I have an HTML document (here), which creates an iframe-based media player for a collection of songs within albums (I just used letters to define these albums and songs in the mymusic array, for simplicity).
Focusing on the top 3 iframes, the way I have set out the user interaction is to generate the HTML for forms of available albums a...
I have a select field that is dynamically populated with an ajax call that simply returns all the HTML select options. Here is the part of the PHP that just echo's the select tags and dynamically fills out each option/value.
echo "<select name='player1' class='affector'>";
echo "<option value='' selected>--".sizeof($start)." PLAYERS LO...
So I followed the example in the Dojo - Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications to add server-side validation to the username validationtextbox field on my form. Basically I added a usernameOnChange function that submitted an xhrGet request, the xhrGet returns JSON and is handled by the usernameValidationHandler.
I have a control with a combobox:
<ComboBox x:Name="TraceComboBox"
ItemsSource="{Binding SingleChannelList}"
SelectedItem="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type cc:LogicTriggerSimpleLevelControl}}, Path=SelectedTrace, Mode=TwoWay}"
Here's th...
When this onchange event in IE returns false, IE focus stays on that input box. In Firefox the focus always moves to the next field regardless.
input name="seminar_donation" type="text" id="seminar_donation"
onchange="return CheckTotal(this);"
function CheckTotal(inputbox) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(inputbox.va...
Hello, I am trying to get it so that when a certain value is put into a textbox, the focus will stay on the textbox(and an alert will be shown in production). I am trying to get this to work in Firefox 3.5.7 with no luck.
How can I make it so when a textbox is a certain value at onchange that it will stay focused/refocus on the textbox...
I'm using Prototype to monitor checkboxes, so I can add javascript checks to them. When the tr or td in which the checkbox is located is clicked, the checkbox should be checked.
When you click directly on a checkbox, the onchange event is fired, so you'll get an alert. When the checkbox' value is changed by javascript (when you click on ...
Here's what I want to achieve, I have a select box that loads in a few rows, when the select is changed (onchange) the key is AJAXed to a PHP function that returns an array in the JSON format, my code then clears the select box options and applies the values I have just returned from my PHP function, great.
The problem is when the new v...
HOw can i change content of ViewData on drop down list change using javascript in MVC View?
I have the following jQuery code in place on my page:
var isChanged = false;
$('.change').change(function() {
isChanged = true;
I am using a plugic that modifies the value of the text box it is linked to using:
the text box in the html (from asp.net) is:
I am trying to do the next thing in Jquery.
I have 2 comboboxes and i want to make sure that their selected values is identical. If user chooses a value in one of the combo like the other one, i want to alert "invalid op" and set the combo selected value to its previous value.
so i wrote:
$("#SelectGroupMargin").live("onchange", fu...
The Prototype event listener I use for changes in select menus is not being triggered in IE.
Event.observe('use_billing', 'change', Checkout.getBillingData);
This works fine in Firefox (of course), but nothing happens in IE (of course) - I've been Googling this for some time, but I have not found a suitable solution to this problem. I...
I am referring to
and having hard time retrieving the selected value on the slider.
Initially I was having a dropdown which had an onchange event associated with it..
and worked like a charm by calling
<select id="myselect" onchange...
I'm trying to get a javascript event to reload a page when I change a date using calendar control, but the page won't reload. Any idea how to do this?
this is what i have right now
<input type="text" name="start_date" onFocus="showCalendarControl(this);" value="#FORM.start_date#" onchange="changeDateReload(this.value);" />
function ...
My setup is something like this:
radiobutton1 - selection1
radiobutton2 - selection2 textinput1
I want radiobutton1 to be selected whenever selection1 is changed, and I want radiobutton2 to be selected whenever either selection2 or textinput1 is changed.
There has to be a simple javascript solution here... I just can't find it.
Hi, I have tried a number of things to try and get Selenium to pick up an 'onchange' event from a drop down menu, none of which has worked.
The offending HTML is:
<select onchange="doOpperation(this.options[this.selectedIndex]); this.selectedIndex = 0;" name="opps_ondemand" id="opps_ondemand">
<option value="none" id="ondemand">Mark...
I seem unable to correctly attach the onchange event to a dijit.form.Select widget. However, I am new to web development, so I could be doing something completely idiotic (although, as best I can tell (and I've read all the docs I could find) I'm not). I made sure the body class matches the dojo theme, that I dojo.require() for all the w...
I have a form I have built:
<form class="myform" action="cgi.pl">
<select name="export" onchange='this.form.submit()'>
<option value="" selected="selected">Choose an export format</option>
<option value="html">HTML</option>
<option value="csv">CSV</option>
Now, this form works fine if I pull down ...
I want to have a select menu to change a field on a Customer dynamically, I've never used Jquery with a select menu, and I'm having problems.
The code:
<% form_for @customer , :url => { :action => "update" }, :html =>{:class => "ajax_form"} do |f| %>
Pricing: <%= select :customer, :pricing, Customer::PRICING, {}, :onchange => "$('this...
I have a select box that
needs to submit it's value to a server side controller on change.
The submit works. The value of the changed element is however not sent.
I've scoured some examples online, but none seem to work
:url => some_remote_function_path,
:with => "'key1='+$('elem_id').value +'&key2='+$('ele...