
Scanning a string line by line

I have an nsstring with 50 of lines i want to scan a particular string using nsscanner scanning each lines. Is it possible ? Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance...... ...

Getting Wikipedia Article Summary using NSScanner Problem

hello, I am trying to get the summary of an article and download it as a string. This works great with some articles, but the wikipedia website is inconsistent. So NSScanner fails pretty often while it works fine for other articles. Here's my NSScanner implementation: NSString *separatorString = @"<table id=\"toc\" class=\"toc\">"; ...

NSScanner not importing data

I'm trying to load a default set of data from a csv file into my core data db. So initially i'm trying to read in a csv file and output it to the log before trying to add it to the core data database. This is the code i'm using; //Find import file; NSString *defaultCSVPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"data" ofType:@"csv"...