
How can I blend audio from OpenAL with iPod music?

I'm using an audio engine I'm not too familiar with. It's an engine that came from an Apple example project (SoundEngine.cpp). It uses OpenAL to play sound effects and music, and nowhere do I see it initializing an audio session with AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient or kAudioSessionCategory_SoloAmbientSound or any other categories. W...

Workaround for UnsupportedAudioFileException ?

I'm in a very early stage of writing a small music/rhythm game in Java (via Slick framework, which in turns uses OpenAL, but that's probably irrelevant here). The game needs to read (and playback) several sound files in WAV format, but some of the files are throwing [javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException] exceptions. at jav...

OpenAL - determine maximum sources

Is there an API that allows you to define the maximum number of OpenAL "sources" allowed by the underlying sound hardware? Searching the internet, I found 2 recommendations : keep generating OpenAL sources till you get an error. However, there is a note in FreeSL (OpenAL wrapper) stating that this is "very bad and may even crash the l...

JOAL with JNLPAppletLauncher Problem

Hi, I am developing a Java Applet that makes use of JOAL. In order to avoid annoying dialogues I wanted to load JOAL with the JNLPAppletLauncher as it is shown on Unfortunately with this approach I get this exception: JNLPAppletLauncher.loadLibrary("joal_native") loading: C:\Use...

OpenAL doesn't work when using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer

hi. i have been troubled about audio problem for several days. i don't think OpenAL get along with AVAudio functions. i have my own OpenAL class. ( wrapped the MyOpenAL class ) my app start to record using AVAudioRecorder. i stop recording. and then i clicked the "OpenAL Play"button that play any sound using OpenAL. i can't hear it. but...

OpenAL device, buffer and context relationship

I'm trying to create an object oriented model to wrap OpenAL and have a little problem understanding the devices, buffers and contexts. From what I can see in the Programmer's Guide, there are multiple devices, each of which can have multiple contexts as well as multiple buffers. Each context has a listener, and the alListener*() funct...

Using finch first time. How to play mp3,ogg or other formats (wav files to big) ?

My *.wav's work as expected. But wav files are to big, so I want to play *.mp3 or *.ogg but it doesn't work. I use this lines of code found in the finch Demo project engine = [[Finch alloc] init]; sitar = [[Sound alloc] initWithFile:RSRC(@"sitar.wav")]; [sitar play]; So I only change sitar.wav into my .mp3 filename. Note 1: It mustn...

Audio Recording in C++

Hey, I was wondering, what was a good cross-platform utility for doing audio recording/ playback/ seeking in C++? I was thinking going the route of ALUT (OpenAL), but is there a better way? If not, do you guys know of any good tutorials/sample code for ALUT? ...

calculate camera up vector after glulookat()?

I'm just starting out teaching myself openGL and now adding openAL to the mix. I have some planets scattered around in 3D space and when I touch the screen, I'm assigning a sound to a random planet and then slowly and smoothly flying the "camera" over to look at it and listen to it. The animation/tweening part is working perfectly, b...

iPhone: What is the best approach to changing the sound of a rolling ball based on speed?

I need to play a sound of a ball rolling and change the sound based on the ball's speed. I was using AVFoundation and just playing different samples but that didn't sound natural enough. I tried OpenAL and something like: alSourcef(sourceID, AL_PITCH, thePitch); and passing in thePitch, but didn't like the results. Does anyone have a...

Recording Audio with OpenAL

I've been comparing various audio libraries available in C++. I was wondering, I'm kind of stuck starting with OpenAL. Can someone point out an example program how to record from a mic using OpenAL in C++. Thanks in advance! ...

OpenAL Vs. AVAudioPlayer/AVAudioRecorder on iPhone

Hi, What is the difference between OpenAL and AVAudioPlayer on the iPhone? It seems that both can be used for playing/recording audio. When would you use either? What advantages/features does each provide? Thanks! -MT ...

Application crashes at AudioToolbox thread on a stressed iPod Touch, fw 3.1.3

Hello all, I encountered an AudioToolbox crash in my application. Here's the crash log, And I'm using AudioToolbox + OpenAL to play music (m4a) and sound (wav). It happens only on stressed device. So I can't tell what's wrong with it. The crash log didn't report not enough memory, but instead of that, ...

Audio output to .wav file is valid, but when encoded with Vorbis, it records silence ?

I've been hunting bugs for the past three days and I've kind of given up. I've plowed through all the samples in the OpenAL SDK and the Vorbis examples, but to no avail, so I hope someone can help me. The problem: I record audio using OpenAL, and for debug reasons i output it to C:/out.wav which i can then play with any audio player of...

MP3 streaming on iOS

I want to use OpenAL to play music in an iOS game. The music files are stored in mp3 format and I want to stream them using a buffer queue. I load audio data into the buffers using AudioFileReadPacketData(). However playing the buffers only gives me noise. It works perfectly for caf files, but not for mp3s. Did I miss some vital step in ...

Building ALPY on OS X, cannot find python library path

I've been trying to build ALPY ( on Mac OS X, but I can't get past ./configure. I have python 2.5 installed, and most of the folders it uses are named python2.5, so I've symlinked them with a python folder in the same directory, but this had no effect. There was previously an error that required the symlinkin...

Loop streaming .ogg audio - OpenAL

Dear all, I have problem looping a streamed ogg vorbis file. This is the code : fslStream_OGG::fslStream_OGG() { className = "fslSound"; iMemSize = 0; iLength = 0; bSourceRelative = false; bIsLooping = false; bForceStop = false; bActive = false; source = buffer = 0; current_gain = 1.0f; outer_gain = 0; snd_info.uiChannels =...

OpenAL output to multiple devices (Linux)

I'm developing a Linux application on a computer with two audio cards and I want to use both at once in OpenAL, each in its own context. When I call OpenAL's enumeration extension, alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER), to get a list of possible output devices, the list only consists of 'ALSA Software' and 'OSS Software'. I know these...

Weird popping noise when playing different sounds with different volumes set through OpenAL on the iPhone

I'm using OpenAL sound framework on the iPhone, and I'm setting different volumes on individual sounds. I'm running into a problem where I'm hearing an initial popping/clicking noise when switching from one sound to the next. It's really noticeable when I have one sound that's got a high volume (1.0) and a second sound that has a low on...

Ball rolling sound effect

I am working on a Labyrinth style app for iPhone using Chipmunk and openAL. I got everything working except the ball rolling sound. What I have tried is playing a small sound for each update in the ball's position so that the overall effect sounds like the ball is rolling. Based on advice on this forum I tired using velocity of the ball ...