
Passing username and password to svcutil.exe?

We have OSB services that are currently secured with a username and a password. I get a 401 unauthorized when attempting to generate a service proxy using svcutil. I know you need to set up a svcutil.exe.config file but I cannot find any examples except for one that passes a certificate. Dows anyone know how to send a username and passw...

Passing Certificate to Svcutil to generate proxy for OSB Service

We are wanting to implement Two-Way SSL security from WCF to OSB Services. We have successfully deployed the certificates so that when you browse to the service with IE you get the appropriate prompt for certificate and then it takes you immediately to the WSDL. But, when you attempt to generate a proxy using svcutil as defined in steps...

How to query OSB (ALSB) service bus messages?

Is it possible to use the OSB JMX interface to query the messages going through the service bus? ...

JUNIT Tests for OSB services

hi, Can we have Junit Test cases for testing Proxy, Business Services in Oracle Service Bus? If yes can someone give me some pointers to the same. ...

OSB WLS Initialisation issue

hi, facing some strange behavior in OSB, i have configured WLS with MQ in client mode, i am doing some minor test to check the connection, i have created a proxy service to read the message from Q1 and a Business Service(BS) to route it to Q2. The issue is the proxy is able to read the message but the BS is throwing this: JMSPool BEA...

Oracle Service Bus

Hi all, Is there any place where I can down load OSB 10gR3? Thanks in advance, Jani. ...


Have been stuck with this problem for a few hours now, anyone any ideas? java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.ibm.mq.MQException.(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;II)V at com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.common.internal.Reason.createException(Reason.java:223) at com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.internal.WMQMessageConsumer.checkJmqiCallSuccess(WMQMe...