
Why can't we send a UDP packet from an Android emulator?

My friend and I have a wireless robot dog connected to a wifi network which our computer is plugged into. The computer is running an Android emulator and we are trying to send a UDP packet to the wireless robot dog. If the dog receives it, it should start sending UDP packets back. The program we wrote works outside of the emulator, and u...

Scanning LAN game servers using winsock

I'm trying to figure out how to use winsockets to be able to turn my game into a LAN-playable game. I've read some winsockets documentation but I can't figure out how a client can get all the games that were created on LAN. Does it have to try to 'connect' to each IP on LAN, like trying to connect to, then, etc? ...

Java network communication problem

Hello everybody. I have a problem that I think might be a java related one. I have a java application I need to emulate multiple hosts. The server/client work fine between "normal" computers. When I use the emulator, I get connection refused when client tries to connect to a server in the emulator, same thing if I try telnet. If I turn...

hash function for src dest ip + port

So, I am looking at different hash functions to use for hashing a 4 tuple ip and port to identify flows. One I came across was ((size_t)(key.src.s_addr) * 59) ^ ((size_t)(key.dst.s_addr)) ^ ((size_t)( << 16) ^ ((size_t)(key.dport)) ^ ((size_t)(key.proto)); Now for the world of me, I cannot expla...

view other computers on the network programatically in Python

Is it possible to view other devices that are on the same network in Python (or any programming language for that matter)? Edit: For clarification, what I'd like to do (just to start out) is to display a list of devices connected and their local IP addresses. So on my router, it'll show the info: family_pc, work_laptop, 192...

What does destination mac address field contains, when the source doesn't know address of remote machine

What does destination mac address field contains, when the source doesn't know address of remote machine ? (say opening page from from my machine) And while broadcasting the packet, what does mac-address field contains? ...

Visual Studio Test won't run over a network share.

When I try to run my test suite, which works fine under Visual Studio 2008, I get the following error in the Output window: Error loading J:\VBProjects2010\Libraries\PFTest\PFTest\bin\Debug\PFTest.dll: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///J:\VBProjects2010\Libraries\PFTest\PFTest\bin\Debug\PFTest.dll' or one of its dependencies. Ope...

Writing 64 bit int value to NSOutputStream

I'm having trouble communicating position coordinates to a set of motors I have connected on the network. I can send a string just fine, and receive text back from the motor, but I can't seem to send it an int value. Using NSlog I have determined that the actual value I'm sending is correct, however I suspect my method of sending it via...

how to plot 3d graph (network) matlab?

I want to plot a 3d graph in matlab By graph I mean in the sense of nodes and edges. I have an adjacency matrix as well as a coordinate matrix for every node. Eventually I would hope to colour these nodes and edges The gplot function is only 2d. The scatter3 function does not allow for edges. Any ideas? ...

Add Network Service (VPN) Using Terminal

Basically my problem is that I need to write a script that automatically creates a VPN service in Mac OS X Snow Leopard that can be used on multiple machines to speed up the process rather than going through system preferences every single time. It is specifically needed to run on 10.6.* because the VPN needs to use the Cisco IPSec proto...

Java Network Monitor

Please recommend a good network monitor that monitors all the Request and the responses made by my java program and gives me detail on the Headers. ...

Reachability or connectionDidFailWithError?

I have implemented connectionDidFailWithError to alert the user of any errors that happen in the network connections like time out, no internet connection etc. It gives me correct notification when no internet connection is available. So do I still need to implement Apple's reachability code? ...

Get IP Adress from a connected Windows Network Share with Python

How can i manage to get the IP or path like \\projects of a connected network share with a drive letter. I only have the drive letter and want to get the IP of the Share with python. Many Thanks... Sashmo ...

Connect android to local Lan via Phone (Over wifi OR via USB connection)

Hey, I am playing about with RTSP in Android, getting it to stream using Media Player. Now I am wanting to test them locally, but finding it incredibly difficult. What I have done is run a local Wowza server and published the RTSP url and I am then entering that URL into the android api demos However, because it w...

Network discovery in Java using multicasting

Hi, I'm trying to make a client/server Java App. Both client and server will be running on the same wi-fi network. Server will be running on a specific port that client is aware of. I am planning to send a multicast message from client through the network for that specific port to discover the server. However, I'm not too sure how I c...

Debugging Java Application Over Network

I have a core java app running on a computer on my network. Can I attach a debugger (netbeans preferred) to this from another computer on the same network? Please advise how to do this if it is possible, or point me to an article I've had a terrible time googling for it. I don't see why it shouldn't be possible. Thanks ...

Implementing SNMP agent on embedded system

I am currently developing an embedded uP based appliance which can be remotely controlled via ethernet from a PC using its own SNMP manager software. I have implemented all the private commands, i.e. using a private community password and under the enterprise tree OID ( So from that point of view the unit is wor...

hyperlink to local or network folder in hudson

I have been using Hudson CI and am posting to it using curl as mentioned here-- But as they say I have to convert my raw text to hexbin format and then send. I have been able to do that and it works fine except for one place: when I have a string that is a link, say http:...

Copying files to NAS - only one folder slow transfer speed.

Hi guys I know this forum wasn't intended for this kind of issues, but I thought that with all this masterminds online, I could get lucky to get an answer here... :-) I've just got a Synology box, and I'm very happy about it. Last night I transfered all my backup, to a folder called "backup". It's about 20-30 GB. At some time, during ...

Need advice and/or developer for small open source MRTG add-on

Revised: Would jQuery be a good way to do the following? I'd like to display MRTG traffic graphs for a dozen WAN links on a wide screen for our help desk, highlighting a graph when utilization exceeds a % threshold. A yellow frame might appear and pulse slowly, turning red and pulsing faster at a higher threshold. Not sure whether to ...