
Creating NSMatrix of NSImageCells

I need to create an NSMatrix with NSImageCells bound to an array controller. So the content of the NSMatrix is bound to an NSArray (so there are as many NSImageCells in the matrix as there are objects in the array), then the image path of the NSImageCells are bound to a key called "iconPath" in the Array Controller. And then when an ima...

Why are my images in my NSTableView faded out?

To start, there's an NSArrayController ("Servers") whose content is an array of "server" objects. I also have an NSTableView with a column. The column is bound to Server's "arrangedObjects.status" property. I use a custom NSValueConverter to make that status into an image for the column's dataCell which is an NSImageCell. What I don't...

Inserting image into NSTableView using bindings

I've an NSTableView bound to an NSArrayController with two columns. One column is bound to the arranged objects of the array controller and displays a string. I'd like to display an image in the other column, but I just can't make it work. I've dragged an NSImageCell to the column and set the image by hand but it won't show up at runti...

Core Data Image Won't Load Into NSTableView Image Cell

In my code I am storing an image into my Core Data model (works fine). If I set up my view to have an NSImageView and bind its Data to Controller Key: selection and modelKeyPath: myImagePath, it works. It will show each image for the selected row. I then create a new column in my NSTableView and drag an image cell onto the column. Howev...