
How to handle File Server unavailable errors

I need to know how to recover from the following error: Windows service is accessing a file on a network server. The network crashes, server goes down or becomes unavailable. I need the service to wait until the server is back on line to continue processing the files. What should I use to do this? I figure I can trap the server un-avail...

TCP handshake latency

I have 2 machines on a 100 Gb/s LAN which talk to each other over TCP. When I do a tracert or a ping from the client to the server, even a large ping, I get an answer in less then 1 ms. However, when I'm sniffing the TCP packets on the client side, I see that 40ms pass between the time it sends the first message of the 3-way handshake, t...

communication between two computers with 2 c++ programs

Hello smart people, I have one computer that is running a c++ program to control a robot and another computer that is running a computer vision system (also written in c++). I would like for these two programs to be able to talk to one another. The communication would not have to be complex, I would just need the robot computer to be ab...

Detecting wifi network change in iPad

Hi I have an iPad application which requires me to stream a video to a user only if he is connected to a particular wifi network. If his wifi network changes, I need to stop streaming. Is there any way to know that the wifi network that the user is connected to has changed? Are there any public APIs that can give me the SSID of the wifi ...

Memcached for Social Network Application

I asked this question over at ASP.NET... ...but wanted to ask it here as well. I’m sure this problem has been solved before so I figured why reinvent the wheel… Short story, I’m building a web application with social features using memcached as a caching layer for the database. To simplify the prob...

android backup application

I recently picked up a phone running android 2.1, and I have rooted it and I keep trying out new roms. My big problem is that I keep having to manually copy my files from the phone to my network share. I tried Titanium Backup, and it worked well enough, but I still have to move files from the sd card to a different location. Does anyo...

TCP P2P without server

Hello,is it possible to write TCP P2P program without server? When I was googling this question I found something about NAT traversal,UPnP, can I use them somehow? ...

How to track network usage of my app on iPhone?

My application play video from internet using MPMoviePlayer. I should display: transferred data size and average data transfer speed (for current playing video). I cant get this information from MPMoviePlayer. So I decide to monitor network traffic of my app and use this information. My question is: How to track the network usage of m...

Network connection reset after intensive operation

I am doing a measurement project where I send and receive data from numerous devices on my network. The send/receive can be considered fast and intensive, as there is almost no pause and a continuous flow of data. However, the data to/from each device is quite small, on the order of a couple of bytes each. For some reason, I am experienc...

after network+ what network subject better i will study

i read some network+ book and decide to continue learn network much ,i work in windows , which issue i better to learn first: MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Configuration ...

Server Push vs Client Pull for Agent-Server Topology

I need to create a system comprising of 2 components: A single server that process and stores data. It also periodically sends out updates to the agents Multiple agents that are installed at remote endpoints. These collect data in (often, but not always) long-running operations, and this data needs to get to the server I'm using C# ....

How to write a server using existing version and wireshark?

I decided to improve my knowledge about python network programming and here is the deal: I have a simple server for Windows, which interacts with a client from a mobile device using wi-fi. Also I have a packet sniffer (Wireshark). Now I want to ask, what do I need to write the Linux version of this server? How to determine the structure ...

Best Platform and Programming Language for Network Mapper Software

I want to do my final year project,and thinking of researching and building a network mapping software,But i dont know which programming language(Java,C++,C,Visual Basic)/platform(Linux,Unix,Windows) is best for this research software.Please any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Flaws...i am familiar in Java but not Good in C and ...

Tips about design/implementation of own protocol

Hello. Where I work we are in need of a protocol capable of: User login/logout Send/recive instructions Send/recive files Send/recive audio stream(could use RTP) Send/recive small XML files Use cryptography for all those. It will be implemented in java. So I have some questions, since I´ve never implemeted a network protocol yet. I...

analysing network traffic

Hi, Whats the best way to identify network behavior?? Behavior of the ports/interfaces and routers? I can get data and analyse the traffic but trying to search for a pattern for a meaningful classification. Any help appreciated. Thank you ...

ANdroid emulator does not show signal bars

Hello, I have a problem with my android emulator. it does not shows network bars when i run it, instead it shows a cross over there. The problem existed from the day i installed emulator. Any suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks. ...

Client Server Performance - very long distance

Hi We have a site hosted one side of the planet and a customer on the other. Its and theres load of complex business rules on the forms. So there are many instances where the user takes some actions and the site posts back to alter the form based on business rules. So now the customer is complaining about site lag. For us, ...

Is twisted.internet.reactor global?

For example, if one application does from twisted.internet import reactor, and another application does the same, are those reactors the same? I am asking because Deluge, an application that uses twisted, looks like it uses the reactor to connect their UI (gtk) to the rest of the application being driven by twisted (I am trying to under...

Unpacking big-endian encoded port number

Hey there! I'm trying to convert a big-endian 2 byte string into a numeric port number. I've already got some code, but I have no idea if it's right: from struct import unpack def unpack_port(big_endian-port): return unpack("!H", big_endian-port)[0] The port (using Python repr() ) is \x1a\xe1, and I get 6881 out of that function. ...

Adding certificate to network operation.(QNetworkReply + QSslConfiguration)

Hi, I am working on a sample which uses QNetworkAccessManager to request the service. To this we have added a certificate which is required by the service. Even after I added the certificate, QNetworkReply emitting the signal sslErrors. , But after that it is emitting the signal finish. In the finish Slot when I tried to read error (r...