
glPolygonMode in OpenGLES

is there an equivalent to glPolygonMode in OpenGLES or how do you render wireframe in OpenGLES? thanks! ...

What does glOrtho(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1) accomplish?

I'm reading the documentation for glOrtho and not understanding it. I'm looking at this resize code for an 2D drawing and not getting why some of the index are positive and some negative. The drawing is supposed to stay flat so I don't know if its doing what's supposed to: void reshape(int width, int height) { glViewport(0, 0, wi...

Geometry shader - Point to triangle strip not maintaining world position

I am just messing around with some geometry shaders taking a list of GL_POINTS and outputting a box with triangle strips. i have it basically working but when i zoom in/out or pan around the triangle strips go all over the place and do not maintain their posistion in the world but are still correctly drawing the box. for example if i g...

How do I perform picking with the Tao framework (or OpenTK)

Can anyone help me achieve picking using the Tao framework (or OpenTK) ? ...

Does glutMainLoop() make the application's main run like a loop?

I know it sounds like a redundant and obvious/stupid question, but the documentation doesn't explicitly state it. If I initialize a variable inside main would it get to be reinitialized each time a glut event occurs (like the window gets resized, the mouse moved, a key gets pressed, etc.)? ...

What web apps can be made (or are made) with OpenGL?

I need to do something with OpenGL for a project. I want to make a web app. Ideas? ...