
Can't redirect PowerShell output when -EncodedCommand used.

For my tests I am using 'Start > Run' dialog (not the cmd.exe). This works fine, and I get 9 in log.txt powershell -Command 4+5 > c:\log.txt But this does not work: powershell -EncodedCommand IAA1ACsANwAgAA== > c:\log.txt So how can I redirect output in this case? Experimental code: function Test { $cmd = { 5+7 } $encode...

C# : Redirect console application output : How to flush the output?

I am spawning external console application and use async output redirect. as shown in this SO post My problem is it seems that the spawned process needs to produce certain amount of output before I get the OutputDataReceived event notification. I want to receive the OutputDataReceived event as soon as possible. I have a bare-bones...

Batch output redirection when using start command for GUI app

This is the scenario: We have a Python script that starts a Windows batch file and redirects its output to a file. Afterwards it reads the file and then tries to delete it: os.system(C:\batch.bat >C:\temp.txt 2>&1) os.remove(C:\temp.txt) In the batch.bat we start a Windows GUI programm like this: start c:\the_programm.exe Thats al...

Why do some cmd launched processes block/buffer output when the output is redirected?

Why do some processes started at the command line on my Windows machine block/buffer their entire output if it is redirected and others not? Example: tracert does not block/buffer output as it is written. If one executes: tracert ponyoverflow.com > output.txt ...the output.txt file grows over time. This is completely how I would ...

Execution output to text file

Hi all, I am writing a C program using Visual Studio 2008. I use F7 to compile and F5 to execute the program.When I press F5 an execution window contains the output. But I want the output to get saved to a text file. How to do this in visual studio. Please help me someone. ...

How can I output Handbrake output to both the screen and to a file?

So I've been using Handbrake command line to encode my video collection to store on my NAS so I can use it on my HTPC. I was looking for a way to output both to the screen so I can watch it's output as it's encoding, but also to a file so I can go back and look at a particular encoding session. My solution for this was to use one Powers...