
Text colors in an NSTableColumn on highlight

I've got an column of cells in an NSTableView that get their text color from the app's preference plist. I want to set the text color to white when highlighted, but have been unable to figure out a good way to do this. Anybody got any ideas? ...

nstableview + cannot show partial file names

Hi there, I am using Table View Control. In the control, I show File/Folders details, if I reduce the size of file/folder name column, it does not show partial file/folder name (whatever characters can be shown in the Column). If a file name has multiple words in it, if enough space is not there to show a word then that word does not g...

Why are my images in my NSTableView faded out?

To start, there's an NSArrayController ("Servers") whose content is an array of "server" objects. I also have an NSTableView with a column. The column is bound to Server's "arrangedObjects.status" property. I use a custom NSValueConverter to make that status into an image for the column's dataCell which is an NSImageCell. What I don't...

Problem naming NSTableColumn

Hi, I'm trying to create a column with an empty string as the identifier but Cocoa seems to replace the empty string with the word "Field" every time I try to create the column. How do you go around this? - (void)addColumnWithCheckboxToTable:(NSTableView *)table { // Add column with checkbox before all other columns // This col...

Checkbox on table column won't register click

Hi, I've a table view to which I add columns dynamically. It must be done this way because I can't predict how many or which columns I will need. Some columns are checkboxes but I can't click on them when I run my application. The column and checkbox are set to be editable but if I click on the checkbox the check won't get set. Am I m...

NSTableView with multiple columns

What is an easy way to set up my NSTableView with multiple columns to only display certain data in one column. I have the IBOutlets set up, but I don't know where to go from there. ...

How to auto resize table column when double clicking on Cocoa ?

I want to auto resize table column to its content width when double clicking its header (resize cursor is showing), like on iTunes. Anyone know how to do it ? Thanks in advance ...

Sorting NSTableColumn contents

Hey, I have a problem with sorting NSTableColumn contents. In my NSTableView there are three columns: File, Size, Path. The contents are stored in NSMutableArray. Each object in this array is a NSDictionary containing three keys: file, size and path - value for each is a NSString. In Interface Builder, in each Table Column's attribute...

Programmatically binding Core Data to dynamic NSTableColumns

I have a Core Data application with two entities: Item and Entries. Item has a dataType string variable. Item has a to-many inverse relationship to Entries. Entries has two variables: stringData and numberData. I'm programmatically creating an NSTableColumn for each Item. The cell type of the column is defined by the Item's dataType var...

Different cells in NSTableView together with bindings

Hi, im working on a nstableview that contains information for some properties that are dynamicly created. Each row contains some cells that are common (name for example), but in one column they have different cells. Some properties will have NSSliderCell, other NSButtonCell etc. All of this is binded up to a NSDictionaryController. I've ...

Binding to NSTextField Cell not working, edited value resets to default

I'm working on a Core Data document application that dynamically creates NSTableColumns. The data cell type may be a checkbox, slider, etc. Programmatically binding to all cell types works, except for NSTextFieldCell. All NSTextFieldCells fail to bind, and after editing they return to their default value. This happens no matter if they'...

Have more than one NSTableView with different Content - not displays data

I've two TableViews (one SourceList and one Normal TableView). I'm not using ArrayControllers, just using: - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex; - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView; this to display the Row Conte...

How to get NSFormatter subclass to work with NSTableColumn sort key and selector?

My setup: I have a sqlite database from which I populate a NSMutableArray of NSDictionary objects this is the DataSource for my NSTableView. One of the columns holds "time", the time is a float that holds seconds. I would like to display the values in this column as minutes:seconds. For instance my data would be 123.4329387 I want t...

Core Data Image Won't Load Into NSTableView Image Cell

In my code I am storing an image into my Core Data model (works fine). If I set up my view to have an NSImageView and bind its Data to Controller Key: selection and modelKeyPath: myImagePath, it works. It will show each image for the selected row. I then create a new column in my NSTableView and drag an image cell onto the column. Howev...

How to set indicator image on column with multiple sort descriptors?

NSDisableScreenUpdates(); [self.productsArrayController setFetchPredicate:predicate]; [self.productsArrayController setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors]; [self.productsArrayController fetchWithRequest:[self.productsArrayController defaultFetchRequest] merge:YES error:nil]; NSSortDescriptor *lastSortDescriptor = [sortDescriptors lastObj...

Force NSTableView to reload column layout info

Is there any way to force an NSTableView to reload autosaved table column info (ie, order and size)? I've got an app that lets you switch between multiple data sets and it displays uses a table to display the data. For each data set, there's a view controller that loads the nib containing the table view. If I view the first data set and...

[Objective-C "Bindings"] How to refresh an NSTableVIew when you populate the NSMutableArray (bind) associated with it .

Hello there I just want to ask that I tried to bind my NSArraycontroller to an NSMutableArray, the array holds objects of type "iData" (its a custom class). The class further contains some NSMutableString variables, the variables are set as keys for KVC. Further i bind the my NSTableColumn to the NSArrayController and set key model paths...