
OpenID Consumer: HTTPS + no-encryption association request?

I'm implementing an OpenID consumer. I'm wondering if it's safe to not use a Diffie-Hellman association request if the endpoint is accessed via HTTPS? I thought I'd read somewhere that it was redundant and that made sense to me, but would prefer to make sure. ...

List of Direct OpenID Providers that utilize unbound discoverable URLs?

Anyone has a list of Direct OpenID Providers that utilize unbound discoverable URLs? So far, I have only found these: myopenid, yahoo, Hyves, myspace,, google, yahoo japan, AOL, Verisign. ...

Is it possible to test Google App Engine OpenID authentication on development Server?

I'm trying OpenID support for Google App Engine on a small project i have on my machine but when i call: users.create_login_url(federated_identity = provider_url) i get this error: google_appengine/google/appengine/api/", line 178, in ByteSize n += self.lengthString(len(self.destination_url_)) TypeError: object ...

is there an OpenID client for Java that works for non-web applications?

Hi there, As stated in "OpenID is a safe, faster, and easier way to log in to web sites". is it true ONLY for web sites? Is there an OpenID client for Java that works for non-web applications? thanks !! Ohad ...

How does this website - stackoverflow handle the user authentication?

Hi all I am wondering how does this website - stackoverflow handle the user authentication? It accept yahoo, google, facebook, myspace, openID etc to login. And most importantly with I want to build something like this too. Could something could provide some reading to start with? Bryan ...

GAE + Google Accounts API (or OpenId) - Unique Username

Anyone have any ideas on how I could get a unique username (but not the email address) for each user. Ideally, I'd show them a page asking them to specify a username for the site, but the only way I can think of doing that is to show it to them after they've authenticated via G Accounts or OpenId. But, that requires another page, and wha...

Retrieving XRDS document in OpenID using Ruby

I am just playing around with the OpenID protocol. I am trying to send Discovery request and retrieve the XRDS document from google . When I try to do it from the terminal using the curl, I am getting the following output curl --url "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xrds:XRDS xmlns:x...

OpenID auth: which method to get a unique identifier to use as key?

Using OpenID auth, which is the proper User instance method to get a unique identifier useful for creating and identifying a user on Datastore as key_name? Available methods : nickname() For OpenID users, the nickname is the OpenID identifier. federated_identity() Returns the user's OpenID identifier. federated_provide...

How can i get photo_url from janrain / RPX?

Hi! If somebody visit my site, i would like to extract the photo_url after jainrain / RPX authentication was happend on my site. But photo_url was not sent. I get the openid name, but not the photo address. I tried it with my gmail account, i put a photo to my profile, and i published it for anybody, but gmail doesn't sent it for me. W...

OpenID registration

Hi. Who to create openid registration as on this site? ...

Does using only OpenId for your login on your site help thwart spam bots?

I have a website that requires users to register to post content to the site (news, articles, messages, etc). If I were to use OpenId instead of my own registration/login system, would that help keep spam bots away? ...

Django + socialauth: login with openid or admin

hi, i'm trying to implement the socialauth module to my django project, but i get a bit confused on its relation toward the admin site. My problem: the @login_required decorator redirects me to the admin login page instead of the accounts/login/ page to log in via openid. how do i offer the possibility to the user to log in via admin ...

Django socialauth: what is the best fork?

Hi, i'm trying to install socialauth in my django application to have openid and facebook login, but it seems there are various versions of socialauth: uswaretech which has a poor doc, a very bad template system elfsternberg which is defended by this but was last updated nov09 agiliq update one month ago but seems to have even more b...

OpenID with Drupal 6/7

In Drupal 6 (or even the upcoming 7) is it possible to use OpenID much like stackoverflow does? For example: Click 'login' and be sent to a login page where you can choose to login with any OpenID account (i.e. google, yahoo, facebook, wordpress...) example - if you choose yahoo as the OpenID account, you are directed to yahoo, login ...

Can OpenId identifiers contain unicode characters?

I'm implementing DotNetOpenAuth in a new web site. I'll be storing ClaimedIdentifiers in a Sql Server 2008 database, and am wondering what best data type to use is. If ClaimedIdentifier can include Unicode, I'll make it an nvarchar(255), otherwise I'll use varchar(255). Does anyone know if Unicode identifiers are supported? ...

django openid "Error using OpenID"

I am using django-openid from But no matter whatever openid i enter it gives out this error: "Error using OpenID", "The OpenID was invalid" Update: Got it to work with django-openid. It seems the error was because i was using localhost. So i had to create a local openid server to make it work. Als...

Does a page that uses OpenID for login need to be served over https?

A site that uses username/password for users to log in obviously needs that login process to run over https. Does the same apply when only using OpenID, or is the provider using https enough to ensure security? ...

Why is my OpenId authentication failing?

I'm porting my OpenId authentication scheme from Sinatra to Rails 2.3.8. Everything works well up until I get the response back from my OpenId provider. The Response object I get back is an OpenId::Consumer::FailureResponse, when it should be a SuccessResponse. I ported this directly from Sinatra, and the only difference is what sessio...

OpenID : fail Yadis discovery on with Janrain

Hello all, I have the latest version of Janrain's library (v2.2.2) for OpenID. The following endpoints will work : https:// com/user http:// .com/accounts/o8/id http:// user.myopenid. com But if I only use "", it will fail. The example given with the library also fails. Does anyone have the same issue...

php-openoid problem with Consumer::_processCheckAuthResponse

I'm adding php-openid into the PHP CMS Contao, the request fires off to the OpenID provider OK but trouble occur when processing the result. Within the function Consumer::_processCheckAuthResponse($response,$server_url), the check: $is_valid = $response->getArg(Auth_OpenID_OPENID_NS, 'is_valid', 'false...