
How do I deal with quotes ' in SQL

I have a database with names in it such as John Doe etc. Unfortunately some of these names contain quotes like Keiran O'Keefe. Now when I try and search for such names as follows: SELECT * FROM PEOPLE WHERE SURNAME='O'Keefe' I (understandably) get an error. How do I prevent this error from occurring. I am using Oracle and PLSQL. ...

How do you manage schema upgrades to a production database?

This seems to be an overlooked area that could really use some insight. What are your best practices for: making an upgrade procedure backing out in case of errors syncing code and database changes testing prior to deployment mechanics of modifying the table etc... ...

Boolean Field in Oracle

Yesterday I wanted to add a boolean field to an Oracle table. However, there isn't actually a boolean data type in Oracle. Does anyone here know the best way to simulate a boolean? Googling the subject discovered several approaches Use an integer and just don't bother assigning anything other than 0 or 1 to it. Use a char field with...

NHibernate and Oracle connect through Windows Authenication

How do I use Windows Authentication to connect to an Oracle database? Currently I just use an Oracle Username and password however a requirement is to give the user on install the option of selecting Windows Authentication since we offer the same as SQL. ...

Is there a Way to use Linq to Oracle

I can connect with the DataContext to the Oracle database however I get errors in running the query against the oracle database. I looked at the SQL generated and it is for MSSQL and not Oracle PSQL. Does anybody know of a decent easy to use wrapper to use LINQ against an Oracle Database? ...

Does Visual Studio Server Explorer support custom database providers?

I had used Server Explorer and related tools for graphical database development with Microsoft SQL Server in some of my learning projects - and it was a great experience. However, in my work I deal with Oracle DB and SQLite and my hobby projects use MySQL (because they are hosted on Linux). Is there a way to leverage the database-relate...

When to commit changes?

Using oracle 10g , accessed via perl DBI , I have a table with a few tens of million rows being updated a few times per second while being read from much more frequently form another process. Soon the update frequency will increase by an order of magnitude (maybe two). Someone suggested that committing every N updates instead of after e...

Formatting Stored Procedures

I currently work with an Oracle database and we use stored procedures for all our SQL queries. The problem I have is that we do not really having a coding standard for our packages. So what happens is that every developer has a different style (or in some cases no sense of style) in how they format there packages. Making them difficult t...

Table Stats gathering for Oracle

When and how should table stats gathering be performed for Oracle, version 9 and up? How would you go about gathering stats for a large database, where stats gathering would collide with "business hours". ...

Integrating Perl and Oracle Advanced Queuing

Is there any way to listen to an Oracle AQ using a Perl process as the listener. ...

Oracle Server performance monitoring tools

What tools would you recommend for monitoring the general health and performance of an oracle database. How do you ensure database issues are picked up and resolved quickly. ...

Consuming web services from Oracle PL/SQL

Our application is interfacing with a lot of web services these days. We have our own package that someone wrote a few years back using UTL_HTTP and it generally works, but needs some hard-coding of the SOAP envelope to work with certain systems. I would like to make it more generic, but lack experience to know how many scenarios I would...

Issue in Oracle Sql Query

I am facing problem with an Oracle Query in a .net 2.0 based windows application. I am using "System.Data.OracleClient" to connect to oracle database. Name of database is "myDB". Below the the connection string I am using: *Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = = 1522)))(CONNECT_...

Best way to handle LOBs in Oracle dblink'ed tables

Hi, If you create an Oracle dblink you cannot directly access LOB columns in the target tables. For instance, you create a dblink with: create database link TEST_LINK connect to TARGETUSER IDENTIFIED BY password using 'DATABASESID'; After this you can do stuff like: select column_a, column_b from data_user.sample_table@TEST_LINK ...

Retrieving an Oracle timestamp using Python's Win32 ODBC module

Given an Oracle table created using the following: CREATE TABLE Log(WhenAdded TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE); Using the Python ODBC module from its Win32 extensions (from the win32all package), I tried the following: import dbi, odbc connection = odbc.odbc("Driver=Oracle in OraHome92;Dbq=SERVER;Uid=USER;Pwd=PASSWD") cursor = connecti...

Developer moving from SQL Server to Oracle

We are bringing a new project in house and whereas previously all our work was on SQL Server the new product uses an oracle back end. Can anyone advise any crib sheets or such like that gives an SQL Server person like me a rundown of what the major differences are - Would like to be able to get up and running as soon as possible. ...

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

I'm looking for a good way to perform multi-row inserts into an Oracle 9 database. The following works in MySQL but doesn't seem to be supported in Oracle. INSERT INTO TMP_DIM_EXCH_RT (EXCH_WH_KEY, EXCH_NAT_KEY, EXCH_DATE, EXCH_RATE, FROM_CURCY_CD, TO_CURCY_CD, EXCH_EFF_DATE, EXCH_EFF_END_DATE, EXCH_LAST_UPDATED_DATE) V...

Implementing a '20 Questions'-like Wizard in a Database

I am looking to implement a data-driven wizard with the question tree stored in an Oracle database. What is the best schema to use to make the database portion flexible (i.e. easy to add new paths of questions) without sacrificing too much in terms of performance? ...

cx_Oracle: how do I get the ORA-xxxxx error number?

In a try/except block, how do I extract the Oracle error number? ...

Microsoft T-SQL to Oracle PL/SQL translation

I've worked with T-SQL for years but i've just moved to an organisation that is going to require writing some Oracle stuff, probably just simple CRUD operations at least until I find my feet. I'm not going to be migrating databases from one to the other simply interacting with existing Oracle databases from an Application Development per...