
Gmail Contextual Gadgets and OpenID Authentication steps

I'm trying to understand the correct sequence of steps followed by Gmail when loading and authenticating a contextual gadget. One of the reasons (there are others) is that I want to know whether I can make the gadget manifest behind a Open ID authentication so that only authenticated users will be able to pull the gadget in to Gmail. I ...

Alternative for OpenID?

Hey Is there any alternative for OpenID,what i means is a site which provide our details fully, and we can log in to a site with that ID? Update suppose think that i am developing a site which have openID integration, i will have only a username not so much details,thats why i am asking ...

What are the pros and cons of a default URL with www or without www?

We need to default URL to unique name. If it is www then with no prefix or vice versa. So decision to be made is either stick with www or with no prefix. With no prefix cookie is set for all sub domains. What are other downsides for it? Or benefits? Basically we need this for OpenID as OpenID will make users look different if they came...

Where is a good authlogic openid tutorial?

I have searched a lot but found only old tutorials that doesn't works with latest plugins, how can i found a good and updated (working) how to to setup openid authentication ? ...

What is a good django library for logging in users with Twitter, Facebook or an OpenID provider?

I want to create an application that allows a user to register and login to a django application with an external provider. In addition, I then want the user to be able to associate additional accounts with that initial account. Finally, I would like the user to be able to login to the application with one of the other associated account...

How do I reset dotnetauth on the open id providers' sides?

Scenario: I have [email protected], so I login on a site which features google login, like stackoverflow stackoverflow bounces me over to's login when I login to, I use [email protected] and select the "remember me" I'm back at stackoverflow, but I think, "I want to log out and use [email protected]" instead I log back out I log ba...

Is it possible for an Android application to use Open-ID service?

I have a C/S solution, which take Android as its client and PHP as its server. I have my own account system. I'm wondering whether I could provide my user to login my system with Google Account? I saw there are web-solution for this, like this could use Google Account to directly login. Is there a solution for C/S s...

OpenID AX, Google and mod_rewrite problem

I am trying to implemented an OpenID for our project(Zend, PHP, Apache), and hitting a weird problem. After user authenticates at the provider's side and is sent back to our website, apache gives 500 Internal Server Error response. Logs are completely blank. I've noticed though that when using OpenID AX with Google, they returning way to...

How to create Openid, Google, Yahoo, facebook, twitter without using in php?

How can I create a universal login system like stackoverflow? in php? I don't want to use Gigya, because I don't want their branding on my site ...

Google Apps and Open ID Authentication in Rails - Security

I'm moving an app to use only Google Federated Login (OpenID) for an application (we use google apps for everything and feel it would be easier to combine user management there). While I can successfully login and create users, my thoughts are now on security... When a user logs in I only have a "Log In" button - nothing else. The sit...

Spring Security with OpenId Checkin for isAccountNonLocked

I have an application that is using Spring Security 3.0.3 and OpenID as its main authentication provider. I am curious as to why in my UserDetails Object the "isAccoutNonLocked" method is never called? Is this solely for form-login implementation, or am I missing something? If someone can point me in the right direction on a handler or ...

Can we implement a openID options in a Native iPhone App?

Is is possible to implement OpenId authentication in iPhone? I found a framework named janrain. But with free sign up, we can avail only features. Is there any other open source framework available? Thanks !! ...

Rails 3 multiple accounts authentication solution

I am searching for a working solution of authentication on Rails 3 with the following features: account types: standard login, facebook connect, openid, oauth one user may have (and link) multiple accounts (EG a user attach both Wordpress and Google OpenID accounts) A working example of Rails app implementing them would be perfect. ...

How Does PAPE Make OpenID Any More Secure?

I know I am missing something in reading the Provider Authentication Policy Extension spec: It reads to me that you ask the Open ID Provider (OP) to perform some extra level of authentication. The OP then responds back to you telling you if it performed...

What is the best open source JavaScript open id selector?

What is the best open source javascript open id selector? ...

Cause of Google App Engine's security warning while using Open ID (e.g. in Firefox)?

Basically, the prelude to this question can be found here: Setup: Google App Engine 1.3.5 (1274741460) Open ID for Authentication Firefox 3.6.X On return from the open-id provider's login-page, Firefox complains: Although t...

using openid in secure way without captcha

Hi, I'm building a web2.0 social networking app. I've got jquery and tomcat. I don't want to use tomcat sessions at all, but still want secure login. So I'm looking at openid, like used in stackoverflow. I want to build my own ui, so I assume I use the openid libraries. My question is, assuming that a persistent cookie is left in t...

dotnetopenauth - how to bounce login on Google's end

I have a website that allows users to login w/ their google account, Issue: user Bob logs in as [email protected], then logs back out, and THEN decides that he wants login as [email protected], one of his alternate gmail address, he can't do that. If he leaves the "remember me" checkbox checked on google's login page, ...

What is OpenID?

What is OpenID? How does it work? ...

DotNetOpenId problem when publishing it

Hello community I have the following problem: I developed and OpenID authentication system on C#, it worked perfectly on my LocalHost, but when I published it, I keep getting this error messages, what should I do? Thank you! Error:System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> ...