigned to a "location" e.g. Home / Work or Public. Is it possible to determine the current network location programatically? ...

measuring cross process latency on windows

I am building latency measurement into a communication middleware I am building. The way I have it working is that I periodically send a probe msg from my publishing apps. Subscribing apps receive this probe, cache it, and send an echo back at a time of their choosing, noting how much time the msg was kept “on hold”. The subscribing app...

Network IO using Credentials

Is it possible to move files from a network location that requires credentials to another network location that also requires credentials without mapping any drive. (ie: Without any use of P/Invoke) Example: FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"\\SomeComputer\SomeDrive\SomeFolder\someFile.txt"); fi.MoveTo(@"\\AnotherComputer\AnotherDrive\Anoth...

Is there any way of an app in Linux have access to 2 network cards?

My app needs to access two network cards. One to receive data (eth0) and another to send data (3G modem). Normally, the kernel force the app to work with only one card at a time. Is there any thing that I can do to make it run? Thank you. ...

API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application

Is it possible to set the IP address of an interface in Android within an application? I can query the available interfaces and their current addresses using, but this doesn't provide a facility to change these. Did I just miss something somewhere or is it not allowed? I was hoping to be able to make my applica...

How to insert correctly my network in this code?

Hi, i got a problem with my network. I can send a file with my network but it is just a test. But I want to insert the network in my connect4. My connect4 is actually an array. And I just need to recup the column with the network and tell this to the client or to the server each time i set a piece and upload the information. Here are ...

Network Connectivity using System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

Hi, Can we use tcpClient to test the network connectivity between the two different servers other than where the programe will run. Regards ...