
What algorithm is used here?

This is simple text detection video made using an opencv. Any ideas how was that made? Opencv video 1 Opencv video 2 ...

What is the typical method to separate connected letters in a word using OCR

I am very new to OCR and almost know nothing about the algorithms used to recognize words. I am just getting familiar to that. Could anybody please advise on the typical method used to recognize and separate individual characters in connected form (I mean in a word where all letters are linked together)? Forget about handwriting, suppos...

Where can I get standard OCR character images online?

I need bitmap images for 0-9,a-z,A-Z. Is there such resources online? ...

C# OCR MODI Library, get MODI.Image from (Bitmap) Image NOT saved on hard disk.

Hi everyone, i'm coding an OCR MODI application for numbers recognition. It works quite well but i'm trying to speed it up. I need to create a MODI.Document or a MODI.Image directly from a Emgu.CV.UI.ImageBox and without loading it from the hard disk. Something like MODI.Document md = new MODI.Document(); md.Create(my_picture_box.Imag...

Is their an optimal config/format for a TIFF when using Tesseract or other OCR?

I'm having a bizarre problem with Tesseract. I have a name, "Janice" that is in a 200x40 pixel tiff, that Tesseract interprets as a blank. I'm running hundreds of names through Tesseract and they are processed fine. What I'm actually doing, though, is breaking up a larger TIFF into smaller tiffs of one word each. In the larger TIFF, te...

What is a good OCR that can detect handwriting?

I need a library that can extract text from handwritten paper once I scan it. Normal Latin text. It can be a free solution or even something I have to pay for, as long as it handles handwriting for block letters (not cursive). ...

MODI leaking memory

I have an app where I'm using MODI 2007 to OCR several multi-page tiff files. I have found that when I kick it off on a directory that contains several good tiffs but also some tiffs that cannot be opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, then MODI also fails to OCR those "bad" tiffs. When this happens, the app is unable to reclaim an...

Algorithm for OCR and Kanji Symbols

I have a friend that is starting up a new project. He wants to be able to use some sort of OCR in order to detect and translate Kanji symbols into other languages. He has hit a bit of a brick wall in finding available algorithms in order to do so, since these symbols are a bit more complex than the English characters that we're used to...

How to setup RAM disk drive using python or WMI?

Hi, The background of my question is associated with Tesseract, the free OCR engine (1985-1995 by HP, now hosting in Google). It specifically requires an input file and an output file; the argument only takes filename (not stream / binary string), so in order to use the wrapper API such as pytesser and / or python-tesser.py, the OCR tem...

How do I apply a median filter to a UIImage on the iPhone?

I would like to improve my OCR accuracy (I'm using the Tesseract OCR engine) by using a median filter on an image before performing OCR on it. How would I apply a median filter to a UIImage instance? Thanks! ...

OCR, OCR-B Fonts in PHP?

Hello, I am looking for a good solution to parse OCR-B fonts off a PNG images fed from scanners. Any tips on a engine? In php ...

Using Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for image pattern recognition

So I want to be able to recognise patterns in images (such as a number 4), I have been reading about different algorithms and I would really like to use the Nearest Neighbour algorithm, it looks simple and I do understand it based on this tutorial: http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/KNN/KNN_Numerical-example.html Problem is, altho...

how do free online OCR programs compare to commercial ones?

How much better would commercial OCR software be compared to the stuff that's available online for free? More specifically: Reading text in pictures (things like book covers etc...) ...

It's possible make an OCR in Python to check words...

in opened applications? I want to automate firefox in some web page and I don't have a way to "know" if the page already load completely or if it still loading... I was thinking about making an OCR to check the status bar... it's difficult ? For example, when the word DONE appears at the status bar, the program continues to the next ...

Where does optical character recognition (OCR) fall on the scale of problem difficulty?

How hard is Optical Character Recognition (OCR), formally? Let's assume an error tolerance comparable to a human (which is, I believe, around 98%). In other words, where would it fit in the P/NP scale of problem complexity and intractability? Or would it fit on that scale? Just what kind of problem is it? I'm not terribly familiar wit...

Create a bitonal image for OCR using Image Magick

nice /usr/local/bin/convert -colors 2 -colorspace gray -compress group4 /var/www/html/uploads/pokemon.jpg /var/www/html/uploads/pokemontest.jpg This command worked with a really OLD version of Image Magick. With the newest version this method produces a completely black image. nice /usr/local/bin/convert -colorspace gray -compress gr...

Character extraction methods overview

I am searching for a good character extraction method, or sometimes it is called stroke-model or stroke filter. So, I;ve seen many papers, but they all take a long time for understanding and implementation, I want to ask if someone knows some good source codes or demos? Also I want to get some kind of full overview of methods available...

How do I make OneNote 2007 images searchable when inserted via code?

When I insert an image into OneNote 2007 using C# my images have 'Make Text in Image Searchable' set to Disabled. How do I insert an image with Make Text in Image Searchable enabled, or how do I enable this property after the image is imported. I have already imported a lot of images. How to I make the existing imported images searchab...

Are there any free .NET OCR libraries that will perform OCR on an application window directly?

I am looking for a free .NET OCR library that will be able to do OCR on a given application window or even a image in memory (I can take a snapshot of the application window myself). I have looked at tessnet2 and MODI but both require an image located on disk. I need to use OCR because the application I am trying to write a script for ...

Advice on using OCR on an image of a blackboard

I'm trying to get an image of a blackboard readable by OCR. Naturally, most OCR software doesn't like dirty images. What image processing should I try to put the image through to clean the image up? ...