
Oracle SQL help

Hi, I posted on Friday ( and had a few responses. Having tried to implement them today, I keep getting the same error. My SQL code now is: SELECT MBDDX_STUDY.STUDY_NAME, COUNT(MBDDX_EXPERIMENT.STUDY_ID) AS NUMBER_OF_EXPERIMENTS FROM MBDDX_STUDY INNER JOIN MBD...

Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS

I have a web service in EJB that runs on Oracle Application Server (OAS).. I need to change it to run on HTTPS instead of HTTP... I know that it doesn't require any code change as the change is in the Transport layer not in the application layer. But actually I don't know how to start! Could you please help me? ...

Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS

Possible Duplicate: Convert web app from HTTP to HTTPS on OAS Hi , I have a webservice deployed on Oracle Application Server. it is running as a HTTP ... I need to convert it to HTTPS .. I know it is not a code change, but deployment change... How can I accomplish that??? Thanks. ...

sp_generate_inserts for oracle

Most SQL developers know and use Narayana Vyas Kondreddi's sp_generate_inserts from Is there something similar for Oracle? ...

Help with SQL syntax

I am not very good with sqls and I am trying to understand an sql statement which I haven't seen before. We're using Oracle and the IBatis framework so this might be specific to one of those. I am not really sure. SELECT .... ,.... ,.... , PKG_LABEL.GET_LABEL_NAME('UOM',T100.CASE_DIM_UOM_CODE) AS caseDimensionsUOM , PKG_LABEL.GET_LAB...

SQL - extract time and offset from it

Hi, If I have a DateTime field within a table. How can I extract just the time from the row and then return an offset value. For example, I want to offset against midnight. So if the time is 00:45, I want the value 45. If the time is 23:30 I want the value -30. Thanks. ...

oracle sql: update if exists else insert

Possible Duplicate: Oracle: how to UPSERT (update or insert into a table?) Hi, I have a table in which a record has to be modified if it already exists else a new record has to be inserted. Oracle sql doesnt accept IF EXISTS, otherwise I would have done an if - update - else - insert query. I've looked at MERGE but it only wo...

Oracle 10g default username and password

Hi all, I'm trying to import a database dump file into Oracle 10g. I'm very very new to Oracle. I've installed Oracle Server ok, but when I go to SQLPlus, I'm requested a username and password. I've entered the defaults I found on websites... sys/sys, sys/change_on_install system/manager, scott/tiger but none are being accepted. Any...

"SSL Error: unable to find valid certification path to requested target" In OAS

Hi, I have two webservice deployed on the same Oracle application server.... One that is developed using J2EE 1.3 (Oracle) web service and the other using J2EE 1.4 (JAX-RPC) web service.... The first one is working properly over HTTPS, the other issue error message : SSL Error: unable to find valid certification path to requested targe...

Recreate database schema on another system?

I have access to a remote Oracle database with a schema consisting of may tables but no data. I'd like to recreate this schema on my local database system for testing purpose. How would I go about this? Are there any utilities that can help with this? Also, if the 2 Oracle database versions are different would that be a cause of any con...

oracle 10g sql with clause compilation error

The compilation error says "mm" and "cc" is invalid identifier! with m as ( select instructor, count(*) as c from class group by instructor), mm as ( select max(m.c) as cc from m) select m.instructor from m where m.c =; ...

What are instance connection and service connection in Oracle?

I am configuring a WebLogic app server. I am unclear about what is an instance connection and what is a service connection. Also, in my SQL Developer, when I make a new connection, it asks for either an SID or a Service Name. What are they? ...

oracle and i18n support

We have a requirement to store char data of different language in the same db schema. Oracle 10g is our DB. I am hoping that someone who have already done this would give me more specific instructions on how to i18n enable a oracle 10g db. We just need to store the data from multiple locales as well as collation (hoping all major db's su...

Oracle "(+)" Operator

I am checking some old SQL Statements for the purpose of documenting them and probably enhancing them. The DBMS is Oracle I did not understand a statement which read like this. select ... from a,b where I am confused about the (+) operator., and could not get it at any forums.. (searching for + within quotes didn't work...

Apple deprecates Java, what are our technical options as programmers?

Possible Duplicate: Need guidance on alternative JVMs for Apple OS X So that's it, Apple may not be producing a JVM themselves nor shipping it with OS X anymore: We've got a huge Java application running on Windows, Linux and OS X (and OS X is a big part of our [rich] u...

Oracle: How to find values present in an external list but not present in a column?

I have a table my_table with column my_column and a large list my_list of LONGs. I'd like to find all values that present in the my_list but not present in the my_table.my_column. How can I do that with SQL without repeating huge list of LONGs twice? Please shed some light as I'm Oracle beginner. Thank you. EDIT: my_list is just a shor...

%Rowtype equivalent in SQL Server

I'm about to convert a stored procedure from pl/sql to SQL Server. The procedure uses a cursor to loop through the results of a select query. Is there a SQL Server equivalent to the ORACLE rowtype construct? ...

Why can't I can't I use my Oracle user defined type like this?

In an Oracle package I have defined a type type setTable is table of my_sets.pkey%type; in the package declaration (the non-body part). The pkey column referenced is a number(38). Then in a function in the package body I have ... with d as (select column_value from table(sets)), ... where sets is a parameter to the function of t...

Oracle direct load seems to make strange results

Hi, i have got very strange results in my Oracle 10g database since the day i have switched my loaders from direct=false to direct=true with compressed tables .. For example, when i make a query like that after a loader : select * from mytable where month is null i get no answer .. but when i query a specific line select * from myt...

Extract number from the date in pl sql

Does anyone know if it is possible to take the date from a random date in pl sql. example. SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL and here the output would be say : 26-10-2010 13:30:34 Now I want to have just the date as a number. In this case that would be 26. Or is there some sort of function like IsNum that can recognize it for me. So I ...