
How can you describe this kind of graph?

I know for sure that this is a simple directed graph. But I cannot say that this is a ring graph/network, because node 3 has a degree of 4. But as I imagine this, you cannot go to node 7 from node 3 if the preceding node is node 2, and you cannot go to node 4 from node 3 if the preceding node is node 6. That means the only way to travers...

netstat command on a server (winform application)

Hello, I'm looking for how to recorgnize some server (windows in my case) network configuration (information we obtain using netstat dos command). I have the login and password of the target (server), and I developp with visual studio 2005 (c# or vB.NET doesn't matter). (Can I use WMI for that ???) Regards, ...

How do I avoid excessive Network File I/O when appending to a large file with .NET?

I have a program that opens a large binary file, appends a small amount of data to it, and closes the file. FileStream fs = File.Open( "\\\\s1\\temp\\test.tmp", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None ); fs.Write( data, 0, data.Length ); fs.Close(); If test.tmp is 5MB before this program is run and the data array is 100 by...

Unable to do fast I/O of dynamically generated images on a IP camera

Hi, I have a image file stored at a remote server (i.e images in this folder are getting updated at the rate of 1 image per 100 milliseconds Think of ip cams that transmit MJPEG images . I am using apache HTTP client api to connect to my remote server .I am getting a stream of the content HttpClient htt...

Incrementally copying files over a network

We use laptops in our company. We connect to the network from our respective workstations. We usually copy files from other systems which are connected to the network. The problem is that the person may disconnect (go to meetings, leave office etc) from the network at his wish, because of which the copying process gets terminated. How ...

Downloading a web page with Android

I'm downloading a web page then extracting some data out of it, using regex (don't yell at me, I know a proper parser would be better, but this is a very simple machine generated page). This works fine in the emulator, and on my phone when connected by wi-fi, but not on 3G - the string returned is not the same, and I don't get a match. I...

Complex Networks with power law exponent >= 3

I am looking for complex networks which have power law degree distribution whose exponent is greater 3 or close to 3. I have found a few 1) Citation Network 2) Electronic circuit I am more interested in social networks or p2p networks. Kindly provide the source of your information. ...

How can I use the Packet Structure from an RFC and apply it to my socket program?

Here's an example 'Packet Structure' image: Lets say I had a small Python program that listened on X port and captured that packet and saved it to the variable 'data'. How would I pull out the packet information from data? For example, say I wanted to read the 'version', is it just: print ...

Testing Network/Internet connection issues

What methods are there to test how well a C# desktop application handles various network/internet failures, and which, if any, failures it doesn't handle? Thanks in advance. ...

PDA loses TCP connection to ServerSocket in Suspend Mode

I'm implementing a java TCP/IP Server using ServerSocket to accept messages from clients via network sockets. Works fine, except for clients on PDAs (a WIFI barcode scanner). If I have a connection between server and pda - and the pda goues into suspend (standby) after some idle time - then there will be problems with the connection. W...

Using virtualbox internal network with guest OS Ubuntu

I want to use virtualbox internal network with two Ubuntu guest OSes, but I can't connect to internal network. I tried do it with two Windows guest OSes it worked very well. ...

Inter application communication - which approach to take?

Hello, I'm making a little application which will control a sort of a hardware indicator thingie (usable as a volume indicator, processor load meter and such). My goal is to make the device accessible to other applications as easily as possible. What would be the best approach to go about this? I was thinking making a "web" service on...

Xcode Instruments: Analyze Network Traffic

Hi Guys, i have a problem with testing my iPhone app: i want a summary of how much network traffic the app needs for a special operation. I have tried using instruments, but the network activity monitor has no sum of the traffic (and i really neeeeeeed a sum!!!). So how can i get the sum out of the network activity monitor? Best regar...

how to connect to a peer computer on same network using blackberry

Hey guys, i want to develop an application for my Blackberry smart phone that scans the WIFI network on which i am currently connected and show me a list of connected hosts (PCs), i also want to browse the files shared on those machine (obviously only those whom i am allowed to see) & transfer them to my device from the remote machine o...

What's the most efficient way to get source code of web page in C?

In PHP I can do it as simple as : file_get_contents(''); What's the shortest code to do the same in C? UPDATE When I compile the sample with curl, got errors like this: unresolved external symbol __imp__curl_easy_cleanup referenced in function _main ...

Flash based network of navigable links

I found this site: and i'm trying to figure out how such a flash component can be made. I'm sure the data points mentioned are predefined beforehand rather than "live", so thta part's fine, but how are the secondary nodes spread out, how does double clicking on another ...

abort() called in gethostbyname - how to handle

I get a abort() which I am not able to 'catch' in my code. Perhaps I am missing some understanding; can you give me some insight or perhaps help me with the abort() ? Please note; the code works fine for thousands of users I have; but a very few (two now) have reported this crash. First the code (simplified): 244: -(void)openBSDSocket...

Wait for network configuration to be complete in Windows Service startup

Dear all, current project of my team involves Windows Services communicating heavily among several machines via WCF. We occasionally run into problems upon startup, where we suspect that Services are initialized before the machine's IP connection is fully configured. Anyone have an idea or suggestion how to verify this or how to genera...

What's the best way to write to linux system files using PHP

We need some scripts to generate config files for network services such as DHCP, DNS and Network based on user input. These require root access, but I don't know how to run the PHP application as root. It's run through a public web interface. ...

How can I control the traffic speed (bytes sent) in Java (Jpcap)

Hello guys, I'm making a network simulation application in my class. I already did the entire code, however I'm getting trouble at controlling the speed of the traffic sent. The user of the app can input the desired speed that he wants to generate (for example 10 MiB/s). I'm doing this control in some really crappy way. I made a UDP/TC...