
OpenGL "out of memory" on glReadPixels()

Hello, I am running into an "out of memory" error from OpenGL on glReadPixels() under low-memory conditions. I am writing a plug-in to a program that has a robust heap mechanism for such situations, but I have no idea whether or how OpenGL could be made to use it for application memory management. The notion that this is even possible ...

Multilangual Unicode rendering in opengl

Hi Folks, I have to extend an OpenGL-Rendering System to support international characters (especially Hebrew, Arabic and cyrillic). Development Platform is Windows(XP|Vista|7), Alas using Embercardero Delphi 2010. I currently use wglOutLineFont(...) to build my font's display list and glCallLists(length(m_Text), UNSIGNED_SHORT, PWcha...

How to set initial window size in Java OpenGL

Hi guys... I just built a Java OpenGL application in Eclipse... and when i was trying to export the application using EclipseP5Exporter, it requires me to initialize the window size (not viewport size, a window may contain several viewports). I already googled some solutions in the net but I can't seem to get anything useful.. I've tri...

API development for openGL texture from live cameras

how to create API development for openGL texture from live cameras ...

How to export Java OpenGL (JOGL) from Eclipse?

Hi guys, I recently built a JOGL Application using Eclipse IDE.. It works perfectly fine when i run it on Eclipse.. However I want to make a .jar file for this application so that I can put it on my website.. Unfortunately when I tried to export it, It says: JAR export finished with warnings. See details for additional information. - ...

OpenGL: rubber bands in Windows Vista/7

Hi there. I've been looking for any solution to draw rubber bands and cursors via OpenGL without redrawing whole window in Windows Vista/7, but can't find anything suitable. Overlay plane approach doesn't seem to be supported widely on all videocards, especially when it comes to dual screen rendering. I found a solution that suggests ma...

NSOpenGLFullScreen and SetSystemUIMode freeze bug!?

Hi! I have a really strange problem which is perfectly re-producable using sample code! If I use Apple's NSOpenGLFullScreen sample I can click a button to enter fullscreen OpenGL mode. However if I click the mouse in the area where the menubar would be if I was running windowed mode, the entire program freezes because I really activate ...

OpenGL 2D Texture Mapping problem.

Hi there, I am relatively new to OpenGL and I am having some issues when I am rendering an image as a texture for a QUAD which is as the same size of the image. Here is my code. I would be very grateful if someone helps me to solve this problem. The image appears way smaller and is squished. (BTW, the image dimensions are 500x375). gl...

Windows 2008 RenderFarm Service: CreateProcessAsUser "Session 0 Isolation" and OpenGL

Hello, I have a legacy Windows server service and (spawned) application that works fine in XP-64 and W2K3, but fails on W2K8. I believe it is because of the new "Session 0 isolation" feature. Consequently, I'm looking for code samples/security settings mojo that let you create a new process from a windows service for Windows 2008 Serv...

Understanding OpenGL Matrices

I'm starting to learn about 3D rendering and I've been making good progress. I've picked up a lot regarding matrices and the general operations that can be performed on them. One thing I'm still not quite following is OpenGL's use of matrices. I see this (and things like it) quite a lot: x y z n ------- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...

Implemeting "drawing modes" in a graphics library?

i would like to implement 'drawing modes' (in my own graphics library). That is drawing with AND, OR, etc However i am storing colors using floats, each channel between 0 and 1.0 Do i have to first convert each color channel to 0-255 before i can use the AND, OR, etc drawing modes? and then convert back to float (0.0-1.0) ? Or is there...

Using GLOrtho to view Side, Front, Top perspectives of a 3D scene

Dear all, I'm building a game level editing app as part of a university project. In my application I have multiple viewports, a Perspective viewport and three orthographic views all setup to view the same scene. I've successfuly setup the orthographic views and can translate and scale them to mimic scrolling and zooming. Unfortunately,...

OpenGL|ES on a desktop PC.

I'm working on a OpenGL project that I would like to port to embedded systems that support OpenGL|ES. Since OpenGL|ES is a subset of OpenGL how hard would it be to compile my OpenGL application on an embedded system? (Assuming that my OpenGL code is in the limits of OpenGL|ES) I guess what I'm wondering is: is it possible to dircetly w...

how to divide a window in openGL?

I want to divide the window into 2 parts. Each part I can draw a different thing. How can I do that in openGL ? (Actually, my problem is I already drawn a picture on the window. Now I want to get some "space" out of it so I can draw something else. The original picture already took the whole window). I appreciate if anybody could help...

glCreateShaderObjectARB( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB ); crashes !

Hello there, I have an iMac with ATI Radeon 2600HD which supports Fragment_shader_arb. But whenever I use that function, it crashes the program. Ironically, it works on a windows installation in the same machine without any problems. I'm running OS X 10.6.2; Can anyone please help me out! P.S. Vertex shaders work fine without any prob...

OpenGL - drawing 2D polygons shapes with texture

I am trying to make a few effects in a C+GL game. So far I draw all my sprites as a quad, and it works. However, I am trying to make a large ring appear at times, with a texture following that ring, as it takes less memory than a quad with the ring texture inside. The type of ring I want to make is not a round-shaped GL mesh ring (the "...

OpenGL: Textured Primitives + High Framerate

Short version: What's the best practice going forward for efficiently rendering large numbers of independent texture-mapped, lighted 2D/3D primitives (circles, rects, etc.) in OpenGL? For example: a typical particle system using billboarded quads/triangles, point sprites, or whatever other technique, with blending. Because after read...

Mystery OpenGL/SDL memory growth

This is my first "game" I'm working on in C++ using OpenGL for graphics and SDL for the application. My code appears to work as I am able to create a functional application window and fully load and draw a texture with the Devil Texture library. The problem arises at runtime. My Memory usage, according to Windows Task Manager, starts a...

What suggestions for a 3d game engine to support a huge terrain?

There are a lot of 3d game engines around, does anyone with experience with them have advice on which one would likely be able to handle these (arbitrary) requirements? opengl mac/pc 1000x1000km terrain 1000 towns varying in size from 10 to 1000 buildings 128 people in any one location MMO type networking (no solo play) physics engine ...

How to redraw the picture while moving windows in openGL?

I have drawn a picture with openGL on my windows. Now whenever I hold the mouse button on the windows and move it, my picture always got distorted. I don't know what function in openGL that can help me redraw the picture while the windows is moved. Anybody could help? I tried this but seems not work: void myDisplay() { ..... } void...