
Reverse DNS in Ruby?

I'm in an environment with a lot of computers that haven't been properly inventoried. Basically, no one knows which IP goes with which mac address and which hostname. So I wrote the following: # This script goes down the entire IP range and attempts to# retrieve the Hostname and mac address and outputs them# into a file. Yay!require "so...

Reverse DNS lookup in perl

How do I perform a reverse DNS lookup, that is how do I resolve an IP address to its DNS hostname in Perl? ...

Most efficient way to programatically determine if a web domain is available?

I am writing some code to determine whether a network domain is registered. For example, I want to check if "Google123.com" is available. There are at least two ways I can do this programatically, but I'm not sure which is more valid: A) In linux/cygwin, I can launch the whois command to see if a domain is in use. B) In linux/windows,...

Capturing nslookup shell output with C#

I have a command-line process I would like to automate and capture in C#. At the command line, I type: nslookup This launches a shell which gives me a > prompt. At the prompt, I then type: ls -a mydomain.local This returns a list of local CNAMEs from my primary DNS server and the physical machines they are attached to. What I wou...

how to write nslookup programmatically?

instead of using exec in our script to do an nslookup, is there an easy way to write it programmatically in PHP, Python, or Ruby? ...

Network Scan, Filtering for Top Level Domain

Greetings, I have a list of 2 Full Network Class C's worth of IP addresses in seperate text files. What I am interested in doing is finding a way to resolve the hosts of these IP addresses and filter out to display only the top level domain. for example; resolves to www.mywebsite.com using shell scripting would it then be ...

nslookup for C# and C++ to resolve a host using a specific Server

i need to resolve a hostname using a specific DNS server like you would in nslookup C:\>nslookup hotname Server: UnKnown Address: Name: hostname.host Address: But ofcourse in return i dont just want the address i want all the values for Server, Address, Name and Address I have looked a...

Using Java for 'nslookup -type=srv'

Hi: Is there a way in Java to do a Nslookup search on SRV records? I need to bind to Active Directory and would like to use the SRV records to help determine which of the ADs in the cluster are live. In command line the nslookup search string is: 'nslookup -type=srv _ ldap._tcp.ActiveDirectory domain name' Thanks. ...

Android name resolution in internal server doesn't work (device and emulator)

Hi guys, i try to connect (HttpClient) to an internal server in my app via wi-fi. But every time i got an UnknownHostException if I use the domain name of the server (http://domainname/..). If i use the Ip instead, it works well. This happens not only on the emulator but also on a real device (htc desire). Did anyone got the same prob...

External DNS lookup web service (NSLOOKUP / DiG)

Several sites offer hostname to IP conversions, or in their wording: Query a DNS domain nameserver to lookup and find IP address information of computers in the internet. Convert a host or domain name into an IP address. However, I haven't been able to find any free webservices offering this functionality. I've stumbled upo...

Is there a unix command to retrieve NS records from domain?

Hi, I am looking for a way to get the primary and secondary NS records of a given domain name, and the IP addresses associated with it. Which means that I am looking for these: dns1: ip1: dns2: ip2: Now this kind of information is available from websites like intodns.com, but I am working on a huge list of domains and would like to aut...

How to get **all** IP addresses of a domain?

I built the getaddrinfo() sample provided at http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/syscalls.html#getaddrinfo When I run it on an example domain, such facebook.com it lists three (3) IP address: IPv4: IPv4: IPv4: I know, however, that there are quite a few more addresses (at leas...