
Can't Build wxWidgets on Cygwin with OpenGL Support

I am trying to build wxWidgets 2.8.11 under Cygwin, but the wxWidgets configure step is not generating OpenGL support. Specifically, the build is not generating a library called libwx_mswd_gl-2.8.a. I suspect that I am missing a Cygwin OpenGL package, but am not sure. I already have the following OpenGL-related packages: libglut-deve...

How can xming work with OpenGL?

I have an OpenGL (Java + applications) application deployed on a Linux machine. I need to start this application from a Windows machine, display and operate it on Windows. My application shows a whole screen of 2D graphics which is constantly updated. Both machines are OpenGL capable (video cards and drivers). When not remote, the applic...

Mesa3D and OpenGL

Wikipedia Article on Mesa 3D says - Mesa 3D - An open source implementation of OpenGL. But as I see SGI has the entire OpenGL implementation source available online at their website, how is OpenGL not open-source or what is the need of Mesa 3D? ...

FBOs render to texture and glReadPixels

I have set up FBOs (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, color and depth buffers) and my app is rendering a simple OpenGL 3D object (a rotating teapot) to texture with a NULL image. I am trying to capture pixel data using glReadPixels. I see the 3D object correctly on the screen. But glReadPixels gives junk data. I wonder where I am going wrong. Any help...

OpenGL texutre mapped font rendering

I'm implementing a simple font renderer in OpenGL and have a few questions regarding that It basically loads an image with characters on them into an OpenGL texture Is it better to have one big texture with all characters on it, or can I have one texture per character as well? Using the big texture, I can't seem to figure out how to c...

rotating tire rims of car opengl transformations

Here is the draw function which draws the parts of the car, in this function car rims is checked and flag is checked, and i need to rotate the tire rim as i move the car. Something is not working since the rims are rotated but taken out from the car model, when i press up arrow key, but the car does move. I also initialized self.fFlag =...

opengl recompile display list

If an existing compiled display list is to be recompiled, is it necessary to call glDeleteLists() and glGenLists() first? Or can the display list be recompiled by just calling glNewList() on the existing compiled display list ID? ...

My NSOpenGLView won't work. I've tried everything.

I want to display something in an NSOpenGLView, but since there is a total of zero bytes of documentation on it, and the sample code is as big and complex as the documentation should be, I can't get any wise out of it. This is my code so far, and my ANOpenGLView is an NSOpenGLView in a NIB subclassed as ANOpenGLView: @implementation ANO...

Creating native C++ OpenGL 3D editor and using it as a WinForms or WPF control in C#

Hello, I want to create a simple 3D editor program, and I kind of hate C++ windows programming. But I don't want to mess with managed code when using OpenGL, either. So, it is possible to create in native C++ a control which will host the OpenGL 3D drawing surface, with no other controls, and also with an interface (methods and properti...

tire rim rotation in moving car

Possible Duplicate: rotating tire rims of car opengl transformations I posted earlier with code, instead i am going to write down the psuedocode to simplify things, please tell me why it is incorrect since it is not working. Note that i am only rotating the one of the rims. glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity( ) *Abov...

OpenGL MODELVIEW rotations manually

Hello, For my graphics class, our professor wants us to keep track of our current matrix on our own and apply rotations/translations/scaling matrices to it then load it using glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) and glLoadMatrix(current_matrix). All of this seems fine, but when I actually use it, I keep having an issue: if I apply a rotation to ...

OpenGL: Sending RGBA color struct into glColor*() as one parameter?

Is there some way to send a struct like: struct COLOR { float r, g, b, a; }; directly into glColor*() function as one parameter? Would make the code nicer. I could make own function and send separetely each R,G,B,A values onto glColor4f() but that wouldnt be that nice. So im looking a way to send it the most optimal way as possib...

easiest way to make a live 3d scene, a bit like a simple game (for simulator visualisation purposes)

I am building a ship simulator that will produce accurate position and orientation values for a prototype hull design in some defined sea-state. In terms of programming, I have 2 arrays (vectors) in MATLAB containing the position and acceleration values for x, y, z, yaw, pitch and roll. Because the visualisations in MATLAB are a bit cru...

using glTexSubImage2D in opengl es 1.1

I am sending an opengl 3D scene across an IP link to my iPhone app built using SDK 4.1. I render the 3D scene first using FBO, read it with glReadPixels and send it to the iphone app. If I convert the pixel data received by the app to UIImage, I see it is displayed correctly. But when I use the same data in glTexSubImage2D using opengl e...

I have an OpenGL Tessellated Sphere and I want to cut a cylindrical hole in it

Hello, I am working on a piece of software which generated a polygon mesh to represent a sphere, and I want to cut a hole through the sphere. This polygon mesh is only an overlay across the surface of the sphere. I have a good idea of how to determine which polygons will intersect my hole, and I can remove them from my collection, but a...

Ray transformation for ray-triangle intersection

In openGL, I have a 3D model I'm performing a ray-triangle intersection on, using the code explained in the paper "Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection" ( ). My cursor position is unprojected into world space using the following code: bool SCamera::unproject(Vector3 input, Ve...

Converting depth buffer into depth texture for GLSL

What is the easiest way to get the existing depth buffer into a depth texture, or anything that can be used by GLSL? Is it possible to make a glsl shader that uses the depth buffer, and use it "as is" without having to modify the the way the original rendering is done (e.g modifying the frame buffer object to also render to an additiona...

rotating the tires in a car (open gl)

Based on the answer i got for the same question earlier, i changed my code, as per the homework i had to use glmultmatrix. But this is not working. Here is the code, what i am doing is that i translate the center of tire to the center of car, rotate the tire, and then translate back. But it is not placing back the tire where it should be...

openGl - 143 errors from the includes.

Hello, I'm working on windows XP with Visual C++ 2008 Express Eition. Im trying to include: #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #include <GL/glut.h> and getting alot of errors like: 1>c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\gl\gl.h(1152) : error C2144: syntax error : 'void' should be preceded by ';' 1>c:\program fil...

What is a quick algorithm for converting a matrix of squares into a triangle strip?

Imagine having a 4x4 square, with 16 smaller squares inside of it, with associated data on what the squares should look like (ie., opacity, colour, etc...). Is there an existing, efficient, algorithm, for converting this set of squares into an open-gl compatible triangle strip? ...