
CNAME for Omntiure

What are some reasons why sites like LLNW create a CNAME record for Omniture requests (e.g. instead of I've found a post that seems to suggest that it's intended to circumvent 3rd-party-cookie settings. Are there any other pros/cons to this approach? From a performance persp...

Using Omniture ActionSource with Flash IDE

I have a flash app built in ActionScript 3 utilizing a document class. I have followed the documentation for implementing Omniture ActionSource tracking by adding the ActionSource component to my fla's library, and then importing it into the document class and running the configuration code. However, the app fails to compile because it ...

Outbound link tracking - Google Analytics' _trackEvent() and Omniture's

We have a site that uses both Omniture and Google Analytics. Ideally, we want to report in both suites on clicks to outbound links. I'd like to do this the "right way," i.e. overcoming the race condition that occurs when requesting a site and the tracking pixel at the same time. See:

Javascript how can I trigger an event that was prevented

In my app a user clicks a link to another page. I'd like to track that in Omniture with a custom event, so I've bound the omniture s.t() event to the click event. How can I make certain the event fires before the next page is requested? I've considered event.preventDefault() on the click event of the link, but I actually want the origin...

Loop elements with Jquery and call Omniture function to track

Hi, i have a page with a list of items. Each item has a print now link (a.printMe) to print each item. At the end of the list, there's a print all link (a.printAll) to print all items. I want to track number of times an item was printed. If a.printAll link is clicked, then i will send all the item's tracking value to Omniture. I added t...

Difference between a visit in Omniture and Google Analytics

GA : « A period of interaction between a visitor's browser and a particular website, ending when the browser is closed or shut down, or when the user has been inactive on that site for a specified period of time. » Omniture : «A visit is a term that refers to a visitor's access to a website. The visit begins when a person first views a ...

AS3 and ActionSource Integration issues

import com.omniture.ActionSource; var s:ActionSource; function configActionSource():void { s = new ActionSource(); /* Specify the Report Suite ID(s) to track here */ s.account = "YOURREPORTSUITEHERE"; /* You may add or alter any code config here - see documentation for more variables */ s.pageName = "Sample AS3 Script H...

Generating links for Google Analytics and Omniture

I am trying to build URLs for Google Analytics and Omniture. GA is simple enough, and those URLs can be built using Campaign Source: * (referrer: google, citysearch, newsletter4) Campaign Medium: * (marketing medium: cpc, banner, email) Campaign Term: (i...

Drupal Adding custom Omniture code, PHP variable not being set

Ok I have some custom Omniture code I need to add to a Drupal site. All is good as I have added the Javascript code to the themes template page. The code shows up on all the pages as expected but I have a couple of PHP variables that I need to print in the Javascript that are coming up blank. <?php $omniture_event = "test this work...

Omniture App measurement for iphone

Could someone please help with implementation details for Omniture's app measurement iphone library ? I have linked both the dev and release libraries into my app, I instantiate them using the singleton method (getInstance) and they call the 'track' method on the instance....something along these lines. OMAppMeasurement *s = [OMAppMeasu...