
Use NMAKE to make all source in a directory?

Using nmake, is it possible to have the makefile build all the .cpp files in the current directory automatically, without having to specify them individually? So, instead of something like: O = $(OBJ_DIR)/main.obj {$(SOURCE_DIR)}.cpp{$(OBJ_DIR)}.obj: ---COMPILE $< HERE--- I'd like to avoid having to specify each obj to make. Can...

Recursive nmake target

When recursively invoking nmake, via the $(MAKE) macro, how can I pass on the target specified on the command line to the new instance? So, say I execute the following from the command line: c:\nmake clean I want the recursive call to nmake to pass the 'clean' target to the new nmake instance. ...

Ignore #pragma comment(lib, ...) ?

I'm attempting to perform a link of previously generated .obj files (using the latest version of MSVC). When those .obj's were created, the source code specified: #pragma comment(lib, ...) As such, the linker is attempting to link against static libraries specified in the source. Is there a way to instruct the linker to ignore these...

Converting nmake to make

Is there a tool in the market that takes Visual Studio "nmake" files, and converts them to Unix-style "make" files? Is there any tool that eases the pain of managing makefiles in large projects? ...

make---linux and windows formats

hi, I am in a big problem ..i have compiled my c files using linux make file in Linux OS. I want to compile the same files in Windows using the same make file by command prompt. For that i have nmake utility and Cygwin utility too. I have done that successfully with simple programs with simple make file .. But it is not possible to c...

YACC compile error

I am compiling a YACC file using Cygwin shell on a PC. I am getting an 'unknown character \15'. The weird thing is that a co-worker on another machine can compile the exact same file using the same shell with no warnings or errors. Is there some kind of flag I need to set in my shell or with the compiler? We are using nmake and a Vis...

nmake Makefile to Place object files in a separate directory

Hi, I have all my source files in the Source folder, The makefile is in the Makefile folder and I want all object files to be placed in Objects folder. It is a C project iam working on. All these three folders are in a folder named Project. Project folder contains: Source Makefile ...

makedepend equivalent for use with nmake?

Just wondering if there is a 'makedepends' equivalent that ships with visual studio that I can use with nmake. Does anyone know? ...

Still nmake problem with Unicode-Map-0.112 after trying vcvarsall.bat

Many thanks to ephemient for recommending to try vcvarsall.bat. In DOS successfully ran vcvarsall.bat, which was part of MS C++ Express 2008 Next I continued to try to follow the PerlMonks advice by using ppm, i.e. http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=434813 So I tried to make, really nmake Unicode-Map-0.112 again. I received one more ...

Import Makefile settings to VS2005 IDE

Hi, I'm a newbie in this vast world of programming. I've been given some codes in C which are compiled & linked using makefile. I can compile the code using nmake from VS2005. Now i want to build the program in C++ VS2005 IDE. From a quick google search, there seems to be no automated functions in importing makefile settings to VS IDE. ...

How do I set the executable attributes with qmake for a c++ project?

I use buildbot to compile my Qt/C++/nmake project. I would like to add the version number to the executable and the company details (on the properties of the file). Does anybody know where I can set this information? Note: I am using buildbot not Visual Studio so I need a command line way of doing this. ...

printing long compilation lines with MS NMAKE

I have a legacy MS NMAKE Makefile I need to fix a few bugs in. There are some very long command lines I wish to debug that are being executed using the following NMAKE trick dep: cmd @<<tmpfilename cmd_args.. << When changing the line to dep: echo cmd @<<tmpfilename cmd_args.. << NMAKE complains that the line is too long....

qt moc.exe not generating *.moc file

Hi, I'm trying to build the qtestlib/tutorial1 example, but the testqstring.moc file isn't being generated when I run nmake (I'm running QT 4.5.2 on Windows XP SP3). I copied testqstring.cpp from the tutorial directory to my build directory (C:\sandboxes\testqstring) and from the QT command prompt ran vsvars32.bat file from my MS Visual ...

makefile/nmake : strip out folder bits from the file list

I have a makefile (using nmake & VC++ 2005): CPP_OBJS = $(CPP_SOURCE:.cpp=.obj) $(TARGET) : $(CPP_OBJS) $(link) $(ldebug) $(lflags) /DLL \ $(LIBPATHS) \ $out:$@ $(CPP_OBJS) $(conlibs) The problem is link step fails because $(CPP_OBJS) are expanded into the list of files where each filename is prepended with a folder name...

Nmake - compiling all source files in all subfolders

I want to create a generic nmake file that can be used for multiple projects with minimal changes to the .mak file. I want it to compile all of the source files (c/cpp) in a folder as well as all of the source files in all subfolders. I'm not sure if it's possible to use wildcards for directory names or how I would iteratively traverse m...

Nmake getting a list of all .o files from .cpp files

I'm using nmake to compile multiple source files into an elf. However I do not want to specify the .o files in a long list like this: OBJS = file1.o file2.o file3.o What I would prefer is to use a wildcard that specifies all .o files in the current directory as dependencies for the .elf. However, the .o files don't exist until I've co...

nmake.exe keeps complaining about flags I'm not giving it. (U1065)

When I run nmake.exe from make I get this error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. NMAKE : fatal error U1065: invalid option '-' But I'm not passing in '-' as an option anyplace. If I run the same command from outside of make it works correctly....

Reuse makefile rule

I'm learning makefiles and I'm trying to figure out how to reuse a rule. Right now I have the following: CPP = cl CPPFLAGS = /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /ZI /TP /errorReport:prompt .SUFFIXES: .exe .cpp Exercise35.exe: $(CPP) Exercise3...

Concatenation of foldername and filenames in nmake

I have a Makefile for Nmake containing a list of files in a macro: MYSRCFILES1=myfolder\file1.svg myfolder\file2.svg ... myfolder\file99.svg and a second one just like this: MYSRCFILES2=myfolder2\file1.svg myfolder2\file2.svg ... myfolder2\file99.svg What I am trying is to avoid duplication of the list of files, and to avoid duplic...

nmake: is it possible to disable compilation warnings?

Hello. Microsoft nmake tool will output any compiler warnings during build process. This is very annoying while building large projects (like Qt). Is it possible to disable warnings display while using nmake? ...