
What do I look for when hiring an Operations Director?

We are a small (20 people) yet growing Internet Agency and we have decided it is time for a operations director. Most of the heavy lifting operationally has been handled by the Tech Director and one project manager (who is moving out of project management into product development) What personality type is best? Should they have a tech...

How do I extend infix and stack priorities to additional operators?

How would the infix and stack priorities be extended to include the operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, !, &&, and ||? When parsing an infix expression, for example: P + (Q – F) / Y#, each symbol has a priority which is relevant to their order of operation. / and * have a higher priority than + and -. Here are the priorities I have/underst...

boolean operations with integers

Hi guys, This is probably pretty basic... but I don't seem to get it: How does (2 & 1) = 0 (3 & 1) = 1 (4 & 1) = 0 etc.. This pattern above seems to help find even numbers or (0 | 1) = 1 (1 | 1) = 1 (2 | 1) = 3 (3 | 1) = 4 (4 | 1) = 5 (5 | 1) = 5 I know how boolean algebra works between bits. But I don't understand how Boolea...

generate DDL for sybase tables and indexes

I'm looking for a command line tool to generate DDL for both tables and indexes (nothing more complicated is needed) for some sybase tables in databases I take care of. I have access to gui tools for viewing at individual DDLs, and I could cut and paste them, but I want something that will go through all the tables in a datbase and gene...

Is there a way to make a function atomic in C?

Is there a way to make a function atomic in C. I am not looking for a portable solution.(platforms looking for - Win,Linux) ...

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation?

Hi All, Just wondering what the difference between a signle precision floating point operation and double precision floating operation is. I'm especially interested in practical terms in relation to video game consoles, for example does the nintendo 64 have a 64 bit processor and if it does then would that mean it was capable of double...

How can I delete Hudson's built artifacts?

We are using Hudson for our Continuous Integration server and it's great. We have 2 issues with it, which are mildly related. https://hudson.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2736 The build order in Hudson means that the downstream dependencies get built a lot more than they need to be. Hopefully this issue will be addressed soon. Si...

How can one identify the operation to perform in a servlet?

Hello! I am trying to follow this example but I can't understand this part: Imagine also that the servlet's context path is myServer/myApp/servlets. The servlet container would direct a request with URL myServer/myApp/createUser.do myServlet to myServlet, because the request URL matches the pattern *.do. Servlet myServlet can extract th...

Java / .NET Tasks Processing Library

I'm looking for some good library for processing tasks (or 'operations' as we call them in our domain model) for Java or .NET. We save each operation to perform in db and then we need some mechanism for fetching unprocessed tasks from db, process them and update db record with proper status ('processed OK' / 'process error'). The trick ...

Definition of mathematical operations (sin…) on NumPy arrays containing objects

I would like to provide "all" mathematical functions for the number-like objects created by a module (the uncertainties.py module, which performs calculations with error propagation)—these objects are numbers with uncertainties. What is the best way to do this? Currently, I redefine most of the functions from math in the module uncerta...

How to report timeout in Asynchronous call ?

I am learning threading.My intension is to pass some values to a method for calculation,if the result will not be returned within 20 ms,i will report "Operation timeout".Based on my understading i have implemented the code as follows: public delegate long CalcHandler(int a, int b, int c); public static void ReportTimeout() { ...

StopWatch (System.Diagnostics) and System.Timers

I am new to handling threads. What is the role of System.Diagnostics and System.Timers in the context of Threading ? Both are alternative to each other or they implemented for doing some unique tasks? ...

Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness

Hello, I am trying to figure out if there is any difference in performance (or advantages) when we use nio FileChannel versus normal FileInputStream/FileOuputStream to read and write files to filesystem. I observed that on my machine both perform at the same level, also many times the FileChannel way is slower. Can I please know more de...

Alternatives to GCC's new atomic integer operations...

GCC's recent support for atomic operations (as described here) is great, and is 90% of what we need. Unfortunately, some of our products still need to run on Windows and so we need atomic integer operations for Windows as well. In the past, we had custom assembly language implementations for all our platforms, but I'd like move all the...

Can HP OpenView read app status data stored in SQL Table?

I need to know if HP Operation Manger (formerly OpenView) can read application staus information from a table in SQL server database. Like I am storing the log data from SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) package in a SQL table and I want this to be read by the Operations Management tool. My client is using HP OpenView/Operations Man...

Gui async operations pattern?

Hi I'm designing code for downloads manager, and i wonder if there is good known patterns for the async operations? I asking it because i just started develope my own pattern. Download a single file itself is an async operation with start, stop, pause, cancel, showing progress and speed. Download one big file can actually download man...

DOM and LINQ Difference

DOM and LINQ both are in-memory pattern. Apart from deferred execution,what is the difference between DOM and LINQ? ...

ASP.net file operations delay

Ok, so here's the problem: I'm reading the stream from a FileUpload control, reading in chunks of n bytes and writing the array in a loop until I reach the stream's end. Now the reason I do this is because I need to check several things while the upload is still going on (rather than doing a Save(); which does the whole thing in one go)...

How to call operations other than CRUD in RIA Domain Service?

I have some trouble getting my head around how to implement more complex operations in a Domain Service in RIA Services. This is all Silverlight 4, VS 2010 and .Net Framework 4 in Beta 2. Goal I wish I could create an operation on my LinqToEntitiesDomainService that would have a signature something like this: public UnwieldyOperation...

Is there a way to display a image in WPF stored in memory ?

What I got is something like a screenshot making application. (managed to serialize, thank god!!!) When a button is clicked a screenshot is taken by accessing a handling classe's method. now the tricky part is that the class has another method for operating with the above said result, in such a manner than when the respective handling me...