
NSTableView problem deleting LAST row

It's been a while since I messed with my TableViewController so I'm a bit rusty...but now I'd like to set it up so that when a section has zero rows to display (array is empty) then it will "lie" to the controller and return 1 for numberOfRowsInSection. Then in the cellForRowAtIndexPath it will place a UILabel over the one row's cell tha...

Is there a way to use bindings with an editable NSSecureTextFieldCell in an NSTableView?

I have an NSTableView with several columns, one of which is set up to use an NSSecureTextFieldCell as its dataCell. I am using a properly configured NSArrayController to provide data to this table. The problem is that my secure text field does not want to work. It shows an appropriate number of dots for the strings that it holds, but it...

NSTableView responding to first click in a panel

I have noticed in the Interface Builder if I want to click on or drag from the Library panel, I only have to click on it once, even if the Library panel does not have the current focus. I am trying to build a panel that behaves similarly. Is there any simple way to let the NSTableView accept the click, even if the window does not have ...

Drag'n'Drop Support for NSTableView with CoreData Storage

Hi, I have to NSTableViews in my application both display the data which is being stored as "CoreData". The TableViews are pretty basic, as the whole programm is. The right TableView shows a list of checklists, the left shows the contents of this checklist. Now I want to allow a user to drag an item which is inside a checklist to an...

Animating rows in an NSTableView

Is there a simple way of animating rows in an NSTableView? I'd like to be able to do something like flash a row, or fade out a row. Essentially - to provide a bit of visual feedback when rows are added or removed. Edited to add: I'd had a quick look over Google before posting this; but I wanted to know if there was some way to do thi...

Updating NSTableView in an instance of NSCollectionViewItem

In my setup I have an NSCollectionView of volumes connected to the mac. For the NSCollectionViewItem's View I have an NSBox with an NSTableView inside listing the contents of that volume. My problem comes when trying to add/remove items to the NSTableView. The NSBox seems to be initialised once, so there is only one NSTableView. This me...

NSTableView doesn't increase the number of elements in table?

Hi all, I've an NSTableView that uses the controller object for the NIB being displayed as the data source. I implement the NSTableView informal protocol. This NSTableView gets its values from Core Data. I startup the application, load all values I have in XML and then display them. My problem is, the NSTableView doesn't seem to add a...

Clickable links within a custom NSCell

I have a custom NSCell with various elements inside of it (images, various text pieces) and one of those text blocks may have various clickable links inside of it. I have my NSAttributedString correctly identifying the links and coloring them blue however I can't figure out how to get the cursor to turn into a hand and allow a user to ac...

NSTableView Troubles

Hey everyone, I'm working on learning Objective-C/Coaoa, but I've seem to have gotten a bit stuck with getting the NSTableView object to work for me. I've followed all the directions, but for some reason I still get this error: Class 'RobotManager' does not implement the 'NSTableViewDataSource' protocol Here's my source, tell me what...

Setting one side of an NSSplitView programmatically

I've got an NSSplitView and on the left side I've got a tableView (like a source list) and depending on row selection, I want to change the the right side of the split view. I can't quite figure out how to do this. When I add my desired subview to the splitview, it adds another split (so now there's 3 views total... not what I wanted). ...

Scrolling in NSTableView

Hi, I'm not asking how to do this, it's more in line of "What would you call this?". I have an NSTableView with several custom cells. I want the table to scroll row by row, meaning that when I move the scrollbar up I want the top row to disappear and when I move it down I want the bottom row also to disappear - I don't want to see half...

NSTableView, multiple cells and bindings

I'm trying to create a view that's similar to Motion's properties views (screenshot). Each of my property objects contains a definition of the kind of cell it wants to display as. But at the same time, I'd like to use bindings so that values are automatically updated as they can be changed elsewhere. I've tried a few different approach...

How to highlight a row in NSTableView. Very Simple question

I have NSTableView in my application. right now say is 8 columns by 48 rows. I have a function that runs a specific a specific column to see wether or not the value in each cell is greater than a certain value. If it is I would like the application to highlight the row. I did some reading and I am still looking for the functions calls ...

Problem getting selected row index in NSTableView with filter predicate

Hi, I'm not sure I'm phrasing this properly, but basically I do this in my main app delegate: Application *app = [[Application alloc] initWithApplication:fullPath] The Application class has an initWithApplication method that takes in the path of an app and then sets the properties for appPath, name, etc. Then I add the new "app" objec...

RubyCocoa: Thumbnail Images in NSTableView

I'm trying to display an NSTableView of: | thumbnail | filename | I created the NSTableView in IB and delegated it to a class. In the class, I bypassed a model just to get a POC implementation and created the data source delegate methods. They populate the text cells just fine. However, now I'm at the step where the first cell needs to...

Background image of CustomTableView Cells

Hi, Can you help me to fix this problem. I am customizing my table view to show various images in the background of the cells accordingly as Selected : Font Changed to While Colour, Background image, Highlighted.png Deselected/Normal: Font -> Black colour, Bg Image: Default.png I tried to override - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSR...

NSDictionaryController doesn't seem to observe changes to content dictionary

I must be missing something simple, but I am having some trouble binding a tableView to an NSDictionaryController. Here is a model of my current scheme: TableViewColumn --bindsTo-->DictionaryController.arrangedObjects.(value or key) --bindsTo-->someClass.someClassMember.aDictionary. I've tested the tableView by adding a...

Implement Itunes like "All" filter in master detail interface

In Itunes, there is an "All" filter in the music browser. The user, e.g., can select "All (350 Artists)" to see music across all artists. I have a Core Data backed Master Detail interface where I have a list of groups as master and a list of items in the group as detail, both NSTableViews. I have connected the 2 views together through...

Differences between NSTableView and NSCollectionView

I'm trying to decide which path to take for developing my Snow Leopard app. First, I should preface with the obvious differences: NSTableView can have multiple columns of data for representing different parts of the same "element" of data (a row) where NSCollectionView can display a grid of data as well, but every row+column combo is it...

NSTableView - toggling between 2 datasources.

I have a small cocoa app, and the UI consists mainly of a single NSTableView. However I have 2 different lists of data that I would like to display in it, and then just toggle between the two. My question is, what do you think is the best way to implement this? Now I figure I could use a BOOL flag to change which Array gets used in the ...